OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. At its Annual Meeting, the Flood Diversion Board must designate one or more legal newspapers of general circulation in the Fargo- Moorhead Metropolitan Area as its official newspaper; the Flood Diversion Board will publish all matters required by law or this Agreement to be published, and other matters the Flood Diversion Board deems necessary in the official newspaper.‌
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. The CCC Board may designate one or more legal newspapers of general circulation in Clay County, Minnesota, as its official newspaper for whatever purposes as may be required by statute to be published in an official newspaper.‌
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. The Xxxxxx County Reporter is the Issuer's official newspaper and was the official newspaper on the date of publication of (a) the Ordinance, (b) the Notices required pursuant to K.S.A. 12-1740 et seq. (the "Act"); and (c) a Notice of Public Hearing as required by law relating to the issuance of the Bonds and granting of a property tax exemption.
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. A newspaper designated to contain all the public notices, resolves, acts, and advertisements of a state or municipal legislative body. [Cases: Newspapers 1–7. C.J.S. Newspapers §§ 2–29.] NEWSPAPER PROSPECTUS newspaper prospectus.See PROSPECTUS. NEW STYLE new style.The modern system for ordering time according to the Gregorian method, introduced by Xxxx Xxxxxxx XXXX in 1582 and adopted in England and the American colonies in 1752. • Because the Julian calendar was slightly longer than the astronomical year, the vernal equinox was displaced by ten days. Xxxx Xxxxxxx reformed the calendar by announcing that October 5, 1582 would be called October 15. And, while generally retaining a leap year for years divisible by 4, he skipped leap years in years divisible by 100 (such as 1800 and 1900), but retained leap years for years divisible by 400 (such as 2000). Thus, the years 2000, 2004, 2008, etc. are leap years, but 2100 is not. — Abbr. n.s. — Also termed Gregorian calendar. Cf. OLD STYLE. NEW TRIAL new trial.See TRIAL. NEW-USE CLAIM new-use claim.See PATENT CLAIM. NEW-USE INVENTION new-use invention.See INVENTION. NEW VALUE new value.See VALUE(2). NEW WORKS new works.See WORKS. NEW YORK INTEREST New York interest.See Boston interest under INTEREST(3). NEW YORK STANDARD CLAUSE New York standard clause.See MORTGAGE-LOSS CLAUSE. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE New York Stock Exchange.An unincorporated association of member firms that handle the purchase and sale of securities both for themselves and for customers. • This exchange, the dominant one in the United States, trades in only large companies having at least one million outstanding shares. — Abbr. NYSE. [Cases: Exchanges 1–15; Securities Regulation 40.10–40.16. C.J.S. Exchanges §§ 2–43; Securities Regulation §§ 154–163, 165–168.] NEW YORK SUPPLEMENT New York Supplement.A set of regional lawbooks, part of the West Group's National Reporter System, containing every published appellate decision from intermediate and lower courts of record in New York, from 1888 to date. • The first series ran from 1888 to 1937; the second series is the current one. — Abbr. N.Y.S.; N.Y.S.2d. NEW YORK TIMES MALICE New York Times malice.See actual malice (2) under MALICE. NEW YORK TIMES RULE New York Times rule.A commonsense rule of ethical conduct holding that one should not do anything arguably newsworthy — in public or in private — that one would mind having reported on the front page of a major newspaper. • In various communities, a ...


  • Official Time Duty time that is granted to representatives on behalf of the exclusive representative to perform representational functions without loss of pay or charge to an employee’s leave account. Official time will not be granted for internal union business, as defined by 5 USC 7131(b).

  • Official Language The official language of this Agreement is the English language only, which language shall be controlling in all respects, and all versions of this Agreement in any other language shall not be binding on the parties hereto or nor shall such other versions be admissible in any legal proceeding, including arbitration, brought under this Agreement. All communications and notices to be made or given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in the English language.

  • Official Languages (a) Appointments and transfers shall be subject to the Corporate Official Languages Policy, as it may be amended from time to time. (b) The parties agree to study the feasibility of developing a program to facilitate the exchange of employees who wish to improve their proficiency in the other official language.

  • Publication No copies of sketches, schedules, written documents, computer based data, photographs, maps or graphs, including graphic art Work, resulting from performance or prepared in connection with this Contract, are to be released by Contractor and/or anyone acting under the supervision of Contractor to any person, partnership, company, corporation, or agency, without prior written approval by the County, except as necessary for the performance of the services of this Contract. All press contacts, including graphic display information to be published in newspapers, magazines, etc., are to be administered only after County approval.

  • Non-Publication The parties mutually agree not to disclose publicly the terms of this Agreement except to the extent that disclosure is mandated by applicable law or regulation or to their respective advisors (e.g., attorneys, accountants).

  • Political Leave Any employee who is a declared candidate for public office shall have the right to a leave of absence without pay for a reasonable period to campaign for the election. Such leave is subject to the conditions governing special leaves of absence without pay contained herein.

  • Publicita Žádná ze stran nepoužije jméno druhé strany ani žádného z jejích zaměstnanců pro účely reklamy a propagace bez písemného svolení druhé strany. Zadavatel si však rezervuje právo uvést hlavního zkoušejícího a zdravotnické zařízení v souvislosti s uvedením protokolu v databance klinických hodnocení Národních institutů zdraví (NIH), jiných veřejně dostupných seznamech klinických hodnocení nebo jiných službách či mechanismech náboru pacientů.

  • School Official For the purposes of this DPA and pursuant to 34 CFR § 99.31(b), a School Official is a contractor that: (1) Performs an institutional service or function for which the agency or institution would otherwise use employees; (2) Is under the direct control of the agency or institution with respect to the use and maintenance of Student Data including Education Records; and (3) Is subject to 34 CFR § 99.33

  • School Official Designation Pursuant to Article I, Paragraph 1 of the DPA Standard Clauses, and in accordance with FERPA, ISSRA and SOPPA, in performing its obligations under the DPA, the Provider is acting as a school official with legitimate educational interest; is performing an institutional service or function for which the LEA would otherwise use its own employees; is under the direct control of the LEA with respect to the use and maintenance of Student Data; and is using Student Data only for an authorized purpose and in furtherance of such legitimate educational interest.

  • Directory Publication Nothing in this Agreement shall require Verizon to publish a directory where it would not otherwise do so.