Political Leave definition
Examples of Political Leave in a sentence
Leave of absence without pay under this Article shall not, except by agreement between the employer and employee, normally exceed two (2) consecutive years except for Political Leave as provided for in Article 20.3. Leaves of absence without pay shall not be renewed.
Political Leave - A personal leave of absence without pay for up to 12 weeks shall be granted to an employee for the purpose of campaigning for a public office, for which s/he has officially qualified.
A Participant who worked in Covered Employment immediately prior to a Political Leave of Absence and provides confirmation satisfactory to the Trustees that they are not eligible to be a member of a pension plan provided to them in relation to the political office may be eligible to Purchase Absent Workdays.For additional information regarding eligibility and the purchase of absent workdays please contact the pension administration.
In keeping with the University Policy HR6425 Political Leave such short- term occasional leaves without pay will be granted by the unit administrator.
Upon written request to the SA, employees may be granted political leave in accordance with the Political Leave procedures available.
Political Leave, which is leave desired to campaign for election to and hold a public office.
Sabbatical credits do not accrue while the faculty member is on sabbatical, Academic Leave, Personal Leave, or Political Leave.
Exceptions are leaves as described in Article 22 (Maternity/Legal Adoption Leave) for a maximum of twelve (12) months, Article 21.06 (Political Leave) for a maximum of twenty-four (24) months, and 7.03 (f) (Full-Time Union Leave) for the duration of the term of office.
A tenured member or a librarian on continuing appointment shall be granted Political Leave for the purpose of seeking election to a municipal, provincial or federal office.
Clause 7.10 - Union Leave; Clause 7.11 - Political Leave; Clause 7.12 - Educational Leave; Clause 7.13 - Reserve Service; of this section have the option of continuing with the benefit coverage by paying the entire cost of the premiums on a monthly basis to the Board.