Political Leave definition

Political Leave. A staff member who is elected or appointed to a full-time political office may be granted leave without pay for the duration of his/her term of office; this leave shall not exceed four (4) years. LEAVE WITH PAY:
Political Leave. Educators who intend to become candidates for political office shall notify the superintendent within five days of the date on which the declaration of candidacy is filed. An educator who becomes a candidate for political office may apply to the superintendent for a political leave without pay for the purpose of conducting his/her campaign. Paragraph 10: Educators who are elected or appointed to a full-time political position (ie: county sheriff, county commissioner) shall be required to terminate their employment with the district when they assume office. If elected to a less than full-time office, the educator must make arrangements with the superintendent and school administrator for political leave from his/her school duties in order to maintain a high level of student learning and achievement in the educator’s classroom/position. Paragraph 11: The educator will receive their compensation less the cost of the substitute. Paragraph 12: The educator will be returned to full-time employment with the school district in a position for which he/she is licensed and endorsed upon completion of his/her public service. This leave will be re-authorized as long as the educator holds the office to which he/she was elected.
Political Leave means the leave of absence referred to in section 11.1 of the

Examples of Political Leave in a sentence

  • Upon written request to the SA, employees may be granted political leave in accordance with the Political Leave procedures available.

  • Exceptions are leaves as described in Article 22 (Maternity/Legal Adoption Leave) in accordance with the BC Employment Standards Act, Article 21.06 (Political Leave) for a maximum of twenty-four (24) months, and Article 7.03 (f) (Full-Time Union Leave) for the duration of the term of office.

  • Exceptions are leaves as described in Article 22 (Maternity/Legal Adoption Leave) for a maximum of twelve (12) months, Article 21.06 (Political Leave) for a maximum of twenty-four (24) months, and 7.03 (f) (Full-Time Union Leave) for the duration of the term of office.

  • Clause 7.10 - Union Leave; Clause 7.11 - Political Leave; Clause 7.12 - Educational Leave; Clause 7.13 - Reserve Service; of this section have the option of continuing with the benefit coverage by paying the entire cost of the premiums on a monthly basis to the Board.

  • An employee on any leave of absence without pay in excess of thirty (30) days (except deferred leave Article 43.04 and Political Leave Article 26.02) or LTD shall continue to accumulate seniority and service for two (2) years.

  • Salary adjustments during a period of Political Leave are governed by provisions of the Salary Policy with regard to a period of Leave Without Salary.

  • Where a Member is on Political Leave for a portion of an academic year, the funds allocated the Member’s Professional Expenses Reimbursement account for that academic year shall be prorated accordingly.

  • During a period of Political Leave, a Member may maintain her or his University pension and benefit plans by paying the total cost of both the Member's and the University's contributions to the plans.

  • A Member who is elected as a member of a Regional District, City or Municipal Council, or School Board is not eligible for Political Leave.

  • A Member on Political Leave is not eligible to apply for any University Research and Travel Grants where the funds will be expended during the period of Leave Without Salary.

More Definitions of Political Leave

Political Leave. A tenured member or a librarian on continuing appointment shall be granted Political Leave for the purpose of seeking election to a municipal, provincial or federal office. As far in advance as possible the member shall submit to the Xxxx or Chief Librarian a written request for either a partial or full-time leave from his/her teaching, professional and other scheduled responsibilities. The granting of such leave shall be subject only to the provision that the Department/School and the Xxxx or Chief Librarian can make satisfactory arrangements to cover the member’s responsibilities to the University. Full-time Political Leave in order to seek election is granted without pay. The provisions of will apply in the case of a Partial Leave granted for such purpose. A tenured member or a librarian on continuing appointment elected to the Parliament of Canada, the Legislature of Ontario, or the Mayoralty of Thunder Bay shall be required to take Political Leave without pay, to a maximum of six years. At the expiration of the sixth year, or earlier if the member ceases to hold office, he/she shall either resign or be deemed to have resigned from his/her University position, unless he/she returns to full-time service with the University, but he/she may be granted additional Political Leave without pay at the discretion of the Board. If a Political Leave does not exceed thirty-one calendar days, the Board and the member shall continue to make contributions towards the benefit programs in which the member is participating pursuant to this Agreement. If such Political Leave exceeds thirty-one calendar days, the member shall not be entitled to maintain membership in these benefit programs; the member shall have the right to make voluntary contributions to the University Pension Plan, subject to the terms of the Plan. A member taking Political Leave shall retain his/her tenured rank or librarian rank, and on returning to full-time service with the University shall receive the salary he/she received at the time of beginning the leave, plus any across-the-board scale increments paid to members of the same rank during his/her absence, but shall not be eligible for Career Development Increments paid during the period of the Leave. In the case of librarians, if the Political Leave exceeds thirty-one calendar days, the returning member may not be assigned the same duties or position, nor be assigned to the same department, as applied prior to the leave. Continue on to Article R...
Political Leave means when an Employee takes a leave of absence from their position with MFN, to pursue a role on the MFN Council;

Related to Political Leave

  • Occupational Safety and Health Law means any Legal Requirement designed to provide safe and healthful working conditions and to reduce occupational safety and health hazards, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and any program, whether governmental or private (such as those promulgated or sponsored by industry associations and insurance companies), designed to provide safe and healthful working conditions.