Network Services Local Access Services In lieu of any other rates and discounts, Customer will pay fixed monthly recurring local loop charges ranging from $1,200 to $2,000 for TDM-based DS-3 Network Services Local Access Services at 2 CLLI codes mutually agreed upon by Customer and Company.
OUR SERVICES As insurance intermediaries we generally act as the agent of our client. We are subject to the law of agency, which imposes various duties on us. However, in certain circumstances we may act for and owe duties of care to other parties, including the insurer. We will advise you when these circumstances occur, so you will be aware of any possible conflict of interest. We offer a wide range of products and services which may include: • Offering you a single or range of products from which to choose a product that suits your insurance needs; • Advising you on your insurance needs; • Arranging suitable insurance cover with insurers to meet your requirements; • Helping you with any subsequent changes to your insurance you have to make; • Providing all reasonable assistance with any claim you make. In some cases, we act for insurers under a delegated authority agreement and can enter into insurance policies, issue policy documentation and/or handle or settle claims on their behalf. Where we act on behalf of the insurer and not you, we will notify you accordingly and in relation to claims we will advise you of this fact when you notify us of a claim. Notwithstanding this, we endeavour to always act in your best interest. As intermediaries, we offer a wide range of insurance products and have access to many leading insurance companies and the Lloyd’s market. Depending on the type of cover you require and where we have provided advice based on a personal recommendation, we will offer you a policy from either: • a single insurer; • a limited range of insurers; or • a fair analysis that is representative of the insurance market. We will advise you separately as to which of these apply before we arrange your policy and where we have not undertaken a fair analysis of the market, we will provide you with a list of insurers considered. Jensten Retail Consumer Client TOBA Version 1.0 Nov 2021 Policies taken out, amended, or renewed through our online service will be on a non-advised basis. This means sufficient information will be provided for you to make an informed decision about any product purchased online and you should therefore ensure that any policy provides the cover you require and is suitable for your needs. For Motor Vehicle insurance we require customers to pay an additional charge for our claims service – Coversure Claimsline (details are provided in a separate document). This is a “one-stop” service that enables us to assist you with any claim you may incur. The cost of the Coversure Claimsline services will be included in the price quoted to you for the Motor Vehicle insurance and shown separately in your documentation. By purchasing motor insurance from us, you authorise Coversure and its agents to take all necessary actions to handle your claim including dealing with your insurers, third parties and their insurers and other service suppliers on your behalf. For all other policies, including optional additional products and premium finance (if relevant), before the insurance contract is concluded and after we have assessed your demands & needs, we will provide you with advice and make a personal recommendation. This will include sufficient information to enable you to make an informed decision about the policy that we have recommended, together with a quotation which will itemise any fees that are payable in addition to the premium. This documentation will also include a statement of your demands and needs. You should read this carefully as it will explain reasons for making the recommendation we have made.
Extra Services District-authorized services outside of the scope in Exhibit “A” or District-authorized reimbursables not included in Architect’s Fee.
Administration Services When a medical prescription drug is administered by infusion, the administration of the prescription drug may be covered separately from the prescription drug. See Infusion Therapy - Administration Services in the Summary of Medical Benefits for benefit limits and the amount you pay. Prescription drugs that are self-administered are not covered as a medical benefit but may be covered as a pharmacy benefit. Please see Pharmacy Prescription Drugs and Diabetic Equipment or Supplies – Pharmacy Benefits section above for additional information. For some medical prescription drugs, after the first administration, coverage may be limited to certain locations (for example, a designated outpatient or ambulatory service facility, physician’s office, or your home), provided the location is appropriate based on your medical status. For a list of medical prescription drugs that are subject to this Site of Care Program, visit our website. Preauthorization may be required to determine medical necessity as well as appropriate site of care. If we deny your request for preauthorization, or you disagree with our determination for the appropriate site of care, you can submit a medical appeal. See Appeals in Section 5 for information on how to file a medical appeal.
TRANSPORT SERVICES Upon the conclusion of such multilateral negotiations, the Parties shall conduct a review for the purpose of discussing appropriate amendments to this Agreement so as to incorporate the results of such multilateral negotiations.
Support Services Rehabilitation, counselling and EAP’s. Support is strictly non- punitive, and can be accessed at anytime (self-identification of the need for help is strongly encouraged).
Call Center Services Answer telephone inquiries during mutually agreed upon hours each day on which the Fund is open for trading. In the event that the Fund plans to be open on a business day when the New York Stock Exchange is to be closed, the Fund shall provide the Transfer Agent with reasonable advance notice and the parties shall discuss the call center resources available for such day. The Transfer Agent shall answer and respond to inquiries from existing Shareholders, prospective Shareholders of the Fund and broker-dealers on behalf of such Shareholders in accordance with the instructions provided by the Fund to the Transfer Agent for purpose of fulfilling its duties under this Agreement, including, accepting transaction requests on behalf of the Fund.
Disaster Services In the event of a local, state, or federal emergency, including natural, man-made, criminal, terrorist, and/or bioterrorism events, declared as a state disaster by the Governor, or a federal disaster declared by the appropriate federal official, Grantee may be called upon to assist the System Agency in providing the following services: i. Community evacuation; ii. Health and medical assistance; iii. Assessment of health and medical needs; iv. Health surveillance; v. Medical care personnel; vi. Health and medical equipment and supplies; vii. Patient evacuation; viii. In-hospital care and hospital facility status; ix. Food, drug and medical device safety; x. Worker health and safety; xi. Mental health and substance abuse; xii. Public health information; xiii. Vector control and veterinary services; and xiv. Victim identification and mortuary services.
Coordination of Services Consultant agrees to work closely with City staff in the performance of Services and shall be available to City’s staff, consultants and other staff at all reasonable times.
Cloud Services Unless otherwise stated in the Agreement or in the Order, Company grants Customer a limited, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to access and use the Number of Units of Cloud Services during the Term solely for internal business purposes in accordance with the applicable license restrictions stated in the Business Unit Terms, Order, and Documentation. Additional Cloud Service Terms are stated at xxxxx://, which are incorporated by reference.