OPERATIVE CLAUSE. Upon receipt of written proposal and declaration along with premium from the Insured (as named in the Policy Schedule), SBI General Insurance Company Limited (hereafter referred to as “the Company”) agrees to indemnify the Insured as per the indemnity clause contained hereafter.
OPERATIVE CLAUSE. If during the policy period one or more Insured Person (s) is required to be hospitalized for treatment of Covid at a Hospital or given Home care Treatment following Medical Advice of a duly qualified Medical Practitioner, the Company shall indemnify medically necessary expenses towards the Coverage mentioned in the policy schedule. Provided further that, any amount payable under the policy shall be subject to the terms of coverage exclusions, conditions and definitions contained herein. Maximum liability of the Company under all such Claims during the Policy Period shall be the Sum Insured (Individual or Floater) opted and specified in the Schedule.
OPERATIVE CLAUSE. NOW THIS POLICY WITNESSETH, subject to the terms exceptions and conditions contained herein or endorsed hereon, that if at any time during the Period of Insurance any Employee or Employees of the Insured shall sustain Injury by accident arising out of and in the course of his employment in the Business, for which the Insured is liable to pay compensation under any Law(s) specified in the Schedule, then the Company shall indemnify the Insured upto the Limit of Indemnity against all sums for which the Insured shall be so liable, including costs and expenses for defending any such claim incurred with the Company’s consent. PROVIDED ALWAYS that in the event of any change in the Law(s) or the substitution of other legislation therefor, this Policy shall remain in force but the liability of the Company shall be limited to such sum as the Company would have been liable to pay if the Law(s) had remained unaltered.
1. The Employee’s Compensation Act 1923, and subsequent amendments of the said Act, prior to the date of the issue of Policy.
2. The Fatal Accident Act 1855.
OPERATIVE CLAUSE. Upon receipt of written proposal and declaration along with premium from the Insured (as named in the Schedule), L&T General Insurance Co. Ltd. (hereinafter called “the Company”) agrees (subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions mentioned in each of the compulsory and relevant optional Sections opted by the Insured and agreed to be insured by the Company and subject further to the General Terms & Conditions annexed hereto or endorsed or otherwise expressed hereon which shall so far as the nature of them respectively will permit to be deemed to be conditions precedent to the right of the insured / insured Person to recover hereunder) that if any of the property insured be accidentally, physically lost, destroyed or damaged and / or if any Insured / Insured Person suffers from an indemnifiable cause other than by an excluded cause during the period of insurance or any subsequent period for which the Insured shall have paid and the Company shall have accepted the premium required for the renewal of this Policy, the Company will indemnify / pay to the Insured / Insured Person or his / her nominee or legal representatives, as the case may be, the within the Sum Insured / Limits and Benefits as agreed to be covered by the Company and set out in the Schedule attached hereto. GROUP 1 - (COMPRISING COMPULSORY SECTIONS 1 - 3)
OPERATIVE CLAUSE. If during the policy period Insured Person shall contract and diagnosed positive for Corona virus diseases i.e. COVID <XX> requiring Hospitalisation or quarantine (including Home/Government/Institution quarantine) in India, Company will pay the lump sum amount (fixed benefit) as stated in the Certificate of Insurance. Provided further that, any amount payable under the policy shall be subject to the terms of coverage, exclusions, conditions and definitions contained herein. Maximum liability of the company shall be the Sum Insured (Individual) opted as specified in the Certificate of Insurance.
OPERATIVE CLAUSE. Any amount payable under the policy shall be subject to the terms of coverage, exclusions, conditions and definitions contained herein. Maximum liability of the Company under all such Claims shall be the Section-wise Sum Insured as specified in the Schedule.
OPERATIVE CLAUSE. We hereby agree subject to the terms and conditions contained herein or endorsed or otherwise expressed hereon, to indemnify You to the extent and in the manner specified herein, against any loss or Damage to the Property insured due to operation of any of the insured perils during the Policy Period as shown in the Schedule of the Policy. I(A) Building I(B) Personal Possessions/Contents I(C) Terrorism Damage II(A) Burglary and Theft II(B) Safety and Security III(A) Audio and Audio-Visual Appliances III(B) Breakdown of Domestic Appliances III(C) Portable Equipment VI(A) Third Party Legal Liability VI(B) Tenant’s Legal Liability VI(C) Employees’ Compensation
OPERATIVE CLAUSE. In consideration of the prior payment of the premium by the Insured named in the Policy Schedule and the receipt thereof by the Insurer, the Insurer agrees to indemnify the Insured for the Defined Event which occurred within the Territorial Limits and on or after the retroactive date shown in the Policy Schedule and which results in a claim first being made against the Insured during the period of insurance subject to:
a) reliance upon the Insured’s accurate and complete representations and statements made to the Insurer or in the Proposal Form;
b) the limits of indemnity as stated in the Proposal Schedule;
c) the Deductibles as stated in the Policy Schedule;
d) the Terms, Exclusions and Conditions of this Policy. It is declared and agreed that the Proposal Form, Policy Schedule, this Policy Wording and any statements made to the Insurer shall all form the basis of this contract of insurance (hereinafter referred to as this Policy). Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in this policy it is declared and agreed that nothing herein shall be interpreted as releasing the Insured from its obligation to reveal as material fact all details of claims made, or events known to the Insured likely to give rise to a claim.
OPERATIVE CLAUSE. If during the policy period the Insured Person is diagnosed with COVID and hospitalized for more than seventy-twohours following Medical Advice of a duly qualified Medical Practitioner as per the norms specified by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, the Company shall pay the agreed sum insured towards the Coverage mentioned in the policy schedule. Provided further that, any amount payable under the policy shall be subject to the terms of coverage exclusions, conditions and definitions contained herein. Maximum liability of the Company under all such Claims during the Policy period shall be the Sum Insured opted and specified in the Schedule.