Other Authorized Payments For other authorized transactions of the Fund, or other obligations of the Fund incurred for proper Fund purposes; provided that before making any such payment the Bank will also receive a certified copy of a resolution of the Board signed by an Authorized Person (other than the Person certifying such resolution) and certified by its Secretary or Assistant Secretary, naming the person or persons to whom such payment is to be made, and either describing the transaction for which payment is to be made and declaring it to be an authorized transaction of the Fund, or specifying the amount of the obligation for which payment is to be made, setting forth the purpose for which such obligation was incurred and declaring such purpose to be a proper corporate purpose.
Authorized Users Authorized Users" are:
Vendor’s Authorized Resellers TIPS recognizes that many vendors operate in the open market through the use of resellers or dealers. For that reason, TIPS permits Vendor to authorize Authorized Resellers within its Vendor Portal and make TIPS Sales through the Authorized Reseller(s). Once authorized by Vendor in the Vendor Portal, the Authorized Reseller(s) may make TIPS sales to TIPS Members. However, all purchase documents must include: (1) Authorized Reseller’s Name; (2) Vendor’s Name, as known to TIPS, and; (3) Vendor’s TIPS Contract Name and Number under which it is making the TIPS Sale. Either Vendor or Reseller may report the sale pursuant to the terms herein. However, Xxxxxx agrees that it is legally responsible for all reporting and fee payment as described herein for TIPS Sales made by Authorized Resellers. The TIPS Administration Fee is assessed on the amount paid by the TIPS Member, not on the Vendor’s cost or on the amount for which the Vendor sold the item to a dealer or Authorized Reseller. The Parties intend that Vendor shall be responsible and liable for TIPS Sales made by Vendor’s Authorized Resellers. Vendor agrees that it is voluntarily authorizing this Authorized Reseller and in doing so, Xxxxxx agrees that it is doing so at its own risk and agrees to protect, indemnify, and hold TIPS harmless in accordance with Sections 14-17 above related to Authorized Reseller TIPS Sales made pursuant to this Agreement or purporting to be made pursuant to this Agreement that may be asserted against Vendor whether rightfully brought or otherwise. The Parties further agree that it is no defense to Vendor’s breach of this Agreement that an Authorized Reseller caused Vendor of breach this Agreement.
Authorized User You may request us to issue a Card to an individual who has no financial responsibility under this Agreement. An Authorized User has the same access to your Account as you do, subject to any limitations we may impose. An Authorized User has no authority to add or delete Cardholders, request a replacement Card or terminate or modify this Agreement. You may terminate an Authorized User’s authority to access your Account at any time. To do this, you must return the Card to PenFed. You agree that you are responsible for all charges and cash advances made by an Authorized User, including charges made before the Card is returned, recurring charges, or charges made without the use of the Card initiated by the Authorized User after termination of the Authorized User’s access.
Authorized Uses The Participating Institutions and the Authorized Users may make all use of the Licensed Materials as is consistent with the applicable law and with this Agreement, including but not limited to the following licensing conditions ("Authorized Uses"). In addition, the Licensed Materials may be used for purposes of research, education or other non-commercial use as particularly follows:
Authorized Access Transfer Agent shall have controls that are designed to maintain the logical separation such that access to systems hosting Fund Data and/or being used to provide services to Fund will uniquely identify each individual requiring access, grant access only to authorized personnel based on the principle of least privileges, and prevent unauthorized access to Fund Data.
DISTRIBUTION OF CONTRACTOR PRICE LIST AND CONTRACT APPENDICES Contractor shall provide Authorized Users with electronic copies of the Contract, including price lists and Appendices, upon request. Contract Updates will be handled as provided in Appendix C – Contract Modification Procedures.
Instructional Materials The Board recognizes that appropriate texts, library reference facilities, maps and globes, laboratory equipment, audio-visual equipment, art supplies, athletic equipment, current periodicals, standard tests, duplicating supplies, questionnaires, and similar materials are the tools of the teaching profession. The administration and the teachers will confer from time to time for the purpose of improving the selection and use of such educational tools, and the Board undertakes promptly to consider all joint decisions thereon made by its representative and the Association.
AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES Only expenditures which are detailed in the approved budget of the grant application, a revised budget, or an amended budget approved by the OAG are eligible for reimbursement with grant funds. Any requested modification to the budget must be submitted by the Provider in writing to the OAG and will require prior approval by the OAG. Budget modification approval is at the sole discretion of the OAG. Any grant funds reimbursed under this Agreement must be used in accordance with the rules implementing the provisions of VOCA, 34 U.S.C. § 20103, Crime Control and Law Enforcement, 28 C.F.R. §§94.101 through 94.122, the federal government-wide grant rules as set forth in the 2 C.F.R. § 200, and the U.S. Department of Justice, (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs, DOJ Grants Financial Guide, (Financial Guide), and any other regulations or guidelines currently or subsequently required by the U.S. Department of Justice and state or federal laws. Expenditures for the acquisition and maintenance of telephones and equipment will be proportional to the percentage of VOCA grant funded staff who utilize the telephones and equipment, as contemplated by this Agreement. Grant funds cannot be used as a revenue generating source and crime victims cannot be charged either directly or indirectly for services reimbursed with grant funds. Third party payers such as insurance companies, victim compensation, Medicare or Medicaid may not be billed for services provided by grant funded personnel to clients. Grant funds must be used to provide services to all crime victims, regardless of their financial resources or availability of insurance or third-party reimbursements. Travel expenses will be reimbursed with grant funds only in accordance with section 112.061, Florida Statutes. Expenditures of state financial assistance must be in compliance with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to expenditures of state funds, including, but not limited to, the Florida Reference Guide for State Expenditures. Only allowable costs resulting from obligations incurred during the term of this Agreement are eligible for reimbursement, and any balances of unobligated cash that have been advanced or paid that are not authorized to be retained for direct program costs in a subsequent period must be refunded to the OAG. Any funds paid in excess of the amount to which the Provider is entitled under the terms of this Agreement must be refunded to the OAG. The Provider will reimburse the OAG for all unauthorized expenditures and the Provider will not use grant funds for any expenditures made by the Provider prior to the execution of this Agreement or after the termination date of this Agreement. If the Provider is a unit of local or state government, the Provider must follow the written purchasing procedures of that governmental agency or unit. If the Provider is a non-profit organization, the Provider will obtain a minimum of three written quotes for all single item grant-related purchases equal to or in excess of $2,500 unless it is documented that the vendor is a sole source supplier. The Provider will use the lowest quote for the purchase.
Authorized Reseller A reseller or dealer authorized and added by a Vendor through their online TIPS Vendor Portal to make TIPS sales according to the terms and conditions herein.