Other Information and Appendices. (back to Contents by Section) A – Tips on Preparing an XX Xxxxx Application B – Visual Illustration of EJCPS Model C – Blank Logic Model Template D – Logic Model Guide – What Each Category Means E – Example Completed Logic Model F – Blank EJCPS Detailed Budget Template G – Sample EJCPS Detailed Budget H – Quality Assurance Project Plan Questionnaire This information is intended to help you put together a competitive proposal for the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Environmental Justice Grants Program. Please read the Application Guidance carefully -- this document is intended for informational purposes only. ⮚ Target your audience carefully Identify a specific group or community to work with to develop a program that will give the highest return for your dollars invested. ⮚ Build partnerships and alliances You are strongly encouraged to enlist project involvement from community groups with similar or related goals and secure their commitment of services and/or dollars. Be sure to document this by obtaining letter(s) of commitment for your application. Initiate the partnerships early in your planning, since building alliances can take time and effort. ⮚ Do some homework Allow time to develop and document your understanding of environmental justice issues within the community you work in or with. Find out what materials exist on the subject and the procedures you are planning to include in your work plan. Use this information to back up your project plans or to explain how your group activities are unique and/or creative. ⮚ Develop a project evaluation technique Define as carefully and precisely as possible what you want to achieve with this project and how you will test its success. Ask yourself: “what do you expect to be different once the project is complete?” Outline a plan you will use to measure the success of your activities/project. ⮚ Develop a timeline or project accomplishment schedule List the major tasks that you will complete to meet the goals of the project. Break these broad goals into smaller tasks and lay them out in a schedule over the twelve months of the grant period. Determine and identify in the proposal the total estimated cost for each task. You may estimate this cost by the number of personnel, materials, and other resources you will need to carry out the tasks. ⮚ Stay within the format and follow application instructions including any page limits This makes it easier for the reviewer to read and therefore, understand your w...
Other Information and Appendices. A – Guidance on American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funding B – Tips on Preparing an XX Xxxxx Application C – Visual Illustration of EJCPS Model D – Blank Logic Model Template E – Logic Model Guide – What each Category Means F – Example Completed Logic Model G – Blank Itemized Budget Sheet Template H – Example Completed Itemized Budget Sheet I – Quality Assurance Project Plan Questionnaire I. FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION (back to Contents by Section)
1. Issue Identification, Visioning, and Strategic Goal-Setting;
2. Community Capacity-Building and Leadership Development;
3. Development of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Leveraging of Resources;
4. Consensus Building and Dispute Resolution;
5. Constructive Engagement with Other Stakeholders;
Other Information and Appendices. A – Tips on Preparing an XX Xxxxx Application B – Visual Illustration of EJCPS Model C – Blank Logic Model Template D – Logic Model Guide – What each Category Means E – Example Completed Logic Model F – Blank Itemized Budget Sheet Template G – Example Completed Itemized Budget Sheet H – Quality Assurance Project Plan Questionnaire I. FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION (back to Contents by Section)
Other Information and Appendices. A – Tips on Preparing an XX Xxxxx Application B – Visual Illustration of EJCPS Model C – Blank Logic Model Template D – Logic Model Guide – What each Category Means E – Example Completed Logic Model F – Blank Itemized Budget Sheet Template G – Example Completed Itemized Budget Sheet H – Quality Assurance Project Plan Questionnaire I. FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION (back to Contents by Section)
1. Issue Identification, Visioning, and Strategic Goal-Setting;
2. Community Capacity-Building and Leadership Development;
3. Development of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Leveraging of Resources;
4. Consensus Building and Dispute Resolution;
5. Constructive Engagement with Other Stakeholders;