Logic Model. If available, please submit a logic model for your program. For guidance on what to include in your logic model, please consult the guidance at the following link: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx/strategicpartnerships/logic-model-guidance/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS
Logic Model. The logic model will serve as a guide for the evaluation of the GHBS project. Contents of the logic model consist of project inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes. Inputs Inputs or resources are the human, financial, organizational, and community resources a project needs to implement the project (W.K. Xxxxxxx Foundation, 2004). This portion of the logic model will display the resources available to the GHBS project to implement this project and to collect data relevant to the further development of the surveillance system.
Logic Model. A logic model provides a framework for the analysis and evaluation of programs. It provides concepts and relations in the frame of the theory of change (Xxxxxxx & Xxxxxx, 2011). It is widely used in the evaluation of public interventions such as research programmes and other initiatives. It can also be used for projects, initiatives or general goal-oriented activities. Logic models support designers of interventions to logically think about what the programme (or project) is trying to achieve (the purpose), what things the project needs to do / produce to bring that about (the outputs) and what needs to be done to produce those outputs(the activities). It can be both used for design and evaluation (ex ante, interim and ex post).
Logic Model. After the conduct of a stakeholders’ meeting, a logic model of EXCELth’s Workplace Wellness Program is created to describe the program and guide the evaluation (See Appendix A). The model depicts the program’s inputs/resources, activities, outputs, and short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes. Inputs include those things that are invested in a program and provide an opportunity to communicate the quality of the program. The major inputs considered necessary to implement EXCELth’s program to support and deliver activities include management support, the wellness committee, wellness program participants, monetary resources, marketing, and program materials. Activities consist of the actions needed to implement the program and what a program does with its inputs to achieve program outcomes and goals. Wellness activities include committee meetings, distribution and development of program materials, and delivery of services intended to lead to the desired change. Program outputs are the direct results of activities and processes and are those things that are done and the people reached. The workplace wellness program outputs consist of the following: number of committee meetings held and number of attendees; number of components/topics/services offered, number of program material distributed and number of participants; percent of employees making healthy action pledges; number of health screenings performed; and percent of employees participating in program. These outputs help assess how well the program is being implemented. Short-term outcomes focus on expected changes in participant’s knowledge, awareness, attitudes, motivation or skills. The workplace wellness program expects to increase participant’s awareness of physical activity, spiritual wellness and healthy behaviors; increase participant’s knowledge of healthy eating practices and emotional health and increase the number of employees participating in wellness activities and events. Intermediate outcomes focus on expected changes in participant’s behavior, practice or decisions based upon earlier acquisition of knowledge. As a result of awareness and knowledge gained, the program expects participants to increase levels of physical activity, consumption of healthy foods, and spirituality and decrease stress levels and consumption of energy and calorie dense foods and drinks. Long-term outcomes focus on changes in condition or altered status based on earlier modifications in behavior. As a result...
Logic Model. Brief description of project/service Engage prisoners with a high risk of reoffending with a view to providing 2 x 1 hour peer learning sessions per week using CBT methods. In addition to this, provide one-to-one support on on-going, appointment basis. In terms of developing supportive transitional arrangements, it is intended to deliver six community-based sessions aimed at improving social skills, emotion management skills This service will also include linking ex- prisoners into sport and leisure activities in the community. Please discuss and review the logic model for the project/service outlined in Stage 1 by the third sector partner. If desired changes are identified, please update the logic model, using the template overleaf.
Logic Model. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: INPUTS/ RESOURCES In order to accomplish proposed activities, the subrecipient will need the following: OUTCOMES When completed, these activities will lead to the following changes: IMPACT Long term changes: ACTIVITIES In order to address the issue, the subrecipient will conduct the following activities: OUTPUTS Once completed, these activities will produce the following: HOME funding New Construction of Single Family Housing. Expand affordable housing opportunities Low to moderate income families become first time homebuyers Stable neighborhoods D. PROPOSED BENEFICIARIES: Targeted Population by Income Level Number of Households Total Number of Units Households at or below 50% 0 0 Households at or below 60% 0 0 Households at or below 80% 3 3 TOTAL 3 3
Logic Model. Short Term Outcomes Long Term Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Impacts Activities Outputs Establish, create, disseminate FTECE best practices via social media # of BP social media posts FTECE toolkit available on GO site # of view/s downloads of toolkit Establish, create, disseminate FTS BP resource % GA districts receiving BP resource # views of BP resource on GO site Recognition/ celebration programs for FTS & FTECE champions % GA districts/ ECE centers participating in celebration SNDs & coordinators surveyed for recognition preferences FTS educational trainings/ workshops on organic local procurement, regenerative ag and nutrition education and school gardening # workshops delivered % GA districts/ ECE centers participating in workshops # of resources created/ disseminated Oct FTS month culturally competent resource creation & dissemination: grow guides, recipes, activity sheets, lesson plans # of GA students reached % GA districts participating in FTS month Outreach campaigns for participation in FTS month; Engage other food/nutrition/ag/child orgs for support with outreach Targeted outreach for all programs to BIPOC, Spanish speakers, special needs, strike force and rural districts % ECE centers participating in FTS month % majority BIPOC, Spanish speakers, special needs, strike force and rural districts participating in FTS month, BP celebration, Virtual summit, & workshops Prioritize BIPOC, Spanish speakers, special needs, strike force and rural facilitators for workshops/ summit Activity sheets with coupons created/ distributed at farmers markets ECE pop up markets Virtual summit development, planning and implementation for FTS/FTECE providers across GA Monthly RE affinity group External RE trainings Revision of policies to incorporate RE % majority BIPOC, Spanish speakers, special needs, strike force and rural identifying summit facilitators # activity sheets distributed % coupons redeemed # families exposed to markets $ spent on local food # total summit participants # RE affinity learning groups # external RE trainings attended % of total policies revised Collaboration with FTS/FTECE partners Increased F/V access and consumption Increased participation in school lunch program Increased revenue for farmers and schools Students engaged in food system Improved Racial Equity Reduced food and nutrition insecurity Climate Change Mitigation FTS team prepared & equipped to incorporate RE into program implementation across state Increased connectedness be...
Logic Model. The figure represents the logic model of the SB-82 triage program evaluation. The model details the project primary aims, as proposed by the MHSOAC; the activities conducted by the programs in order to meet the proposed aims; a measure of those proposed activities (outputs), a measure of the outcome of the activities; and the longer-term beneficial changes expected to occur as a consequence of the program (beneficial impacts).
Logic Model. The logic model (Figure 3) illustrates the theory of change, or the pathways through which the Demonstration will work to achieve these objectives during the renewal timeframe (DY7-11, FFY 2018-2022). DocuSign Envelope ID: 77B1B07C-AC5A-4194-B813-D5C10913D6DC Resources Needed Demonstration Components Demonstration Activities OUTCOMES Short-Term Intermediate Long-Term Impact DSRIP POOL Phase-out funding: •DY7-8: Level w/ DY5 •DY9-10: Annual decreases •DY11: Expired RHP Plan Updates for DY7-8 Performing providers implement Core Activities and report on: •Measure Bundles •Measures Core activities increase access to, coordination, and quality of care Improved health outcomes for DSRIP participants Funding •Federal •State •Local RHPs •Anchors •Performing Providers UC POOL Payments for cost of services provided for: •Medicaid eligible & uninsured through FFY 2019 •Charity care starting FFY 2020 Providers serve Medicaid and uninsured clients UC providers submit DSH/UC application to report annual UC costs Continue provision of MMC to existing populations: •STAR •STAR+PLUS •STAR Kids Providers receive UC payments to assist with unreimbursed costs Reported UC costs remain steady as DSRIP and MMC improve quality of care for MLIU population UC payments continue for charity care Slower rate of growth in UC costs due to improved coordination and quality of the healthcare system •Transform to a coordinated, quality-based healthcare system and improve the patient experience for Medicaid and low-income uninsured Texans Clients •DSRIP •MMC Advocacy Groups •Clients •Professionals MMC MMC expanded to new populations and services Develop quality-based payment systems Expand MMC to include additional populations and services: •Adoption Assistance •Permanency Care Assistance •Former xxxxxx care children (change in MMC program) •Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer •Nursing Facility services Newly incorporated MMC populations and services maintain or improve in access to care Improved quality of care for newly incorporated MMC clients •Improve individual and population health •Contain cost growth Improved quality measures for MCOs Update MCO contracts to require quality-based payment systems Increased number of quality-based payment agreements in MMC Improved quality measures for MMC providers Continue transformation to a pay-for-quality system
Logic Model. The logic model depicted in figure 1 is a proposed conceptual framework for the Status Check Project. Although a logic model was not provided by CHASI for the project, this model is postulated as the theoretical groundwork for the project and to illustrate the multilayer approach to addressing the problem of low testing and low perception of self- and community-risk for HIV infection. The Status Check Project logic model builds on three assumptions that inform the project’s goals for change: