Other Restrictions on Use. Payments from the Fiscal Recovery Funds are also subject to pre-existing limitations provided in other Federal statutes and regulations and may not be used as non-Federal match for other Federal programs whose statute or regulations bar the use of Federal funds to meet matching requirements. For example, payments from the Fiscal Recovery Funds may not be used to satisfy the State share of Medicaid.170 As provided for in the award terms, payments from the Fiscal Recovery Funds as a general matter will be subject to the provisions of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR part 200) (the Uniform Guidance), including the cost principles and restrictions on general provisions for selected items of cost.
Other Restrictions on Use. Participant and Subscribers shall not disclose, disseminate, publish, copy, distribute, de- compile, or otherwise use the computer programs, or data, or any portion thereof provided for, under, or pursuant to this Agreement other than as specifically provided in this Agreement. Participant and Subscribers shall not modify, convert, or otherwise manipulate the source code or object codes of the Maine Listings Software. Except as specifically provided for in this Agreement and/or elsewhere in the Maine Listings Policies, Participant and Subscribers shall not re- sell, lease, re-distribute, publish, post, copy, de-compile, reorganize, or otherwise disseminate the Maine Listings Software or Maine Listings Database, or any portion of the data, obtained or accessible pursuant to this Agreement including without limitation by web posting, framing on an Internet site or any other means or medium. Nothing in this Agreement shall permit or allow the Maine Listings Software or Maine Listings Database, or any portion thereof to a) be made available to the general public or non-participating brokers, or b) be used by any person using the Maine Listings Services for data mining, de-compiling, or reorganization of the data, or any portion thereof, including without limitation for use or distribution to other persons for customer lists, or prospective customer lists, or mailing, or e-mail lists. In the event of a breach or threatened breach of this paragraph, Maine Listings shall be entitled to injunctive relief restraining the Participant and Subscribers from breaching the terms of this Agreement and directing compliance with this Agreement.
Other Restrictions on Use. 19.1 The Hirer shall not permit the Premises to be used for any political purposes.
19.2 The Hirer shall not permit any person who it allows onto the Premises who is or becomes drunken or disorderly to remain upon any part of the School premises and grounds.
19.3 The Hirer shall not permit the Premises to be used for any unlawful purposes or in an unlawful way.
Other Restrictions on Use. Your rights to use and copy the Software are solely as set forth in this License. Your rights under this License do not include the right to grant sublicenses, transfer (except as permitted below), rent, or lease the Software or any part thereof. Any attempt to grant sublicenses or transfer any rights shall be considered a breach of this License and unauthorized. You may not modify, create derivative works from, reverse engineer, decompile, otherwise translate or disassemble (the foregoing prohibition includes but is not limited to review of data structures or similar materials produced by the Software), the Software except to the extent the foregoing restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law. Use of the Software is restricted solely to use on the Licensed Systems for which you have paid License fees. You may not publish the results of any benchmark tests run on the Software. Any use of the Software, except as expressly permitted in this License is unauthorized, may subject you to civil damages and attorneys’ fees, and may be criminal.
Other Restrictions on Use. This Agreement is your proof of license to exercise the rights granted herein and must be retained by you. Other than as permitted under the rights grant in Article 1, you may not use any portion of the Offering separately from or independently of the Offering (for example, the Microsoft SQL Server software can only be used with the rest of the SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard or Professional Offering, provided such Offering is under the Server + CAL model or the Per Processor model) and other than for your normal business purposes and you may not provide access to or use of the Offering to any third party (other than a third party requiring access to SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard or Professional via a Web client or directly via a VPN); consequently, you may not sell, license, sublicense, transfer, assign, lease or rent (including via a timeshare arrangement) the Offering or the right to access and use granted by this Agreement. You may not use the Offering or the Documentation to develop application(s) for distribution to third parties unless you are a member in good standing of the SOLIDWORKS Partner Program or have entered into an agreement with DS SolidWorks for such usage/ distribution. You may not install or use the Offering over the Internet, including, without limitation, use in connection with a Web hosting or similar service, or make the Offering available to third parties via the Internet on your computer system or otherwise. You may not modify or make works derivative of the Offering or make compilations or collective works that include the Offering, and you may not analyze for purposes competitive to DS SolidWorks, reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Offering, except as permitted under applicable law, as it contains trade secrets (such as the Offering’s structure, organization and code) of DS SolidWorks and its licensors.
Other Restrictions on Use. (a) Lessee shall cut no State timber or remove State-owned valuable material, without prior written consent of the State. Prior to State's authorization for the cutting of timber, or removal of valuable material, the Lessee must pay to the State the fair market value of the timber or valuable material, as determined by the State.
(b) Lessee shall take all reasonable precautions to protect the land and improvements on the Premises from fire, make every reasonable effort to report and suppress such fires as may affect the Premises, and shall be subject to applicable fire laws affecting the Premises.
(c) Lessee shall prevent accumulation of equipment parts or "bone yards" on the Premises.
(d) This Agreement does not convey rights to media uses, communication sites, or any use on the Premises other than those expressly stated in this Agreement. "[Insert 5.03 - HCP, if applicable. Use when Premises are within HCP boundaries]"
Other Restrictions on Use. 19.1 The Hirer shall not permit the Premises to be used for any political purposes.
19.2 The Hirer shall not permit any person who it allows onto the Premises who is or becomes drunken or disorderly to remain upon any part of the School premises and grounds.
19.3 The Hirer shall not permit the Premises to be used for any unlawful purposes or in an unlawful way.
19.4 Without limiting the general obligation set out in clause 19.3, the Hirer shall comply with all applicable equality law.
19.5 Where the hire involves attendance by any child, it is a condition of this agreement that the Hirer shall have appropriate safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures in place. The Hirer must produce copies of these policies and procedures upon the School’s request. The Hirer must work with the School and be prepared to meet with representatives from the School to discuss these requirements. Any failure by the Hirer to comply with the School’s requirements in respect of safeguarding and child protection will result in this agreement being terminated. If the Hirer becomes aware of any safeguarding concerns during the Hire Period, they must contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead on XXX@xxxxx.xxxxxx as soon as reasonably practicable.
Other Restrictions on Use. 7.1 Children under the age of 12 are not permitted in the Storage Lot unless accompanied by a responsible adult.
7.2 Pets must be leashed and under the control of owner.
7.3 Speed limit within the Storage Lot is 5 MPH.
7.4 The Storage Lot gate must be closed and locked at all times after both entering and leaving the facility.
Other Restrictions on Use. A. Tenant shall not overload the floor of the Building or use, keep or permit to be used or kept any foul or noxious gas or substance on the Premises.
B. Tenant shall not use, keep or dispose of on the Premises or in the Building, except in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, any kerosene, gasoline or inflammable or combustible fluid or material or corrosive, flammable or other toxic or hazardous wastes.
Other Restrictions on Use. In addition to the other restrictions contained in this Agreement, Licensee may not: (a) make any copies of the Program except as provided above; (b) transfer, sublicense, lease or distribute the original or any copies of the Program, or (c) alter, modify, or translate the Program.