Part-time Employees Eligible for Holidays 367. Part-time employees who regularly work a minimum of twenty (20) hours in a bi-weekly pay period shall be entitled to holiday pay on a proportionate basis. 368. Regular full-time employees are entitled to 8/80 or 1/10 time off when a holiday falls in a bi-weekly pay period, therefore, part-time employees, as defined in the immediately preceding paragraph, shall receive a holiday based upon the ratio of 1/10 of the total hours regularly worked in a bi-weekly pay period. Holiday time off shall be determined by calculating 1/10 of the hours worked by the part-time employee in the bi-weekly pay period immediately preceding the pay period in which the holiday falls. The computation of holiday time off shall be rounded to the nearest hour.
Compensatory Time for Overtime Eligible Employees A. Compensatory Time Eligibility Compensatory time off may be earned in lieu of cash only when an institution and the employee agree. Compensatory time must be granted at the rate of one and one half (1-1/2) hours of compensatory time for each hour of overtime worked.
Compensation for Holidays Worked a. With the exception of the provisions in Section C.2.b., below, an employee required to work on a holiday listed above shall be paid at the employee's regular straight-time rate of pay for the hours actually worked. In addition, an eligible employee shall receive either compensatory time off or holiday pay at the option of the University at the regular straight-time rate, including any shift differential.
An Employee (other than a casual employee) required to attend for jury service during ordinary working hours will be reimbursed by the Company an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid in respect of the employee’s attendance for such jury service and the amount of wage the employee would have received in respect of the ordinary time the employee would have worked had the employee not been on jury service.
Use of Vacation Leave for Sick Leave Purposes The Employer may allow an employee who has used all of his or her sick leave to use vacation leave for sick leave purposes as provided in Article 12.2 A. An employee who has used all of his or her sick leave may use vacation leave for sick leave purposes as provided in Article 12.2 B – H.
Overtime for Part-Time Employees (a) A part-time employee working less than the normal hours per day of a full-time employee, and who is required to work longer than their regular workday, shall be paid at the rate of straight-time for the hours so worked, up to and including the normal hours in the workday of a full-time employee.
Overtime-Eligible Employees Employees who are covered by the overtime provisions of state and federal law.
HOLIDAY COMPENSATION FOR TIME WORKED 126. Employees required by their respective appointing officers to work on any of the above specified or substitute holidays, excepting Fridays observed as holidays in lieu of holidays falling on Saturday, shall be paid extra compensation of one additional day's pay at time- and-one-half the usual rate in the amount of 12 hours pay for 8 hours worked or a proportionate amount for less than 8 hours worked provided, however, that at the employee's request and with the approval of the appointing officer, an employee may be granted compensatory time off in lieu of paid overtime as provided for elsewhere in this contract. 127. Executive, administrative and professional employees designated in the Annual Salary Ordinance with the "Z" symbol shall not receive extra compensation for holiday work but may be granted time off equivalent to the time worked at the rate of-one-and-one-half times for work on the holiday.
Employee Workload The Employer shall ensure that an employee’s workload is not unsafe as a result of employee absence(s). Employees may refer safety related workload concerns to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee for investigation under Article 22.3 (Occupational Health and Safety Committee).