Overtime - Twenty-four (24) hour Shift Personnel Sample Clauses

Overtime - Twenty-four (24) hour Shift Personnel. All hours worked beyond the employee’s regular twenty-four (24) hour shift, or in excess of forty-eight (48) hours in a work week shall be compensated at one and one-half (1.5) times their regular rate of pay. The regular rate is defined as the hourly equivalent of all straight time compensation received by an employee for work. The FLSA formula is that an employee's regular rate is the total "straight time" compensation received by the employee "for work," divided by the number of hours that money is intended to compensate. Overtime shall be accrued in fifteen (15) minute increments rounded up.
Overtime - Twenty-four (24) hour Shift Personnel. All hours worked in excess of forty-eight (48) hours in a work week, as established by the Employer, shall be compensated at one and one-half (1.5) times their base rate of pay.

Related to Overtime - Twenty-four (24) hour Shift Personnel

  • Hour Shifts When the Employer deems it necessary to implement a twelve (12) hour work day, affected employees shall be notified pursuant to Clause 14.05. The following Clauses shall be replaced or added to the Collective Agreement where appropriate.

  • Hour Shift A ten (10) hour tour shall be inclusive of an unpaid thirty-seven and one half (37.5) minute meal period and two fifteen (15) minute paid relief periods.

  • Overtime for Part-Time Employees ‌ (a) A part-time employee working less than the normal hours per day of a full-time employee, and who is required to work longer than their regular workday, shall be paid at the rate of straight-time for the hours so worked, up to and including the normal hours in the workday of a full-time employee. (b) A part-time employee working less than the normal days per week of a full-time employee, and who is required to work other than their regularly scheduled workdays, shall be paid at the rate of straight-time for the days so worked up to and including the normal workdays in the workweek of a full-time employee. (c) Overtime rates shall apply to hours worked in excess of (a) and (b) above.

  • Overtime Meals When employees are required to work more than two (2) hours beyond their regular work days, the Employer will provide hot meals at no cost to the employees, up to a maximum of sixteen dollars ($16.00) (receipts to be submitted) plus paid meal periods of one-half (1/2) hour at the prevailing rate and thereafter at four (4) hour intervals. Any early morning start before regular starting time is entitled to a paid meal. The breakfast limit is thirteen dollars ($13.00) (receipts to be submitted). Employees called out on overtime shall be paid for meals as above, after four (4) hours work.

  • Overtime-Eligible Employees Employees who are covered by the overtime provisions of state and federal law.

  • Overtime Work A. Overtime pay is to be paid at the rate of one and one- half (1½) times the basic hourly straight-time rate. B. Overtime shall be paid to employees for work performed only after eight (8) hours on duty in any one (1) service day or forty (40) hours in any one (1) service week. Nothing in this Section shall be construed by the parties or any reviewing authority to deny the payment of overtime to employees for time worked outside of their regularly scheduled work week at the request of the Employer. C. Penalty overtime pay is to be paid at the rate of two

  • Overtime Hours Except as otherwise provided in this section, all hours worked in excess of the established work day, before or after an employee's regular scheduled shift, or on any regularly scheduled day off, shall be considered overtime. All paid vacation time, paid holidays, paid sick leave, compensatory time off, and paid leaves of absence shall be considered as "time worked" for purposes of this Article. Part-time employees whose established work day is less than eight (8) hours shall not be considered to be working overtime until having completed eight (8) hours of work.

  • Overtime Compensation 1. Except as provided in this section, Grantee will be responsible for any obligations of premium overtime pay due employees. Premium overtime pay is defined as any compensation paid to an individual in addition to the employee’s normal rate of pay for hours worked in excess of normal working hours. 2. Funds provided under this Contract may be used to pay the premium portion of overtime only under the following conditions: i. With the prior written approval of System Agency; ii. Temporarily, in the case of an emergency or an occasional operational bottleneck; iii. When employees are performing indirect functions, such as administration, maintenance, or accounting; iv. In performance of tests, laboratory procedures, or similar operations that are continuous in nature and cannot reasonably be interrupted or otherwise completed; or v. When lower overall cost to System Agency will result.

  • Overtime/Compensatory Time A. Employees working assigned, pre-approved time in excess of forty (40) hours per week shall be given either overtime pay or compensatory time at the rate of one and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay. The name of the supervisor authorized to approve overtime assignments shall be posted in each building. The employee may elect to take either overtime pay or compensatory time off. Holidays, sick leave, personal days, or vacation days shall be included as regular time for purposes of computing overtime. In the event overtime is required, the Assistant Superintendent or his/her designee shall solicit volunteers to fill the overtime positions. In the event no volunteers are available or the volunteers available are unqualified in the opinion of the Assistant Superintendent or designee, overtime may be assigned. Overtime assignments will be made on a rotational basis at each work site to employees who normally do the work assigned. Reasonable advance notice will be given to employees assigned overtime. An employee shall not be called in for snow removal duty sooner than 8 hours following the conclusion of his/her regular shift or any other work performed for the District. B. Only forty-five (45) hours of compensatory time can be earned in a contract year. Use of compensatory time must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Compensatory time earned must be used during the contract year in which it is earned or cashed in for pay at the rate in effect for the employee at the time the employee receives such payment. Employees who have accumulated more than forty (40) hours of compensatory time at the time of execution of this Agreement shall retain all such accumulated time, provided, however, that such employees shall not be allowed to use more than forty (40) hours in any contract year. All compensatory time must be submitted on a timesheet. C. All overtime worked must be submitted on a timesheet to the building principal in accordance with business office procedures for processing payroll. Requests for use of compensatory time off shall be submitted in writing to the building principal in accordance with business office procedures for processing payroll. X. Xx employee called in to work on his/her day off will be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours at the appropriate rate. E. The decision to assign overtime will not be based upon an employee’s preference for either compensatory time or overtime pay. F. In the event an employee’s regular permanent assignment requires the performance of duties in more than one job classification, the overtime rate to be used to calculate compensation for the employee for the overtime work shall be the rate of the classification which caused the employee to work such overtime hours.

  • Overtime Banking Employees desiring to bank overtime may elect to do so under the following criteria: * The half time associated to overtime may be banked up to a total of 24 hours per calendar year. This limit may be replenished throughout the year. * Banked time must be taken in full day increments or the employee may elect to receive the pay. * Employees must have cleared or be scheduled to clear their hours account by December 15. If the account is not cleared then the employee will be paid the balance in cash. * Payment will be based on the current rate of pay at the time the banked time is used. * Time off must be requested in advance, unless bona fide illness. (Company will monitor) * Time off will be subject to Company service requirements and no additional cost to the Company. * Implementation of the Overtime Banking arrangement will be subject to the development of an appropriate computer system.