Grade The employee's grade level. (1-15)
Shift Rotation Routine shift rotation is not an approach to staffing endorsed by the Employer. Except for emergency situations where it may be necessary to provide safe patient care, shift rotation will not be utilized without mutual consent. If such an occasion should ever occur, volunteers will be sought first. If no one volunteers, the Employer will rotate shifts on an inverse seniority basis until the staff vacancies are filled.
Grades At the end of each semester, students shall receive a final grade report that shall become a part of their permanent record. The College District’s grading system shall apply to all courses: A (90-100) - Excellent B (80-89) - Good C (70-79) - Average D (60-69) - Poor F (Below 60) - Failure I Incomplete Q Dropped W Dropped Due to Good Cause or Withdrawal from College CR Credit P Pass NP Not Passing FS Academic Fresh Start I - Incomplete: indicates that the coursework was incomplete because of serious illness or other justified emergency. The instructor shall change the grade of “I” to a grade based on the work completed for the course in addition to the work specified in the course completion contract. All incomplete work shall be completed within 90 days of the start of the next long semester. Failure to complete the work specified in the course completion contract shall result in a grade of zero, which shall be factored into the final grade calculation with appropriate weighting relative to other course grades.
Classroom Management The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates in his/her performance a competent level of knowledge and skill in organizing the physical and human elements in the educational setting.
Level Three Director of Elementary or Secondary Education or the Administrator responsible under the superintendent’s level or his/her designee. In the event a grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at the second level, the aggrieved employee shall file, within five (5) working days of the principal’s or immediate supervisor’s written decision at the second level, a copy of the grievance with the Director of Elementary or Secondary Education or the Administrator responsible under the superintendent’s level or his/her designee. Within ten (10) working days after such written grievance is filed the aggrieved and the Director of Elementary or Secondary Education or the Administrator responsible under the superintendent’s level or his/her designee shall meet to resolve the grievance. The Director of Elementary or Secondary Education or the Administrator responsible under the Administrator responsible under the superintendent’s level or his/her designee shall file an answer within ten (10) working days of the third level grievance and communicate it in writing to the employee and the principal or immediate supervisor.
Pay Rates Unit members must have been on an active status for a minimum of six
School Day The school day for members of the bargaining unit shall not exceed seven and one-half (7½) hours of consecutive time which shall include a duty-free, uninterrupted lunch period of no less than thirty (30) minutes.
Rotation Where the Employer's designate and the Union's designate at the local level agree that shifts be rotated, the shifts shall be rotated on an equitable basis among the employees involved.
School Year Teacher assignable time will be capped at 1200 hours per school year.
Leadership Develop strong joint leadership, shift to coaching style of leadership and share information, including financial data.