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Grades Sample Clauses

GradesAt the end of each semester, students shall receive a final grade report that shall become a part of their permanent record. The College District’s grading system shall apply to all courses: A (90-100) - Excellent B (80-89) - Good C (70-79) - Average D (60-69) - Poor F (Below 60) - Failure I Incomplete Q Dropped W Dropped Due to Good Cause or Withdrawal from College CR Credit P Pass NP Not Passing FS Academic Fresh Start I - Incomplete: indicates that the coursework was incomplete because of serious illness or other justified emergency. The instructor shall change the grade of “I” to a grade based on the work completed for the course in addition to the work specified in the course completion contract. All incomplete work shall be completed within 90 days of the start of the next long semester. Failure to complete the work specified in the course completion contract shall result in a grade of zero, which shall be factored into the final grade calculation with appropriate weighting relative to other course grades.
Grades. A Letter grade of a “D” may not always count as successful completion pursuant to state rule SBE Rule 6A-10.030 F.A.C.
Grades. All employees shall be graded in one of the following grades and informed accordingly in writing within 14 days of appointment to the position held by the employee and subsequent graded positions.
GradesThe University and the AAUP-WSU agree that the individual Bargaining Unit Faculty Member retains the authority to make the final determination of the grade to be awarded to each student in his or her class. 7.2.1 If the Bargaining Unit Faculty Member cannot be contacted, there is a conflict of interest, or extraordinary circumstances serve to make the grade inappropriate, the Chair, Xxxx, or a xxxxxxx may change a grade awarded by a Bargaining Unit Faculty Member. A grade may also be changed in accordance with specific academic policies set by the Faculty Senate or in response to a petition submitted by the student, providing that such changes are not in conflict with provisions of this Agreement. Before a grade is changed in response to a petition submitted by the student, the Member will be given an opportunity to make a recommendation regarding the anticipated or requested change. Changing a grade to A, B, C, D, F, P U, or X requires consent of the Bargaining Unit Faculty Member who awarded the grade or, under extraordinary circumstances, consent of other NTE or TET Bargaining Unit Faculty in the Department. The Bargaining Unit Faculty Member whose grade was changed under such extraordinary circumstances and the AAUP-WSU will receive written notification of the change within two weeks after the decision to change the grade. 7.2.2 A Bargaining Unit Faculty Member shall explain a grade to a student who requests such explanation during the regular office hours. 7.2.3 Bargaining Unit Faculty Members will schedule examinations, papers, or other components of the grade for each undergraduate course in a manner that will give students feedback and allow them to make informed judgments about their progress during the first half of the course (no later than the end of the seventh week of each Fall or Spring semester, the third week of each six-week summer term, and the mid-point of differently scheduled classes). In those graduate and advanced undergraduate courses wherein it is not feasible to comply with this requirement, Bargaining Unit Faculty Members will include a statement to that effect in the course syllabus. 7.2.4 Bargaining Unit Faculty shall turn in all course grades as soon as possible and no later than 12:00 noon of the third working day after the University’s last scheduled examination period. This deadline shall only be extended in the event that the Bargaining Unit Faculty Member is unable to turn in the grades due to illness or unforese...
Grades. Upon completion of courses, teachers will use the UW grade scale and UW grade policies to submit to the UW a numerical grade on the 4.0 scale for each student registered for UW credit. These are UW grades and must be calculated and reported solely in accordance with UW policy, independent of any school or district grade policies regarding high school grades reported for these UW courses on the high school transcripts. Should the District not adhere to these grading requirements for the UW grade, UW will cancel the course for UW credit and refund all student fees that were paid; no UW credit will be granted for the course. The UW grade and the high school grade that a student earns may not necessarily be equal, as these two grades may be calculated differently.
Grades. Each teacher is responsible for assigning grades for his/her students and 20 turning them in to his/her principal. No grade will be altered or cause to be altered without 21 consultation, where possible, with the teacher who assigned the grade. Such consultation 22 shall be for the purpose of reviewing the teacher’s justification of the assigned grade. In 24 the Superintendent and his/her decision shall be final. If a change is made, the record will 25 reflect that the change was made by the Superintendent, principal or designee.
GradesNo reimbursement shall be made or considered due for any course work in which the member receives a grade less than a B (or a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale). Courses having no grading scale (such as pass/fail) shall be ineligible for reimbursement.
GradesAll teachers, including ESE teachers, have primary responsibility and authority for giving marks indicating a student's progress in class, subject to the review of the principal of the school. This applies whether the marks being given are letter grades or S/N/U symbols. The principal also may request a review of the information recorded by a teacher which justifies the marks of a student. However, the marks given a student by a teacher are subject to modification only by the Superintendent of Schools. In the event such change is made, the Superintendent's directive will be reduced to writing and a copy provided to the teacher. So that parents and students shall have access to grades in a timely manner in order to track academic progress, teachers shall place grades into the electronic gradebook system in a timely manner, bit in no way more than ten school days, of the assignment due date or the administration of the exam. Any task force or committee organized to review and recommend changes to the procedure for giving grades to students shall include representation from Xxxxx Teachers United.
Grades. Successful completion of an academic activity during an Educational Sabbatical Leave shall be demonstrated by a “C” grade or better. A unit member who does not achieve a “C” grade or better may repeat the course or courses within the next academic year at no cost to the District or further released time to achieve a “C” grade or better GPA.
Grades. Grades earned by students enrolled in Courses offered as part of this CCAP Agreement shall be posted on the official College transcript. Students may submit a request for Pass/No Pass, prior to PCCD’s Add/Drop deadline, if the Course is designed as such in the college approved course outline of record.