PAYMENT FOR RELIEF DUTIES/WORK. 9.1 The payment for relief duties / work provisions of the Local Government (State) Award 2007 and its successors are wholly replaced and substituted by the provisions of the Agreement. 9.2 An employee required to relieve in a position which is at a higher level within Council’s salary system shall be paid for that relief. The rate to be paid shall be determined by considering the skills / experience applied by the employee relieving in the position but shall be at least the minimum rate for that position in accordance with the salary system except where the higher level skills have been taken into account within the salary of the relieving employee. 9.3 In order to qualify for higher pay, the period of relief must satisfy the minimum requirements below subject to an employees substantive salary point: • Salary point 9 and below: At least two hours, provided that higher duties will be paid for the day or shift where the relief is for a period of 4 hours or more. • Salary points 10 to 15: 3 consecutive working days. • Salary point 16 and above: One continuous week. 9.4 Higher duties are not payable when the relieving employee is absent on paid leave or an Agreement holiday. 9.5 An employee covered by this Agreement who is required to relieve in a senior staff position, so designated under the Local Government Xxx 0000, shall be paid a minimum of Senior Executive Service Level 1.
PAYMENT FOR RELIEF DUTIES/WORK. The Payment for Relief Duties/Work (Clause 10) provisions of the Local Government (State) Award 2017 and its successors apply. The provisions of the Award should be read in conjunction with Council’s Payment of Relief Duties/Work (Acting Duties) internal policy and procedure.
PAYMENT FOR RELIEF DUTIES/WORK. (i) An employee required to relieve in a position which is at a higher level within the salary system shall be paid for that relief. The rate to be paid shall be determined by considering the skills/experience applied by the employee relieving in the position but shall be at least the minimum rate for that position in accordance with the salary system except where the higher level skills have been taken into account within the salary of the relieving employee. (ii) Payment for use of skills relieving in a higher paid position shall be made for the time actually spent relieving in the higher position and is not payable when the relieving employee is absent on paid leave or an Agreement holiday. An employee on annual leave may be entitled to a higher rate of pay in accordance with the provisions of Clause 21D(ix) of this Agreement. (iii) An Agreement employee who is required to relieve in a senior staff position, so designated under the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), shall be paid an appropriate rate of pay commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the relief work undertaken. (iv) An employee who is required to relieve an employee in a higher level position, who is on a rostered day off, shall not be entitled to be paid for that relief, except for employees who were being paid for such relief prior to the operative date of this Agreement.
PAYMENT FOR RELIEF DUTIES/WORK. (i) An employee required to relieve in a position that is at a higher level within the salary system shall be paid for that relief. The rate to be paid shall be determined by considering the skills / experience applied by the employee relieving in the position but shall be at least the minimum rate for that position in accordance with the salary system except where the higher level skills have been taken into account within the salary of the relieving employee. (ii) Payment for use of skills relieving in a higher paid position shall be made for the time actually spent acting in the higher position and is not payable when the relieving employee is absent on paid leave or a statutory/agreement holiday. An employee on annual leave may be entitled to a higher rate of pay in accordance with the provisions of Clause 16 Part C(v) of the
PAYMENT FOR RELIEF DUTIES/WORK. The Payment for Relief Duties/Work (Clause 9) provisions of the Local Government (State) Award 2010 and its successors apply.
PAYMENT FOR RELIEF DUTIES/WORK. 12.1. An employee required to relieve in a position which is at a higher level within the salary system will be paid for that relief. The rate to be paid will be determined by considering the skills / experience applied by the employee relieving in the position but will be at least the minimum rate for that position in accordance with the salary system except where the higher level skills have been taken into account within the salary of the relieving employee. 12.2. Payment for use of skills relieving in a higher paid position will be made for the time actually spent relieving in the higher position and is not payable when the relieving employee is absent on paid leave or an agreement holiday. An employee on annual leave may be entitled to a higher rate of pay in accordance with the provisions of clause
PAYMENT FOR RELIEF DUTIES/WORK. (i) An employee required to relieve in a position which is at a higher level within the salary system shall be paid for that relief. (ii) With regard to outdoor workers and clerical staff the rate to be paid to the employee relieving in the position shall be at least the minimum rate for that position in accordance with the salary system except where the higher level skills have been taken into account within the salary of the relieving employee. (iii) With regard to the relief of the Executive Officer such payment will be made at 80% of the rate of pay of the Executive Officer. (iv) Payment for use of skills relieving in a higher paid position shall be made for the time actually spent relieving in the higher position and is not payable when the relieving employee is absent on paid leave or an agreement holiday. (v) An agreement employee who is required to relieve in a senior staff position, so designated under the agreement, shall be paid an appropriate rate of pay commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the relief work undertaken.
PAYMENT FOR RELIEF DUTIES/WORK. (i) An employee required to relieve in a position which is at a higher level within the salary system shall be paid for that relief. The rate to be paid shall be determined by considering the skills/experience applied by the employee relieving in the position but shall be at least the minimum rate for that position in accordance with the salary system except where the higher level skills have been taken into account within the salary of the relieving employee. (ii) Payment for use of skills relieving in a higher paid position shall be made for the time actually spent relieving in the higher position. (iii) An Award employee who is required to relieve in a senior staff position, so designated under the Local Government Act, 1993, shall be paid an appropriate rate of pay commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the relief work undertaken.
PAYMENT FOR RELIEF DUTIES/WORK i. An employee required to relieve in a position which is at a higher level within the salary system shall be paid for that relief. The rate to be paid shall be determined by considering the skills/experience applied by the employee relieving in the position but shall be at least the minimum rate for that position in accordance with the salary system except where the higher level skills have been taken into account within the salary of the relieving employee. ii. Payment for use of skills relieving in a higher paid position shall be made for the time actually spent relieving in the higher position and is not payable when the relieving employee is absent on paid leave or an agreement holiday. An employee on annual leave may be entitled to a higher rate of pay in accordance with the provisions of Clause 25 Part C(v) of this Agreement. iii. An Award employee who is required to relieve in a senior staff position, so designated under the Local Government Act, 1993, shall be paid an appropriate rate of pay commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the relief work undertaken.
PAYMENT FOR RELIEF DUTIES/WORK. An employee required to relieve in a position that is at a higher level within the salary system shall be paid for that relief. The rate to be paid shall be determined by considering the skills / experience applied by the employee relieving in the position but shall be at least the minimum rate for that position in accordance with the salary system except where the higher level skills have been taken into account within the salary of the relieving employee.