Permanent Employees The allocations outlined in paragraphs b) and c) above will be provided on the first day of each fiscal year, or the first day of employment, subject to the exceptions below: Where a permanent Employee is accessing sick leave and/or the short-term disability plan in a fiscal year and the absence continues into the following fiscal year for the same medical condition, the permanent Employee will continue to access any unused sick leave days or short-term disability days from the previous fiscal year’s allocation. A new allocation will not be provided to the permanent Employee until s/he has returned to work and completed eleven (11) consecutive working days at their regular working hours. The permanent Employee’s new sick leave allocation will be eleven (11) days at 100% wages. The permanent Employee will also be allocated one hundred and twenty (120) short term disability days payable at ninety percent (90%) of regular salary reduced by any paid sick days already taken in the current fiscal year. If a permanent Employee is absent on his/her last regularly scheduled work day and the first regularly scheduled work day of the following year for unrelated reasons, the allocation outlined above will be provided on the first day of the fiscal year, provided the employee submits medical documentation to support the absence, in accordance with paragraph (h).
Medical Appointment for Pregnant Employees 35.9.1 Up to three decimal seven five (3.75) hours of reasonable time off with pay for each appointment will be granted to pregnant employees for the purpose of attending routine medical appointments.
Special Parental Allowance for Totally Disabled Employees (a) An employee who: (i) fails to satisfy the eligibility requirement specified in subparagraph 17.05(a)(ii) solely because a concurrent entitlement to benefits under the Disability Insurance (DI) Plan, the Long-term Disability (LTD) Insurance portion of the Public Service Management Insurance Plan (PSMIP) or via the Government Employees Compensation Act prevents the employee from receiving Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits, and (ii) has satisfied all of the other eligibility criteria specified in paragraph 17.05(a), other than those specified in sections (A) and (B) of subparagraph 17.05(a)(iii), shall be paid, in respect of each week of benefits under the parental allowance not received for the reason described in subparagraph (i), the difference between ninety-three per cent (93%) of the employee's rate of pay and the gross amount of his or her weekly disability benefit under the DI Plan, the LTD Plan or via the Government Employees Compensation Act. (b) An employee shall be paid an allowance under this clause and under clause 17.05 for a combined period of no more than the number of weeks during which the employee would have been eligible for parental, paternity or adoption benefits under the Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan, had the employee not been disqualified from Employment Insurance or Québec Parental Insurance Plan benefits for the reasons described in subparagraph (a)(i).
Supervisory Employees For the purposes of this Article, the parties agree that Supervisory positions are those that are not excluded under Article 2.0 above and that satisfy the following criteria: a) Employees on Salary Schedule 01 who under Plan A "Nature of Supervision" have either Degree 3 (or higher) or its equivalent; b) Employees on Schedules 02 or 03 on condition they normally supervise other employees.
Probation for Newly Hired Employees (a) The Employer may reject a probationary employee for just cause. A rejection during probation shall not be considered a dismissal for the purpose of Article 11.2
DISCIPLINE OF EMPLOYEES Section 1. Any action or behavior which reflects discredit upon the City or is a direct hindrance to the effective performance of the City's municipal governmental and proprietary functions may be considered good cause for disciplinary action against an employee and such actions or behavior which may be considered good cause for disciplinary action shall include, but not be limited to the following: A. Habitual use of intoxicating beverages to excess or the use of narcotics. B. Being adjudged guilty of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or disgraceful conduct. C. Taking intoxicating beverages, or being intoxicated, while on duty. D. Engaging in improper political activity as defined in Article IXA, Section 8, of the Charter of the City of Lincoln, Nebraska. E. Offensive conduct or language toward the public or toward City officers or employees. F. Lacking either mental or physical competence to perform assigned duties. G. Damaging or being negligent in the care and handling of City property. H. Violating any lawful and reasonable regulations or directives made or given by a superior. I. Inducing or attempting to induce any officer or employee in the City service to commit an illegal act or to act in violation of any lawful and reasonable departmental or official regulation or order, or participating therein. J. Using or attempting to use personal or political influence or bribery to secure an advantage in an examination or promotion, leave of absence, transfer, change of grade, pay or character of work. K. Failing to pay just debts due or owing or failing to make reasonable provisions for future payment of such debts, thereby causing annoyance to officials of the City, or embarrassment to the City. L. Any unauthorized absence of an employee from duty shall be deemed to be an absence without pay and may be made grounds for disciplinary action by the Department Head. In the absence of such disciplinary action, any employee who absents himself for three or more continuous days without authorized leave shall be deemed to have resigned. Such absence may be covered, however, by the Department Head by a subsequent grant of leave with or without pay where extenuating circumstances are found to have existed. M. Repeated violations of State laws or City ordinances relating to the operation of a motor vehicle or a bus. N. The employee has failed to maintain a satisfactory attendance record whereby a pattern of excessive sick leave and unexcused leaves of absence has been established. O. Intentionally falsifying and/or theft of official records and/or statement/property. Section 2. The Director of Public Works/Utilities may suspend or discharge any employee for cause or suspend any employee for investigation of any accident, incident, or other occurrence after having orally informed such employee, and then confirmed in writing, the reason(s) for such suspension or discharge, the duration of the suspension, and/or the effective date of the discharge. Except as otherwise provided in Section 3 below, any employee who has been so suspended or discharged shall have the right to have his case taken up in accordance with the procedures hereinafter provided in Article 8. If it is found during Steps 1 or 2 of the grievance procedure that there was not cause for the suspension or discharge, such employee shall be reinstated and paid for all time lost through such suspension or discharge at his regular straight time hourly rate of pay, or paid such other amount as may appear to be just. Any suspension or discharge arising from the provisions of Article 31 need not be done in writing. Section 3. If an employee is charged with an offense involving the mishandling of fares or the misappropriation of City funds or property, intentional falsification or theft of official records or statements, immorality or drunkenness, neither such charge nor the discipline meted out in connection therewith shall be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedures provided for in this Agreement unless the grievance or demand for arbitration in such cases be accompanied by a document signed by the employee involved authorizing the City to disclose any and all facts and information pertaining to the case and releasing the City from any and all liability therefor. Section 4. When an employee is notified to come to the office to explain the reason or reasons for any complaint, incident or accident, the employee shall make himself available with representation, if so desired, within forty-eight (48) hours (Saturday, Sunday, holidays, days off excluded). The record of complaint and employee explanation will be made a part of the personnel record only after such meeting. Section 5. In considering disciplinary action, Management will take into account the twelve calendar months prior to the month in which the incident occurred in the employee's record. Section 6. Written reprimands and rebuttals or explanations thereof shall be removed from an employee's personnel file, including such files within a Department, one (1) year after the filing. All reprimands and rebuttals or explanations will be forwarded to the Personnel Department for inclusion into the employee's permanent record. Section 7. No discussion or investigation of anything involving possible disciplinary action shall be over the system radio. Telephone investigations will be for information purposes only and at the option of the employee; however, if the employee is called, the employee will be paid for the actual time spent on the telephone. Section 8. The Union shall receive a written notice of all pre-disciplinary hearings or meetings to be held. This notice shall be provided to the Union at least twenty-four
Permanent Part-Time Employees (1) Pay and benefits will be computed on a prorated monthly or pay period basis, such as one-half (½) monthly or pay period pay for a half-time employee, or pay will be computed on an hourly basis, and pay and benefits will be normally prorated on a pay period, pay status basis. Permanent part-time employees in permanent full-time positions will be treated as permanent part-time for purposes of this Article. (2) Employees paid on a fixed partial monthly basis shall have all extra hours worked over the regular part-time schedule paid at the hourly rate. Employees paid on a fixed partial monthly basis who work less than the regular part-time schedule shall have time deducted at the hourly rate.
Newly Hired Employees All employees hired to an insurance eligible position must make their benefit elections by their initial effective date of coverage as defined in this Article, Section 5C. Insurance eligible employees will automatically be enrolled in basic life coverage. If employees eligible for a full Employer Contribution do not choose a health plan administrator and a primary care clinic by their initial effective date, and do not waive medical coverage, they will be enrolled in a Benefit Level Two clinic (or Level One, if available) that meets established access standards in the health plan with the largest number of Benefit Level One and Two clinics in the county of the employee’s residence at the beginning of the insurance year. If an employee does not choose a health plan administrator and primary care clinic by their initial effective date, but was previously covered as a dependent immediately prior to their initial effective date, they will be defaulted to the plan administrator and primary care clinic in which they were previously enrolled.
CONTRACT EMPLOYEES Contained in Annexure D.
Service Plans 2.1 Standard Price Service Standard Price Term Home Basic Broadband 100 HK$168 Monthly Plan 24 consecutive months HomeFibre 500 HK$178 Monthly Plan 24 consecutive months HomeFibre 1000 HK$198 Monthly Plan 24 consecutive months a) WiFi service is only applicable at the Company’s designated wireless hotspots, for details, please visit www. b) No first time installation fee required. 2.2 Switch-in Offer a) Customer who accepts Switch-in Offer is entitled to up to 6 free service months provided the total Term will be (i) number of free service months; plus (ii) 24 months For example, if a customer opts in for 6 free service months, the total Term will be 30 months (6 free service months + 24 months = 30 months in total). The free months will be on 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th months of the Term. b) The monthly service fee waiver cannot be returned or exchanged for cash. c) The Company may request the Customer to present his existing broadband service contracts or bills with the other operator as verification. d) The Company has the final decision on the number of free service months to be offered. 2.3 Super Value Price a) Super Value Price is calculated based on Standard Price minus the cash bonus for the respective service plans. The cash bonus for Home Basic Broadband 100, HomeFibre 500 and HomeFibre 1000 is $20/month respectively. b) The cash bonus will be credited to the monthly bill of the Customer’s Account. The first Credit Amount will be credited to the 1st monthly bill after the service effective date. c) The Super Value Price service plan is subject to change from time to time. d) Customer who has registered for the Service and simultaneously subscribed to a designated monthly plan for the Company’s mobile telephone services (“Monthly Mobile Plan”) or HomePhone+ (“HomePhone+”) will be eligible for the Super Value Price in place of the Standard Price for the Term subject to the following conditions. e) The Service and the designated Mobile Monthly Plan should be registered under the same name and account; for HomePhone+, the Service and the HomePhone+ should be registered with same HKID. Otherwise the Customer will not be entitled to the Super Value Price. f) The Super Value Price will apply according to the bill date of the Service provided that the designated Mobile Monthly Plan or HomePhone+ is active. Cash bonus will be credited to the monthly bill. If the designated Mobile Monthly Plan or HomePhone+ is terminated/disconnected for whatsoever reason on the bill date of the Service, the Super Value Price of that month will not apply and the Customer will be charged the Standard Price. The Company will check the account status of the designated Mobile Monthly Plan or HomePhone+ on every bill date of the Service to determine whether Super Value Price or the Standard Price will be charged for the Service to the Customer. g) One designated Mobile Monthly Plan or HomePhone+ is entitled to one Super Value Price in a bill month. h) If the Customer subscribes to two Services and one designated Mobile Monthly Plan or HomePhone+, only the Super Value Price with the higher amount will be given to the Customer. i) For customer who has enjoyed the Switch-in Offer, the cash bonus (as described in Clause 2.3(a)) will take effect after the end of the free service months. 2.4 The Customer can change to a higher service plan during the Term and contract period shall remain the same. Customer who change to a lower value service plan is required to pay liquidated damages (as described in Clause 7 below) and also sign a new fixed term contract for the service plan. In both cases, the Customer shall pay an installation fee (if applicable) at the Company’s prevailing rate of charges for the Service from time to time. 2.5 The Service Plan is charged on a monthly basis. The monthly charges for the first month will be charged on a non pro-rata basis from the service effective date to the first bill date. The monthly charges are payable in advance and non-refundable under whatever circumstances. 2.6 Unless otherwise specified by the Customer, the Service will continue to be provided to the Customer after the expiry of the Term and such service will be charged at the same Monthly Service Plan that is chargeable to the Customer on the expiry date of the Term. 2.7 Free Three Months Offer a) This offer is only applicable to Home Basic Broadband 100. b) The offer can be used in conjunction with Switch-in Offer described in Clause 2.2. c) The free service months of this offer are 3rd, 6th, 9th month after the free months of the Switch-in Offer. For example, if a customer opts in for 6 free service months, the total Term will be 30 months (6 free service months + 24 months = 30 months in total). All the free months will be on 3rd, 6th, 9th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30thmonths of the Term. d) No cash bonus will be credited on the free service months. e) All monthly service fee waivers are not transferable and exchangeable for cash. f) The offer is subject to change from time to time.