PERSONAE Sample Clauses

PERSONAE. The method of developing personae is a summative way to describe key characteristics of a typical user. The development of personae requires substantial evidence and the three personae presented below as examples of typical stakeholders based on the feedback provided during the three focus groups are initial attempts to capture the most evident characteristics of the representatives of the groups. Xxxxxx is a 65 year old female who considers herself a “citizen scientist.” She regularly contributes to local projects carried out by regional and national cultural heritage institutions. Xxxxxx lives in a neighborhood that has a medium-sized museum that is known to curate comprehensive and contemporary exhibitions that look at the immigration history of the city. Xxxxxx has saved over a dozen letters from her friends and family that date back to the 1960's. She would like to donate these to the local museum, as she knows that the curator of the museum is interested in a designing an exhibition that includes digital technologies and the local history of the area. Xxxxxx is unsure if the letters are of any use and The citizen scientist, Xxxxxx wonders how the museum might include them but feels the letters offer insight into the era. She has a personal interest in the exhibition as she has been living in the neighborhood since the early 1960's. Xxxxxx is convinced that the main benefit in including citizen scientists in the creation of this exhibition, ensures that the displays and collections have an accuracy of the social history of the area that reflects the diversity of the neighborhood. She also believes that by including citizen scientists and other volunteers from the area, a community interest is generated and individuals who might not have visited the museum might be more inclined to enter the space. The policy maker, Xxxx Xxxx is a 40-year old CH professional from Malta with a role in defining the policies of his institution. He regularly uses CH collections not only for professional reasons but also because he has strong personal interest in the area. Xxxx is not quite sure how to use the digital collections of his institution for artistic purposes. He is not that familiar with citizen science and has not played an active role in such projects but could be interested to try it in the future. Xxxx sees a range of benefits from using citizen science – mostly related to an improved relation and services offered to the general public but also to the visibi...
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  • Personal/Xxxxx’s Leave 7.3.1 All full time employees shall be entitled to accrue paid personal / carer's leave on the basis of 10 days per year (or pro-rata thereof for any period less than one year). Part-time employees are entitled to a pro-rata benefit. Paid personal / carer's leave is cumulative.

  • Exportbepalingen Het is u niet toegestaan de Apple software te gebruiken of anderszins te exporteren of te herexporteren, behalve voor zover toegestaan krachtens de wetten van de Verenigde Staten en van het rechtsgebied waarin u de Apple software hebt verkregen. In het bijzonder, maar zonder beperking, is het u niet toegestaan de Apple software te exporteren of te herexporteren (a) naar een land waarvoor door de Verenigde Staten een embargo is ingesteld of (b) naar enige persoon die voorkomt op de door het U.S. Treasury Department samengestelde lijst van "Specially Designated Nationals" of op de door het U.S. Department of Commerce samengestelde "Denied Person’s List" of "Entity List". Door de Apple software te gebruiken, verklaart u dat u zich niet bevindt in een dergelijk land of op een van de bovengenoemde lijsten voorkomt. U verklaart tevens dat u de Apple software niet zult gebruiken voor doeleinden die verboden zijn volgens de wetten van de Verenigde Staten met inbegrip van, maar niet beperkt tot, de ontwikkeling, het ontwerp, de fabricage of productie van raketten, nucleaire, chemische of biologische wapens.

  • Personal Grievance The personal grievance provisions in Part 11 of this Agreement are available to an employee who is aggrieved by any action of their employer taken under these provisions.

  • Personal Files 2.5.1 The employer shall ensure that personal files are held in a secure place and access is confined to authorised personnel and the principal concerned.

  • Oddělitelnost Pokud bude jakékoliv ustanovení, právo nebo nápravný prostředek uvedený v této Smlouvě shledán soudem příslušné jurisdikce nevynutitelným nebo neúčinným, nebude tím ovlivněna platnost a vynutitelnost zbývajících ustanovení.

  • Personal Freedom 20.1 The personal life of an Employee is not an appropriate concern for the attention of the Board except as it may directly inhibit the Employee from performing properly his/her assigned functions during the workday.

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