Family history means that a person’s close relatives (parents, siblings or children) have had colorectal cancer and, therefore, the person is somewhat more likely to develop that type of cancer, especially if the family member developed the cancer at a young age. If many family members have had colorectal cancer, the chances that the person will develop colorectal cancer increase even more.
Family history. Do you have a family history of any of the following?
Family history. Father's Age: Occupation: Living? Biological Father or Stepfather_ Mother's Age: Occupation: Living? Biological Mother or Stepmother Siblings: Additional Relevant Family Information (e.g., marital status, current living arrangements): I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to counseling and provide you with some information that you may find valuable. I am currently a counselor-‐in-‐training at Xxxxxxxx University, in Montgomery Alabama. When I complete my program, I will hold a graduate degree in Counseling. Our relationship, although psychologically personal at times, should be regarded as strictly professional in nature. We will meet once a week for approximately 50 minutes. Since we will be limited on the amount of time we have to work together, our highest priority will be on the short term goals we work together to establish. As your counselor, all I request is that you be willing to work with me towards the goals you set for yourself. Should you need to cancel an appointment, please attempt to do so at least 24 hours in advance. Additionally, it will benefit you to know that I am not on call. Should you have a problem that needs immediate attention, contact the designated individual at your site. I am ethically bound to keep confidential anything you say in our sessions, with the following exceptions:
Examples of Family history in a sentence
Family history codes are for use when a patient has a family member(s) who has had a particular disease that causes the patient to be at higher risk of also contracting the disease.
Family history of heart disease or any sudden heart-related death of a family member before age 50.
Family history and risk of breast cancer: an analysis accounting for family structure.
Family history and the risk of breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The chances are more than double that an overweight child will develop diabetes.• Family history of diabetes.
More Definitions of Family history
Family history. Father's Age: Occupation: Living? Biological Father or Stepfather_ Mother's Age: Occupation: Living? Biological Mother or Stepmother Sister or Brother Age: Grade level/occupation: Sister or Brother Age: Grade level/occupation: Additional Relevant Family Information (e.g., marital status, current living arrangements): Family Medical/Psychological History: Educational History: Employment History: Physical Illness/Accident History: Additional Information: Current Status: Presenting Problem: Current Symptoms: Client's Level of Functioning (e.g., personal strengths, social support): Adult Information and Consent Form I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to counseling and provide you with some information that you may find valuable. I am currently a counselor-in-training at Xxxxxxxx University, in Montgomery Alabama. When I complete my program, I will hold a graduate degree in Counseling. Our relationship, although psychologically personal at times, should be regarded as strictly professional in nature. We will meet once a week for approximately 50 minutes. Since we will be limited on the amount of time we have to work together, our highest priority will be on the short term goals we work together to establish. As your counselor, all I request is that you be willing to work with me towards the goals you set for yourself. Should you need to cancel an appointment, please attempt to do so at least 24 hours in advance. Additionally, it will benefit you to know that I am not on call. Should you have a problem that needs immediate attention, contact the designated individual at your site. I am ethically bound to keep confidential anything you say in our sessions, with the following exceptions: (1) if you determine that you are danger of yourself or others, or if someone else is harming you; (2) if I am ordered to do so by a court of law; (3) if you direct me to disclose information to another; and, (4) for consultation purposes. In order for me to provide you with the best care possible, I will regularly audio and/or video tape our sessions and consult with my supervisor and peer counselors. Your identity will be protected in these circumstances. If at any time you are dissatisfied with my services, please do not hesitate to let me know. If we cannot come to an understanding and resolution, it is my duty to refer you to another care provider. My university supervisor is . My site supervisor is _. If you have any questions now or in the future, please f...
Family history. Father's Age: Occupation: Living? Mother's Age: Occupation: Living? Siblings: _Sister<or>Brother Age: Grade Level/Occupation: Familial Medical/Psychological History: Additional Relevant Family Information (e.g., marital status, current living arrangements): Physical Illness/Accident History:
Family history. Is there history of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, kidney disease, mental illness, suicide, or any hereditary disease? / / / / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Family history. No presence of cardiovascular disease, insulin dependent diabetes, or cancer before age 60 in parents or siblings, or presence of any other hereditary disease
Family history. Relative: Disease:
Family history means at least one first-degree relative (parent, sibling or child) or at least two second-degree relatives (grandparents, grandchildren, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews or half-siblings) who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer.
Family history. ’ means the health-related history of the family of the applicant concerned; and