POOL OPERATIONS. How will the crews know the miles of the new assignments?
POOL OPERATIONS. Pool operations within the Roseville Hub shall be restructured and the following shall represent pool operations.
A. Pools with home terminals at Sparks and Portola shall be run as follows:
POOL OPERATIONS. 1.1 A pool is a group of employees, usually carrying the same occupational title, whose output and earnings are “pooled” and divided among the members of the pool according to the time worked on the operations performed by the pool.
1.2 When establishing incentive standards for pool operations, the principles set forth in B1 above, will be applied. However, if one pool operation is the limiting factor in determining the output of one or more other operations in the pool, elemental allowed times or total allowed times for operations so affected will be adjusted to reflect the extent of the limitation.
POOL OPERATIONS. If the on duty point for the Denver-Cheyenne pool is moved from Denver Union Terminal to the DRGW Yard, will the mileage paid be increased? A19. Yes. The mileage will be from the center of DRGW Yard to Cheyenne. Q20. Will the pools be blue printed or run first in first out? A20. At the start of the implementation period they will run as they currently do and the parties will review the issue after a period of time to give the parties a chance to see how the merger has affected the pools.
POOL OPERATIONS. AQUA TECH agrees to furnish a Pool Manager, certified lifeguards, and other personnel, as required to operate the pool. All personnel hired by AQUA TECH will be employed by AQUA TECH and will be considered employees of AQUA TECH.
POOL OPERATIONS. A. The following pool consolidations may be implemented to achieve efficient operations in the Denver Hub:
1. All Grand Junction-Denver/Bond and Grand Junction-Minturn pool operations shall be combined into one pool with Grand Junction as the home terminal. Denver shall have three separate pool operations during the interim period: Denver-Phippsburg/Bond, Denver-Cheyenne, and Denver-Xxxxxx Springs. Upon finalization of seniority within the Hub, Denver may have one, two or three pools as the Carrier determines. Short pool operations when run shall be between Grand Junction-Bond and Denver-Bond.
2. All Pueblo-Denver and Pueblo-Dalhart pool operations shall be combined into one pool with Pueblo as the home terminal. The Pueblo-Alamosa local shall remain separate but Pueblo-Alamosa traffic may be combined with the Pueblo- Dalhart and Pueblo-Denver pool if future traffic increases result in pool operations. The Pueblo-Minturn pool shall remain separate until the number of pool turns drops below ten (10) due to the cessation of service on portions of that line, at that time, the Carrier may combine it with the remaining Pueblo pool. The Pueblo-Xxxxxx pool shall remain separate until terminated with the abandonment of portions of that line. The tri-weekly local provisions shall apply until abandonment of any portion of the line east of Pueblo where Pueblo crews now operate.
3. Pool, local, road switcher and yard operations not covered in the above originating at Grand Junction shall continue as traffic volumes warrant.
4. Helper service at Minturn shall remain separate until terminated with the cessation of service on portions of the line where the helpers operate.
5. Any pool freight, local, work train or road switcher service may be established to operate from any point to any other point within the new Seniority District with the on duty point within one of the zones.
6. The operations listed in A 1 – 4 above, may be implemented separately, in groups or collectively upon ten (10) days written notice from the Carrier to the General Chairman. Implementation notices covering item (5) above, shall be governed by applicable collective bargaining agreements.
7. Power plants between Denver and Pueblo may be serviced by either Pueblo- Denver pool or the Denver Extra board or a combination thereof. The Denver extra board shall be used first and if exhausted, the pool crew will be used and deadheaded home after completion of service.
B. The terms and conditions of the p...
POOL OPERATIONS. A) The following pool consolidations may be implemented to achieve efficient operations in the Salt Lake City Hub:
1. Salt Lake City - Elko and Xxxxx - Xxxx. These operations may be run as either two separate pools or as a combined pool with the home terminal within the Salt Lake City/Ogden metro complex. This pool service shall be subject to the following:
(a) If the pools are combined, then the former SP and WP engineers shall have prior rights on a 40/60 basis.
(b) If separate pools, the Carrier may operate the crews at the far terminal of Elko as one pool back to the metro complex with the crew being transported by the Carrier back to its original on duty point at the end of their service trip.
(c) The Carrier must give ten days written notice of its intent to change the number of pools or to combine the pools at Elko for a single pool returning to Salt Lake City/Ogden.
(d) Since Elko will no longer be a home terminal for pool freight operations east to the metro complex a sufficient number of pool and extra board employees will be relocated to the metro complex.
2. Salt Lake City - Green River/Pocatello and Xxxxx - Xxxxx River. These operations may be run as either one, two, or three separate pools. If as a combined pool, the home terminal will be within the metro complex. The carrier must give ten days written notice of its intent to change the number of pools. If run as a combined pool then prior rights, if still applicable, to the pool shall be based on the percentages that existed on the day the ten day notice is given. former 0xx Xxxxxxxx 16/26 = 62%; former Idaho 10/26 = 38%
3. Salt Lake City - Grand Junction/ Helper/ Milford/ Provo. These operations may be run as either one, two, three or four separate pools with the home terminal within the metro complex. The carrier must give ten days written notice of its intent to change the number of pools. If run as a combined pool(s) then prior rights to the pool(s) shall be based on the percentages that existed on the day the ten day notice is given.
4. Helper - Grand Junction/ Provo and Milford - Provo/ Helper. Each of these operations will be run as a single pool.
POOL OPERATIONS. 1.1 When revising incentive standards for pool operations, the principles set forth in C1, above, will be applied. After total allowed times for the various pool operations have been redetermined as outlined in C1.2.1 through C1.2.10, an analysis will be made with respect to the effect upon the limiting factor. If one operation is the limiting factor in determining the output of one or more other operations in the pool, elemental allowed times or total allowed times for operations so affected will be adjusted to reflect the extent of the limitation.
POOL OPERATIONS. The following pool consolidations may be implemented to achieve efficient operations in the Denver Hub:
POOL OPERATIONS. Pool Adjustments 100 DFW Hub Pools 100 Chickasha Guaranteed Pool 100 Childress Pool/Extra Board Agreement 101 McAlester Guaranteed Pool 104 Houston Hub Pools 115 Houston-Bloomington ID Service 128 Beaumont ID Service 130 Longview Hub Pools 136 San Antonio Hub Pools 147 Mexico Bridge Agreement 150 CCTA Interchange Agreement 152 OG&E Coal Trains 159