Permanent Part-Time Employee A permanent part-time employee is defined as an employee who is employed in a permanent position and who is normally scheduled to work a minimum of twenty-five (25) hours and less than thirty-two and one-half (32.5) hours per week on a regular basis.
Part-Time Nurse is a Nurse hired to a position to work on a regular or temporary basis that is less than the work period of a Full-Time Nurse.
Permanent Part-Time Employees (1) Pay and benefits will be computed on a prorated monthly or pay period basis, such as one-half (½) monthly or pay period pay for a half-time employee, or pay will be computed on an hourly basis, and pay and benefits will be normally prorated on a pay period, pay status basis. Permanent part-time employees in permanent full-time positions will be treated as permanent part-time for purposes of this Article.
Permanent Part-Time A permanent position less than permanent full-time. A permanent part-time employee will be paid on a fixed partial monthly or hourly salary basis, and all benefits will be calculated on a partial monthly or pay period, pay status basis. All permanent part-time employees whose work hours are regularly scheduled (work hours are based on a predetermined schedule) shall be paid on a fixed partial monthly basis.
Part-time Nurses a. If a regular part-time nurse works on one of the holidays set forth in paragraph A above, he/she will be paid for all time worked on said holiday at two (2) times his/her regular straight-time hourly rate of pay.
Part-Time Work An employee who is pregnant or is entitled to parental leave may, by agreement with the employer, reduce the employee’s hours of employment to an agreed extent subject to the following conditions:
Part-Time Only A rest period of fifteen (15) minutes will be granted during each half tour provided the duration of each half tour is not less than three (3) hours.
Part-Time Faculty A faculty member whose appointment is for a specified period of time and does not meet the full load requirements for an Academic Year as defined herein. Such appointment carries with it no promise or expectation of continued employment. Such appointments are not applicable towards tenure.
Notice of Changed Positions In the event that the Employer introduces significant changes to an existing job such that the job description is substantially altered, the Employer shall give written notice to the Union outlining the changes which have taken place, along with the Employer's proposal for a change in the wage rate, if any. Should the Union object to the proposed wage rate, such objection to the wage rate must be made in writing, within thirty (30) days of notification by the Employer. If no written objection is received by the Employer, then the wage rate shall be considered as agreed to. If the wage rate proposed by the Employer for the changed job is revised as a result of negotiation or arbitration, then the revised wage rate shall be effective from the date on which the changes were implemented.
Part-Time Employee Part-time employee" means an employee who is normally scheduled to work fewer than 80 hours in a biweekly payroll period.