Permanent Part-Time Sample Clauses

Permanent Part-Time. A permanent position less than permanent full-time. A permanent part-time employee will be paid on a fixed partial monthly or hourly salary basis, and all benefits will be calculated on a partial monthly or pay period, pay status basis. All permanent part-time employees whose work hours are regularly scheduled (work hours are based on a predetermined schedule) shall be paid on a fixed partial monthly basis.
Permanent Part-Time. An employee that works less than thirty (30) regularly scheduled hours per week.
Permanent Part-Time. Members of the Bargaining Unit who are employed on an ongoing basis for at least fourteen (14) hours per week, twelve (12) months per year.
Permanent Part-Time. A) Upon request, Permanent Part-Time employees shall be allowed to draw upon their vacation entitlement for the fiscal year in advance. The maximum advance will generally be based upon the percentage of hours worked in the previous fiscal year. B) Employees shall have their vacation entitlement calculated as per 16.2.1B) and prorated based on time worked.
Permanent Part-Time. A permanent part-time employee is one who works on a continuous, weekly basis in accordance with a set schedule that does not exceed twenty (20) regular hours per week, but this does not include the “vehicle/equipment detailer and fleet assistant” position, unless the person(s) filling the position choose(s) to be included. Whenever practical, permanent part- time employees will be given the opportunity to work extra hours to a maximum of fifteen (15) hours per week, i.e., total weekly hours not to exceed thirty-five (35). (2014)
Permanent Part-Time a) Permanent part-time employees shall be paid overtime in accordance with Article 16 (Hours of work), Article 17 (Overtime). b) All hours worked on Statutory holidays will be paid at two (2) times the regular hourly rate. c) Permanent part-time employees shall accrue sick leave credits at the rate of 2.25% of regular earnings. Once a permanent part-time employee has obtained the equivalent hours of one (1) year's full-time service [(1950) hours based on a 7.5 hour day or 2080 hours based on an 8 hour day)] the permanent part-time employee shall earn sick leave credits at a rate of 6.75% of regular earnings. d) Permanent part-time employees shall be paid, in addition to their basic rate, the following percentage of their regular earnings in lieu of vacation and statutory holidays: i. During the first 2 years 9% ii. During the 3rd year up to and including the 8th year - 11%. iii. During the 9th year up to and including the 17th year - 12%. iv. During the 18th year up to and including the 30th year - 14%. v. During the 31st year and beyond - 16%. e) Permanent part-time employees shall receive their vacation/statutory holiday pay referred to in Article 3.06 d) on the last pay day prior to their taking vacation entitlement, provided they give the Employer two (2) weeks’ notice in writing requesting same. Any remaining vacation credits will be paid out on the first pay day following the end of the calendar year. The permanent part- time employee may request in writing to their immediate supervisor to carry over up to one (1) year's vacation credits. Permanent part-time employees are required to take vacation entitlement subject to the minimum established in the Employment Standards Code. f) Permanent part-time employees may be offered additional shifts or hours. The employee shall have the option of working the offered shift at the regular rate of pay up to the maximum equivalent of full-time hours of work in their classification without overtime, or refusing the work. If the situation is such that the Employer requires the employee to work, overtime rates shall apply. g) Permanent part-time employees who are required to work beyond their regular shift or a non-scheduled shift without sufficient notice will be paid overtime in accordance with Article 17 (overtime). h) Permanent part-time employees shall not be entitled to benefits provided in the Articles covering Statutory Holidays and Vacation.
Permanent Part-Time. An employee employed during the academic year for less than 30 hours but more than 20 hours per week.
Permanent Part-Time. Definition:
Permanent Part-Time. Where permanent part-time positions are established as a response to a surplus staffing situation the incumbents will have an automatic right of appointment to the positions.
Permanent Part-Time. (a) A person may be employed on a part time basis to work regular days and hours which are less than 38. (b) Days and hours may be changed at any time by mutual agreement or by the employer giving 7 days notice. (c) The spread of ordinary days and hours are the same for full time and part time workers. (d) Should a part-time employee agree to work in excess of their regular hours they will be paid under the same basis as a full time employee is paid. Therefore when a part time employee works hours which would constitute overtime hours for a full time employee, they will receive payment for such hours at overtime rates. (e) Extra days may be worked by mutual agreement at the ordinary rate of pay unless those hours would constitute overtimes hours for a full time employee when overtime rates will be paid. (f) Once the total of 38 hours has been reached in a week, overtime rates will apply. (g) All leave entitlements will be pro rata on the basis of total part time hours worked per annum compared to full time hours per annum.