Part-Time Only Sample Clauses
Part-Time Only. A rest period of fifteen (15) minutes will be granted during each half tour provided the duration of each half tour is not less than three (3) hours.
Part-Time Only. Where a part-time nurse is scheduled to work on a holiday weekend, she shall also be scheduled to work on the holiday provided the shift is available.
Part-Time Only. The Hospital recognizes the Union as the Bargaining Agent of all lay, Registered and Graduate Nurses employed by the Hospital, engaged in nursing care, regularly employed for not more than 48 hours in two (2) weeks save and except head nurses and persons above the rank of head nurse.
Part-Time Only. A part-time Nurse working a Hybrid Schedule shall be scheduled off at least three (3) weekends in six (6). A Nurse will receive premium payment as per Article
Part-Time Only. All days that otherwise would qualify as per Article 27.01 as paid bereavement leave shall be considered as a day worked if the employee had the opportunity to work based on the practice of equalization within the scheduling unit.
Part-Time Only. Where a nurse desires a change in status to casual part time, she must place her request for transfer in writing to the Clinical Program Manager and Human Resources.
Part-Time Only. A Regular Part-Time nurse who fails to honour her commitment may be reduced to Casual Part-Time at the discretion of the Hospital. The Hospital will notify the Union of any nurse reduced to Casual Part-time and the Union may request to meet and discuss this action prior to the issue being finalized.
Part-Time Only. A nurse shall be scheduled for at least three (3) weekends off in six (6) plus the tour immediately preceding or following such weekend period. If a nurse is required by the Hospital to work more than three (3) weekends consecutively, such nurse shall receive time and one-half (1½) of her basic straight time hourly rate for a maximum of two (2) tours for each additional weekend worked, save and except where:
i) such weekend has been worked by the nurse to satisfy specific days off requested by such nurse; or
ii) such nurse has requested weekend work in writing with a copy to the Union; or
iii) such weekend is worked as a result of an exchange of tours with another nurse. Where a part-time nurse is scheduled for two (2) or more weeks of vacation in a six (6) week schedule, the nurse will only be required to be available for two (2) weekends in that scheduling period.
Part-Time Only. A part time employee is an employee who is normally pre-scheduled less than thirty-seven and one half (37 ½) hours per week. In addition, part time employees are scheduled on a relief basis to fill in for illness, vacation and other staff shortages as determined by the Employer.
Part-Time Only. (a) The Employer agrees to schedule regular part-time employees according to their commitment on the posted schedule.
(b) Where all regular part-time employees, by seniority, have been given the opportunity to work up to their committed tours in that pay period, extra tours will then be offered to regular part-time employees on the basis of seniority provided they are able to perform the work in question.
(c) Where no regular part-time employee is willing to perform the available work, the tour will be offered to casual part-time employees on the basis of seniority.
(d) After the schedule is posted:
i) Tours that become available for any reason after the schedule has been posted will first be offered on the basis of seniority to regular part-time employees on the unit that have not been scheduled the minimum commitment; then in order of seniority to the remaining regular part-time employees on the unit.
ii) Where all regular part-time employees have been given the opportunity to work up to their committed tours, extra tours will be offered to regular part-time employees on the basis of seniority.
iii) Where no regular part-time employee is willing to perform the available work at straight time, the tour will be offered to casual part-time employees.