Predator Control. The District will conduct control efforts for both northern pikeminnow and piscivorous bird populations for the protection of juvenile Plan Species. Northern pikeminnow will be primarily controlled by utilizing anglers at the dam. Northern pikeminnow tend to congregate in the Tailrace and anglers will exploit this population during the spring and summer months. The pikeminnow removal program may also be expanded to include not only the dam itself, but also the whole reservoir. This may be accomplished by implementing a bounty reward program and using sport anglers to assist in our control efforts. Long lines and trapping may also be utilized to supplement the dam angling and further exploit the pikeminnow population. Piscivorous bird populations, which include, Caspian terns, double-crested cormorants, and various gull species will be hazed. Hazing techniques may include elaborate wire arrays in the tailrace to deter foraging, propane cannons, various pyrotechnics, and lethal control when necessary. This program will continue to run during the juvenile outmigration.
Predator Control. Defendant shall trap and remove rats, mongoose, and feral cats from the Resort, and shall ensure that trapped rats, mongoose, and feral cats are not released back into the wild.
Predator Control. EK - 13 acres treated for fire ants. CH - 2 acres treated for fire ants. SV – Overabundant mesopredator and nonnative predator control provided by public hunting, approved animal control plan, and partnership with USDA Wildlife Services.
Predator Control. Pūlama Lānaʻi will:
(1) Trap and remove predators including feral cats.
(2) Use live cat traps in strategic locations around the perimeter of the ungulate fence, and monitor them regularly in accordance with trapping best practices and standard operating procedures.
(3) Use lethal rat traps, and will check, maintain and rebait rat traps per manufacturer recommendations.
(4) Install trail cameras around the site to monitor predator presence and occupancy of the site by waterbirds
(5) The extent and timing of predator control activities shall be within the sole discretion of Pūlama Lānaʻi.
Predator Control. The FWC discussed methods for controlling coyote predation of gopher tortoises at the September 2015 meeting of the Gopher Tortoise Technical Assistance Group (GTTAG). The group discussion concluded that while coyote predation does occur, none of the stakeholders/landowners has seen it occur at abnormally high levels that would call for a proactive control program/effort beyond the control methods already available. Staff will continue to stay apprised on studies and search for more information on this topic.
a) Disease and die-offs (date, property/location, cause if known, number of deaths)
b) Disease screening efforts
Predator Control. Fire ants were controlled with Amdro at the Yuchi WMA juvenile head-start release site
a) Disease and die-offs (date, property/location, cause if known, number of deaths) –we initiated a winter xxxxxx temperature at AGTHP, the goal of which is to determine if dog damaged xxxxxxx become unsuitable for overwintering at the northern edge of the species’ range.
b) Disease screening efforts – all waif tortoises received for release at AGTHP are given a physical assessment before release. Blood samples are banked
c) Predator control –Dogs continue to be seen on AGTHP and to excavate XX xxxxxxx. Game cameras have been used to identify dogs, and it appears to be a small number of repeat offenders. We are exploring possible actions to remedy the situation and the ability to enforce a county leash law on the site.
a) Disease and die-offs (date, property/location, cause if known, number of deaths)
b) Disease screening efforts -none
c) Predator control -none No report received. No report received.
Predator Control. Fire ants were controlled with Amdro at the Yuchi WMA juvenile head-start release site SOUTH CAROLINA
a) Disease and die-offs (date, property/location, cause if known, number of deaths) –we initiated a winter xxxxxx temperature at AGTHP, the goal of which is to determine if dog damaged xxxxxxx become unsuitable for overwintering at the northern edge of the species’ range.
b) Disease screening efforts – all waif tortoises received for release at AGTHP are given a physical assessment before release. Blood samples are banked
c) Predator control –Dogs continue to be seen on AGTHP and to excavate XX xxxxxxx. Game cameras have been used to identify dogs, and it appears to be a small number of repeat offenders. We are exploring possible actions to remedy the situation and the ability to enforce a county leash law on the site. GEORGIA DOT
a) Disease and die-offs (date, property/location, cause if known, number of deaths)
b) Disease screening efforts -none
c) Predator control -none XXXXXX BAND OF CREEK INDIANS No report received. AMERICAN FOREST FOUNDATION No report received. LONGLEAF ALLIANCE Nothing to report. XXXXX CENTER
Predator Control. Though the effects of predators, particularly meso-predators, on the Covered Species are a minor concern on the Ranch, some management and control of the species that adversely affect the Covered Species are performed. The predator control activities described in this Agreement constitute covered activities.
Predator Control. Wetlands and Waterbird Workshop, The Wildlife Society, Kaneohe, HI, Oct. 4-5, 2011.
Predator Control. The Province commits to: (i) continuing ongoing predator control efforts where required to support wildlife management objectives; and (ii) work collaboratively with BRFN and the Other Treaty 8 First Nations to consider additional predator control measures, including as may be necessary, additional species or alternative approaches.