PRICE OF COAL Sample Clauses
PRICE OF COAL. The “As Delivered Price of Coal” for the Coal supplies pursuant to this Agreement shall be the sum of Base Price, Other Charges and Statutory Charges, as applicable at the time of delivery of Coal.
PRICE OF COAL. 10.1 The “As Delivered Price of Coal” for the Coal delivered hereunder shall be the sum of the Base Price, sizing charges, transportation charges up to the Delivery Point, rapid loading charges, statutory charges, levies and other charges. The components of the As Delivered Price of Coal shall be determined on the basis of the rates/criteria duly notified by CIL/Seller/statutory authority from time to time as is applicable to the Purchaser and in force for the time being.
10.2 In the event of revision by the CIL/Seller of any component of the As Delivered Price of Coal, other than statutory charges and levies, the Seller shall inform the Purchaser of such revision from time to time. The Purchaser shall be liable to pay the revised As Delivered Price of Coal as and from the date the revised rates/criteria becomes or has become effective.
10.3 All royalties, taxes, duties, cesses, and such statutory levies payable to the State Government, Central Government or to any other statutory authority on the supply / dispatch/ delivery of Declared Grade of Coal under this Agreement shall be borne by the Purchaser.
10.4 The price of Imported Coal shall be as decided and declared by CIL from time to time.
10.5 In all cases the entire freight charges, irrespective of the mode of transportation of the Coal supplied, shall be borne by and to the account of the Purchaser.
10.6 The Purchaser shall be liable to make payment to the Seller in terms of this Agreement, on the basis of declared grade with respect to all quantity of Coal supplied irrespective of when and in what condition the loaded wagons/ xxxxx/road transport vehicles reach or do not reach the destination.
PRICE OF COAL. 9.1 The price of Coal delivered hereunder shall be the sum of the Base Price, sizing charges, transportation charges up to the Delivery Point, rapid loading charges, statutory charges, levies and other charges, as applicable (“As Delivered Price of Coal”). The components of the As Delivered Price of Coal shall be determined on the basis of the rates/criteria duly notified by CIL/Seller/statutory authority from time to time.
9.2 The price of Imported Coal shall be as decided and declared by CIL from time to time.
9.3 Any statutory levy or tax including royalty payable to the State Govt./ Central Govt for supply of Coal under this Agreement shall be borne by the Purchaser with effect from the date such charges are made applicable
9.4 Freight charges, irrespective of the mode of transportation of the Coal supplied, shall be borne by the Purchaser.
9.5 The Purchaser shall be liable to make payment to the Seller in terms of this Agreement on the basis of Declared Grade.
PRICE OF COAL. “As Delivered Price of Coal” for the coal supplies pursuant to this Agreement means any of the following as applicable at the time of delivery of coal depending upon the type / source of coal supplies.
(i) Sum of Contract Price, Other Charges and Statutory Charges, as applicable at the time of delivery of Coal in case of supplies from Scheme for Mine.
(ii) Sum of contract price in terms of respective cost plus agreement (s), other charges and statutory charges; in case of supplies from Alternate Source(s) for which Seller has entered into Cost plus Agreements.
(iii) Sum of Notified Price, other charges and statutory charges; in case of supplies from indigenous Alternate Source(s) from which Seller is supplying coal on notified price to other consumers.
(iv) Sum of landed cost till the Delivery Point, service charges and other incidental expenses declared by CIL or Seller and Statutory charges; in case of supply of Imported Coal
PRICE OF COAL. Price given in the price notification by Seller under the powers delegated to them from time to time by its Board.
PRICE OF COAL. .1 The “As Delivered Price of Coal” for the Coal delivered hereunder shall be the sum of the Base Price, sizing charges, transportation charges up to the Delivery Point, rapid loading charges, statutory charges, levies and other charges. The components of the As Delivered Price of Coal shall be determined on the basis of the rates/criteria duly notified by CIL/Seller/statutory authority from time to time as is applicable to the Purchaser and in force for the time being.
.2 In the event of revision by the CIL/Seller of any component of the As Delivered Price of Coal, other than statutory charges and levies, the Seller shall inform the Purchaser of such revision from time to time. The Purchaser shall be liable to pay the revised As Delivered Price of Coal as and from the date the revised rates/criteria becomes or has become effective. .3 All royalties, taxes, duties, cesses, and such statutory levies payable to the State Government Central Government or to any other statutory authority on the supply / dispatch/ delivery of Declared Grade of Coal under this Agreement shall be borne by the Purchaser. .4 The price of Imported Coal shall be as decided and declared by CIL from time to time.
PRICE OF COAL. 9.1 The Purchaser shall pay the “As Delivered Price of Coal” for the Coal supplied pursuant to this Agreement which shall be the sum of the Notified Price, Other Charges and Statutory Charges, as applicable at the time of delivery of Coal. Note: Notwithstanding anything, it is expressly clarified that CIL/Seller may, at any time, notify/amend the Notified Price and/ or Other Charges, which shall come into effect from the date of its notification. Further, in case of Cost Plus mines of WCL, the pricing and Model FSA shall be as decided by WCL.
PRICE OF COAL. 10.1 The price of Coal delivered hereunder shall be the sum of Base Price, sizing charges, transportation charges up to the Delivery Point, rapid loading charges, statutory charges, levies and other charges, as applicable (“As Delivered Price of Coal”). The components of As Delivered Price of Coal shall be determined on the basis of notifications issuedby Coal Company / statutory authority from time to time. Accordingly, in case of revision of any component of the As Delivered Price of Coal by Coal Company /statutory authority, the Purchaser shall be liable to pay the revised component of As Delivered Price of Coal as and from the date the revised rates/criteria becomes or has become effective. In addition to above, Corporation will charge 5% on the basic price declared by Coal Company.
10.2 Royalties, Taxes, Duties, Cess, and such statutory levies payable to the State Government/ Central Government or to any other statutory authority shall be borne by the Purchaser on the basis of grade of Coal as declared by the Coal Company, as applicable at the time ofdelivery.
10.3 In all cases, the entire freight charges, irrespective of the mode of transportation of the Coal supplied, shall be borne by and to the account of the Purchaser.
PRICE OF COAL. 10.1 The price shall be as per Price Notification issued by the Seller under the powers delegated to it by its Board from time to time.
10.2 The prices notified by the Seller are on FOR Colliery siding basis on Purchaser’s transport system at the Colliery despatch point.
10.3 Royalty, Cesses, Duties, Sales Tax, and other statutory levies etc., crushing charges, forest land adjustment cost, engine shunting charges and premium charges as applicable but not included in the price shall also be payable by the Purchaser. These levies shall become effective from the date of notification by the Government of India/ Govt. of Andhra Pradesh/ Seller and shall be paid by the Purchaser on declared grade and on the quantity despatched.
10.4 When coal is loaded either into Indian Railway Wagons or into the Purchaser’s own system of transport through high capacity loading system with a nominal capacity of 3500 Tonnes per hour or more, additional charges applicable will be levied for such loading as per the price notification.
10.5 In the event of revision of Prices the Seller shall inform the Purchaser of such revised prices as applicable from time to time. The Purchaser shall pay the revised coal prices from the effective date of the price revision from time to time.
10.6 At road dispatch points wherever the pre-weigh bin charges are applicable, such charges will also be levied as per the price notification.
10.7 The purchaser agrees to fulfill the following obligations while entering into Fuel Supply Agreement:
i) On signing of the Agreement, the Purchaser shall deliver to the Seller an advance of 25 days average coal supplies in the form of 10 days cash and 15 days Bank Guarantee (BG) calculated on notified basic price of eligible grade. The BG shall be valid throughout the Term of the agreement and for a further period of 180 days from the scheduled date of expiry of this agreement.
ii) The Security deposit in cash and Bank guarantee will be retained by the seller as Security deposit for adjustment against penalty due or towards unpaid bills at the time of closing of the FSA. The Security deposit amount so deposited will not bear any interest. The seller is entitled to forfeit the entire security deposit and Bank guarantee in case purchaser withdraws from the agreement along with damages caused to seller due to such withdrawal.
PRICE OF COAL. 1 The price of Coal delivered hereunder shall be the sum of the Base Price, sizing charges, transportation charges up to the Delivery Point, rapid loading charges, statutory charges, levies and other charges, as applicable (“As Delivered Price of Coal”). The components of the As Delivered Price of Coal shall be determined on the basis of the rates/criteria duly notified by CIL/Seller/statutory authority from time to time.