Procedure for Requesting Exclusion Sample Clauses

Procedure for Requesting Exclusion. Settlement Class Members who wish to opt out of this Settlement must submit a written statement to the Settlement Administrator by the Objection/Exclusion Deadline. To be valid, each request for exclusion must: (a) state the Settlement Class Member’s name, address, and phone number; (b) be personally signed by the Settlement Class Member and not the Settlement Class Member’s attorney or anyone acting on the Settlement Class Member’s behalf; and (c) include the statement “I/we request to be excluded from the class settlement in Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, et al. v. TTE Technology, Inc., Case No. 43:20-CV- 02857-EMC (N.D. Cal.).” Requests to opt-out that do not include all required information and/or that are not submitted on a timely basis, will be null, void, and ineffective. The date of the postmark on the mailing envelope shall be the exclusive means used to determine whether a Settlement Class Member’s opt-out/exclusion request has been timely submitted. In the event that the postmark is illegible, the opt-out/exclusion request shall be deemed untimely unless it is received by the Settlement Administrator within two (2) calendar days of the Objection/Exclusion Deadline. Any Settlement Class Member who properly opts out of the Settlement Class using this procedure will not be entitled to any Settlement Award, will not be bound by the Settlement, and will not have any right to object, appeal or comment thereon. Settlement Class Members who fail to submit a valid and timely request for exclusion on or before the Objection/Exclusion Deadline shall be bound by all terms of the Settlement and any final judgment entered in this litigation if the Settlement is approved by the Court, regardless of whether they ineffectively or untimely requested exclusion from the Settlement.
Procedure for Requesting Exclusion. Settlement Class Members who wish to opt out of this Settlement must submit a written statement to the Class Action Settlement Administrator by the Objection/Exclusion Deadline. To be valid, each request for exclusion must: (a) state the Settlement Class Member’s name, address, and phone number; (b) be personally signed by the Settlement Class Member and not the Settlement Class Member’s attorney or anyone acting on the Settlement Class Member’s behalf; and (c) include the statement “I/we request to be excluded from the class settlement in Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx et al. v.
Procedure for Requesting Exclusion. Settlement Class Members who wish to opt out of the Settlement (for purposes of damages claims only) must submit a written statement within the Objection/Exclusion Deadline. The Class Notice shall provide mandatory language for the request for exclusion. Requests to opt-out that do not include all required information and/or that are not submitted on a timely basis, will be deemed null, void, and ineffective. The date of the postmark on the mailing envelope shall be the exclusive means used to determine whether a Settlement Class Member’s opt-out/exclusion request has been timely submitted. In the event that the postmark is illegible, the opt-out/exclusion request shall be deemed untimely unless it is received by counsel for the Parties within two (2) calendar days of the Objection/Exclusion Deadline. Any Settlement Class Member who properly opts out of the Settlement Class using this procedure will not be entitled to any portion of the refunds, will not be bound by the settlement (for purposes of damages claims only), and will not have any right to object, appeal or comment thereon. Settlement Class Members who fail to submit a valid and timely request for exclusion on or before the Objection/Exclusion Deadline shall be bound by all terms of the Settlement and any final judgment entered in this litigation if the Settlement is approved by the Court, regardless of whether they ineffectively or untimely requested exclusion from the Settlement.
Procedure for Requesting Exclusion. Settlement Class Members who wish to exclude themselves from the Settlement must submit a Request for Exclusion (via U.S. mail, email, or fax) pursuant to the instructions in the Notice and such a request must be sent, or postmarked if sent by U.S. mail, no later than the Exclusion Deadline. A written Request for Exclusion must be signed by the potential Settlement Class Member (if by U.S. mail or fax) and include his or her name, address, and telephone number, and expressly state the desire to be excluded. A Request for Exclusion shall not be invalid for failure to provide all the requested information so long as the Settlement Administrator can ascertain the individual’s status as a Settlement Class Member and the individual’s desire to exclude himself or herself from the Settlement Class. Any Settlement Class Member who does not provide the Settlement Administrator with a timely, written Request for Exclusion waives the right to do so in the future and shall be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the release of identified claims set forth hereinafter. In the event a potential Settlement Class Member submits a timely written Request for Exclusion but thereafter submits a timely and valid Claim Form, he or she will be deemed not to have excluded himself or herself from the settlement. In the event a potential Settlement Class Member submits a timely and valid Claim Form but thereafter submits a timely written Request for Exclusion, he or she will be deemed to have excluded himself or herself from the Settlement.
Procedure for Requesting Exclusion. The Notice shall provide that Settlement Class Members who wish to exclude themselves from the Class must submit a written statement requesting exclusion from the Class by mail or email to the Settlement Administrator on or before the 120 days from Notice distribution. Such written request for exclusion must contain the Class Member’s full name, address, telephone number, and the last four digits of his or her social security number, a statement that the Settlement Class Member wishes to be excluded from the Settlement, and must be signed by the Settlement Class Member. The date of the postmark on the return mailing envelope or the timestamp on the electronic submission shall be the exclusive means used to determine whether a request for exclusion has been timely submitted. Any Settlement Class Member who excludes himself or herself from the Settlement will not be entitled to any recovery under the Settlement and will not be bound by the Settlement. If a Settlement Class Member submits both an exclusion request and a Claim Form, the Settlement Administrator shall contact the Settlement Class Member to determine whether the Class Member intended to request exclusion. If the Settlement Administrator contacts the Class Member and is unable to communicate with him or her, the Claim Form will govern and the exclusion request will be considered invalid. No later than three (3) days after receiving a request for exclusion the Settlement Administrator shall furnish to Settlement Class Counsel and Defendant’s Counsel a copy of that request for exclusion. Settlement Class Counsel shall file or otherwise identify the requests for exclusion with the motion for final approval of the settlement. If five percent (5%) or more of the Settlement Class Members submit valid requests for exclusion from the Settlement, Defendant may elect to withdraw from and not be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
Procedure for Requesting Exclusion. The Notice shall provide that Class Members who do not want to be bound by the Released Claims may exclude themselves from the Class and Settlement by mailing to the Claims Administrator a written statement requesting exclusion from the Settlement on or before the Objection/Exclusion Deadline. The Request for Exclusion must be a written statement expressing the desire to be excluded and must include: the case name and number, the Class Member’s full name and name(s) while employed by ACS, their current address, telephone number and full social security number. The date of the postmark on the return mailing envelope shall be the exclusive means used to determine whether a request for exclusion has been timely submitted. Any Class Member who requests to be excluded from the Class will not be entitled to any recovery from the Settlement Amount and will not be bound by the Released Claims or have any right to object, appeal or comment thereon. Class Members who fail to submit a valid and timely request for exclusion on or before the Objection/Exclusion Deadline shall be bound by all terms of the Settlement and any General Judgment entered in this Litigation, regardless of whether they have requested exclusion from the Settlement. Any requests for exclusion received directly by Class Counsel shall be immediately forwarded to the Claims Administrator with the envelope. The date of the postmark or date of the facsimile shall be used to determine if the request for exclusion is timely.
Procedure for Requesting Exclusion. The Class Notice shall provide that Class Members who wish to exclude themselves from the Class must submit a written statement requesting exclusion from the Class by mail or email to the Settlement Administrator on or before the Exclusion Deadline Date. Such written request for exclusion must contain the Class Member’s full name, address, telephone number, and the last four digits of his or her social security number, a statement that the Class Member wishes to be excluded from the Settlement, and must be personally signed by the Class Member. The date of the postmark on the return mailing envelope 15132937v.1 or the timestamp on the electronic submission shall be the exclusive means used to determine whether a request for exclusion has been timely submitted. Any Class Member who excludes himself or herself from the Settlement will not be entitled to any recovery under the Settlement and will not be bound by the Settlement. No later than three (3) days after receiving a request for exclusion the Settlement Administrator shall furnish to Class Counsel and Defendant’s Counsel a copy of that request for exclusion. No later than 24 hours after receiving a request for exclusion from the Settlement Administrator, the Parties shall file the request for exclusion with the Court.
Procedure for Requesting Exclusion. The Notice shall 16 provide that Plaintiffs who wish to exclude themselves from the Class must submit a 17 written statement requesting exclusion from the Class on or before the 18 Objection/Exclusion Deadline Date. Such written request for exclusion must contain the 19 name, address, telephone number, and last four digits of the social security number of the 20 person requesting exclusion, and the location and dates of his or her employment by
Procedure for Requesting Exclusion. “Opt Outs”). The Notice shall provide that Class Members who wish to exclude themselves from the Class must submit a written statement requesting exclusion from the Class. Such written request for exclusion must contain the name, address, telephone number, and the last four digits of the Social Security number the Class Member used when living at CHA, must be returned by mail to CHA at a specified address, and must be received no later than forty-five (45) days after mailing of the settlement notice. Any Class Member who opts out of the Class will not be entitled to any relief under the Settlement; they will not be bound by the Settlement or have any right to object, appeal, or comment thereon. No later than twenty-one (21) calendar days after the Exclusion Deadline, CHA shall furnish to CHA’s Counsel and Class Counsel a complete list of all Class Members who have timely requested exclusion from the Class.
Procedure for Requesting Exclusion. Settlement Class Members who wish to opt out of this Settlement must submit a written statement to the Settlement Administrator by the Objection/Exclusion Deadline. To be valid, each request for exclusion must: (a) state the