Certification of the Settlement Class For purposes of this Settlement only, the Parties stipulate to the certification of the Settlement Class, which is contingent upon the Court entering the Final Approval Order and Judgment of this Settlement and the occurrence of the Effective Date.
Requests for Exclusion (Opt-Outs) 6.5.1. Class Members who wish to exclude themselves (opt-out of) the Class Settlement must send the Administrator, by fax, email, or mail, a signed written Request for Exclusion not later than 45 days after the Administrator mails the Class Notice (plus an additional 14 days for Class Members whose Class Notice is re-mailed). A Request for Exclusion is a letter from a Class Member or his/her representative that reasonably communicates the Class Member’s election to be excluded from the Settlement and includes the Class Member’s name, address and email address or telephone number. To be valid, a Request for Exclusion must be timely faxed, emailed, or postmarked by the Response Deadline. 6.5.2. The Administrator may not reject a Request for Exclusion as invalid because it fails to contain all the information specified in the Class Notice. The Administrator shall accept any Request for Exclusion as valid if the Administrator can reasonably ascertain the identity of the person as a Class Member and the Class Member’s desire to be excluded. The Administrator’s determination shall be final and not appealable or otherwise susceptible to challenge. If the Administrator has reason to question the authenticity of a Request for Exclusion, the Administrator may demand additional proof of the Class Member’s identity. The Administrator’s determination of authenticity shall be final and not appealable or otherwise susceptible to challenge. 6.5.3. Every Class Member who does not submit a timely and valid Request for Exclusion is deemed to be a Participating Class Member under this Agreement, entitled to all benefits and bound by all terms and conditions of the Settlement, including the Participating Class Members’ Releases paragraph of this Agreement, regardless of whether the Participating Class Member actually receives the Class Notice or objects to the Settlement. 6.5.4. Every Class Member who submits a valid and timely Request for Exclusion is a Non-Participating Class Member and shall not receive an Individual Class Payment, nor shall they have the right to object to the class action components of the Settlement.
Request for Extension Upon request, the Department may extend the time allowed for both a response to the Letter of Concern and a Corrective Action Plan depending upon the nature of the deficiency. The Provider shall request an extension of time in writing from the Department’s designated representative. The written request shall contain a justification and proposed extension period.
Requests for Exclusion 9.1 The provisions of this section shall apply to any request by a Class Member for exclusion from the Class. 9.2 Any Class Member may make a request for exclusion by submitting such request in writing as set forth in the Notice. 9.3 Any request for exclusion must be submitted no later than the date specified in the Court’s preliminary approval order. 9.4 Any request for exclusion shall (i) state the Class Member’s full name and current address, (ii) provide the model year and Vehicle Identification Number (“VIN”) of his/her/its Class Vehicle(s) and the approximate date(s) of purchase or lease, and (iii) specifically and clearly state his/her/its desire to be excluded from the Settlement and from the Class. 9.5 Failure to comply with these requirements and to timely submit the request for exclusion will result in the Class Member being bound by the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 9.6 Any Class Member who submits a timely request for exclusion may not file an objection to the Settlement and shall be deemed to have waived any rights or benefits under this Settlement Agreement. 9.7 The Settlement Administrator shall report the names of all Class Members who have submitted a request for exclusion to the Parties on a weekly basis, beginning 30 days after the Notice Date. 9.8 Co-Lead Class Counsel represent and warrant that they have no other agreements with other counsel respecting Class Members, including any agreements with respect to referring, soliciting, or encouraging any Class Members to request to be excluded (or “opt out”) from this agreement. 9.9 Upon certification of the Class in connection with the Preliminary Approval of this agreement, Co-Lead Class Counsel agree to seek in the Preliminary Approval Order from the Court a provision encouraging all written communications to multiple Class Members with respect to this Agreement to be reviewed and approved by Co-Lead Class Counsel and the Court, and Co- Lead Class Counsel agree to abide by that provision as may be required by the Court.
Deviation from Grievance Procedure The Employer agrees that, after a grievance has been discussed at Step 2 of the grievance procedure the Employer or his representatives shall not initiate any discussion or negotiations with respect to the grievance, either directly or indirectly with the aggrieved employee without the consent of the xxxxxxx or the Union.
Grounds for exclusion Purely national exclusion grounds: 5 Lot 5.1 Lot technical ID: LOT-0001
Request for Review If any operator believes that in his case any requirment of a recognized agency is excessive, the operator may request the administrator, division of forestry, to review the requirements. If in the opinion of the administrator any or all are not necessary in the interest of public safety, he may make such changes as he considers advisable. Bucket: Metal, plastic, canvas, or fiberglass container capable of holding at least one gallon of water. Motorcycle helmets qualify. Campfire means a fire set for cooking, warming, or ceremonial purposes; not more than 3 feet in diameter or height; void of overhanging branches; with all combustible material cleared at least 1-1/2 times the diameter of the fire; or a barbecue in a noncombustible container.
Purpose; Incorporation by Reference of Auction Procedures and Settlement Procedures (a) On each Auction Date, the provisions of the Auction Procedures will be followed by the Auction Agent for the purpose of determining the Applicable Rate for the of APS, for the next Dividend Period therefor. Each periodic operation of such procedures is hereinafter referred to as an "Auction." (b) All of the provisions contained in the Auction Procedures and the Settlement Procedures are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety and shall be deemed to be a part of this Agreement to the same extent as if such provisions were set forth fully herein. (c) BD agrees to act as, and assumes the obligations of and limitations and restrictions placed upon, a Broker-Dealer under this Agreement. BD understands that other Persons meeting the requirements specified in the definition of "Broker-Dealer" contained in Paragraph 10 of Article VII of the Amended By-laws may execute a Broker-Dealer Agreement and participate as Broker-Dealers in Auctions. (d) BD and other Broker-Dealers may participate in Auctions for their own accounts. However, the Trust, by notice to BD and all other Broker Dealers, may prohibit all Broker-Dealers from submitting Bids in Auctions for their own accounts, provided that Broker-Dealers may continue to submit Hold Orders and Sell Orders.
Referral Procedures For Local Unions now having a job referral system as contained in their Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Contractor agrees to utilize such system and it shall be used exclusively by such Contractor, except as it may be modified by this Article. Referrals shall not be affected by obligations of Union membership or the lack thereof. Where airport security clearance requirements apply to work to be performed, the Contractor shall inform the Union’s hiring hall dispatcher of those requirements when requesting workers. For those Local Unions having a Book system as part of their Collective Bargaining Agreement, such system will be honored in regards to lay-off of workers from covered projects. Section 2. In the event that Local Unions are unable to fill any request for employees within the time specified by the local CBAs the Contractor may employ applicants from any other available source. The Contractor shall inform the Union of the name and social security number of any applicants hired from other sources and shall refer the applicant to the Local Union for dispatch to the Covered Project prior to the commencement of work, and make trust fund contributions for every hour worked. Section 3. There shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of his/her membership or non-membership in the Union or based upon race, creed, color, sex, age or national origin, or any other legally protected class of such employee or applicant. Section 4. No employee covered by this PLA shall be required to join any Union as a condition of being employed on the Covered Project; provided, however, that an employee who is a member of the referring Union at the time of the referral shall maintain that membership while employed under the PLA. All employees shall, however, be required to comply with the union security provision of the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement, for the period during which they are performing on-site work, except as modified by this PLA. The Contractor agrees to deduct union dues or representation fees, whichever is applicable, from the pay of any employee who executes a voluntary authorization for such deductions and to remit the dues to the Union or Council. Initiation fees shall be waived for those employees who are not members of any signatory Union when they begin work on this Covered Project. The dues obligations of such employees shall be confined to that portion of union membership dues directly related to representation of workers in collective bargaining, and in enforcement of the Unions’ collective bargaining agreements. Nothing in this Section is intended to eliminate or affect the right of any employee to join the Union or the right of any union to collect full dues from its member. Section 5. The Parties agree that where a Contractor is not party to a current Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Union having jurisdiction over the affected work, the Contractor may request by name, and the Local will honor, referral of up to a maximum of five (5) persons per each contractor (“core” employees), provided that the Contractor first demonstrate that those persons possess the following qualifications: (1) Any license required by state or federal law for the Project work to be performed; (2) Have worked a total of at least one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours in the construction craft during the prior two (2) years; (3) Were on the Contractor’s active payroll for at least sixty (60) out of the ninety (90) calendar days prior to the contract award; (4) Have the ability to perform the work safely. The Contractor may elect to hire its first “core” employee to be a xxxxxxx. After the Contractor hires his first core employee, the Union will refer to such Contractor one journeyman employee from the hiring hall out-of-work list for the affected trade or craft, then refer one of such Contractor’s “core” employees as a journeyman, and shall alternate one core employee and one employee from the out-of-work list, until such Contractor’s crew requirements are met or until such Contractor has hired five (5) “core” employees, whichever occurs first. Thereafter, all additional employees in the affected trade or craft shall be hired exclusively from the hiring hall out-of-work list(s). For the duration of the Contractor’s work the ratio of “core” employees to hiring hall referrals shall be maintained and when the Contractor’s workforce is reduced, employees shall be reduced in the same ratio as was applied in the initial hiring. All employees, core and union, shall be dispatched from the appropriate union. Trust benefits shall be paid on all employees, core and union. Section 6. Upon referral or dispatch from a Union, “turnaround” or refusal of any worker by the Contractors, requires written explanation from the Contractor that shall be communicated through the Prime Contractor to the Port and affected Union within 48 hours. Section 7. Individual seniority will not be recognized or applied to employees working on the Project. This provision will not interfere with or supersede the use by individual Contractors of “call lists” maintained by such Contractor pursuant to addenda to the local Collective Bargaining Agreement between such Contractor and a Union signatory to this PLA. Section 8. The selection of craft foremen and/or general foremen and the number of such foremen and/or general foremen required shall be entirely the responsibility of the Contractor. Craft foremen shall be designated working foremen at the request of the Contractor. Craft workers covered by this PLA will, in the normal day- to-day operations, take their direction and supervision from their xxxxxxx.
Request for Hearing The employee must file a written request for hearing within fifteen calendar days of receipt of the Notice of Dismissal or Suspension. Filing means receipt in the office designated no later than regular close of business on the last day of the filing period. Failure to file such request in a timely manner shall be deemed a waiver of the right to a hearing and the proposed action shall be effective upon action by the Governing Board without notice or hearing except as may be required in a board meeting agenda.