Procedures For Transfer And Promotion. 1. All notices of vacancies shall be posted for not less than ten (10) working days at each work site. CSEA shall be sent a copy of the notice at the time the vacancy is posted. A job vacancy notice shall include: the job title, a brief description of the position and duties, the minimum qualifications required of the position, the salary range, and the deadline for filing to fill the vacancy.
2. A member of the unit may request, in writing, a transfer after completing one (1) year of service in the District. Such requests will be valid for one (1) year. Transfer requests shall be submitted to the Personnel Department.
3. If a posting period occurs between instructional years or intersessions, employees with requests on file with the Personnel Department shall be mailed postings at the same time vacancies are posted at the Education Center, provided that they also have a stamped self-addressed envelope on file.
4. Members of the unit with transfer applications on file by the announced closing date will be considered for any and all positions for which they qualify.
5. The Superintendent shall consider current qualified employees that are seeking transfer before filling a position with an external candidate.
6. If requested, candidates not selected will be advised in writing within five (5) working days of receipt of a written request with the reason(s) for non-selection.
7. If an exam or interview for a position within the District is scheduled during a unit member’s duty day, the member shall be released without penalty to take the exam and/or participate in an interview.
Procedures For Transfer And Promotion. 1. All notices of vacancies shall be posted for not less than ten (10) working days at each work site. CSEA shall be sent a copy of the notice at the time the vacancy is posted. A job vacancy notice shall include: the job title, a brief description of the position and duties, the minimum qualifications required of the position, the salary range, and the deadline for filing to fill the vacancy.
2. A member of the unit may request, in writing, a transfer after completing 6 months of service in the District. Such requests will be valid for one (1) year. Transfer requests shall be submitted to Human Resources.
3. If a posting period occurs between instructional years or intersessions, employees with requests on file with Human Resources shall be provided postings electronically at the same time vacancies are posted.
4. Members of the unit with transfer applications on file by the announced closing date will be considered for any and all positions for which they qualify.
5. The Superintendent shall consider current qualified employees that are seeking transfer before filling a position with an external candidate.
6. A transfer committee, which shall consist of the CSEA Chapter President and the Chief Xxx Xxxxxxx (if unavailable, the Chapter President will designate another unit member), and two (2) management employees designated by the district shall meet in situations in which five or more vacancies exist in one job classification. The committee shall meet to ensure that a fair process in accordance with this agreement and district policy is used to fill the vacant positions.
7. In cases where it is determined that a vacancy shall be filled with an existing unit member and two (2) or more unit members equally satisfy the criteria mentioned in article 7C, the unit member with the most district-wide seniority (date of hire) shall be selected for the position.
a. If the unit members have equal seniority (date of hire) the determination shall be made on the basis of date of hire as a substitute within the district.
b. If that also be equal, the determination will be made by lot.
8. Transfer candidates not selected, may upon request by the candidate, be advised in writing within five (5) working days of receipt of a written request with the reasons(s) for non-selection.
9. If an exam or interview for a position within the District is scheduled during a unit member’s duty day, the member shall be released without penalty to take the exam and/or participate in an in...