Progression For progression for all classifications under this agreement, refer to Schedules A to D.
Additional mechanisms within the Programme 5.1 Pre-defined projects
Bilingual Differential Pay Bilingual Differential Pay applies to those positions designated by the Department of Personnel Administration as eligible to receive bilingual pay according to the following standards:
Incremental Progression Three (3) Year Trained Teacher - Professional Development
Increasing Seat Belt Use in the United States Pursuant to Executive Order 13043, 62 FR 19217 (Apr. 18, 1997), Recipient should encourage its contractors to adopt and enforce on-the- job seat belt policies and programs for their employees when operating company-owned, rented or personally owned vehicles.
Wage Progression (a) Employees within their position classification will progress from the "start rate" to the "one year rate" and so on, on the basis of eighteen hundred (1800) hours paid by the Employer at the "start rate" to the "one year rate" and so on. Hours for which the employee receives WSIB as a result of a work related injury while in the employ of the Employer shall be considered hours paid for the purposes of computing eligibility to progress to the next higher rate within their position classification.
Proposing Integration Activities in the Planning Submission No integration activity described in section 6.3 may be proposed in a CAPS unless the LHIN has consented, in writing, to its inclusion pursuant to the process set out in section 6.3(b).
- Progression on the Wage Grid (The following clause is applicable to part-time employees only) Effective October 10, 1986 part-time employees, including casual employees, shall accumulate service for the purpose of progression on the wage grid, on the basis of one year for each 1725 hours worked. Notwithstanding the above, employees hired prior to October 10, 1986 will be credited with the service they held for the purpose of progression on the wage grid under the Agreement expiring September 28, 1985 and will thereafter accumulate service in accordance with this Article.
Outpatient emergency and urgicenter services within the service area The emergency room copay applies to all outpatient emergency visits that do not result in hospital admission within twenty-four (24) hours. The urgicenter copay is the same as the primary care clinic office visit copay.