HIGHER GRADE Sample Clauses
HIGHER GRADE. Higher level payment
19.1 Depending on the principles underpinning the classification system, an employee who is acting in a higher classified position:
19.2 For more than 4 hours on any shift, will be paid at the higher grade rate for the whole time the employee works on that shift;
19.3 For 4 hours or less on any shift will be paid the higher grade rate for 4 hours.
19.4 The general principle for the AS, PT classification streams and Levels 4 and above of the ET, OS and CI classification streams is that employees who act in a higher classified position will be paid at the entry level pay point of the higher classified position.
19.5 Employees who act in a higher classified position for a full week (i.e. Monday to Sunday) will accrue time towards movement to the next incremental level of the higher classified position (if applicable).
19.6 Employees do not accrue annual leave and/or personal/carers leave at a higher grade rate when acting in a higher grade position. Such Leave will accrue and be paid in accordance with the relevant clauses in this agreement.
19.7 Employees who have previously accrued annual leave and/or leave for own illness/injury (now personal/carers leave) at a higher grade rate will continue to draw on those higher grade accruals until the accruals are exhausted or no longer relevant.
19.8 When an employee has had leave pre-approved before going into a period of higher grade, the Company will not cease the higher grade arrangement with the sole intent to avoid the Company‟s obligation of higher grade payment.
19.9 The Company is not obligated to approve an employee‟s leave that is requested once the employee has commenced higher grade and that leave would fall within or directly after a period of acting higher grade.
HIGHER GRADE. Travelling time in connection with work for which an employee is receiving higher grade pay must be paid at that higher grade rate.
HIGHER GRADE. 65.1 Employees shall perform any work reasonably directed by their Employer, for which they have the necessary competencies, skills and experience to perform.
65.2 Employees, when acting temporarily out of their grade shall be paid not less than the minimum rate of such grade, provided that such minimum is not less than their classified rate of pay.
65.3 Where higher grade payments are made, the time so paid, exclusive of penalties, will be credited up to the maximum ordinary hours for the fortnight. Such credits will be utilised for the determination of incremental payments, rates of pay on promotion and upon entering on various forms of paid leave. In all other instances, the conditions applicable to the position being acted in shall apply.
65.4 Employees who are booked off to clear a public holiday and who are acting in a higher grade on the working days before and after the holiday, shall be paid for the public holiday at the applicable higher graded rate of pay.
65.5 During the period that Employees perform the duties of a higher grade position, they will receive not less than the minimum rate of pay for the higher duties position, subject to the following:
(a) Where the higher duties are performed in an operational position Employees will be paid at the higher rate when they perform the duties of the higher grade position.
(b) Employees to whom Division 4 of this Section 2 applies will be paid at the higher rate on each occasion where the higher duties are performed for five days or more, except for Shiftwork positions where the Employee will be paid at the higher rate on each full day that the duties are performed.
65.6 The parties agree to higher duties being utilised to fill temporary vacancies to allow Employees to develop additional skills. Suitably qualified applicants will share the position on a rotational basis, for a period of up to six months.
65.7 It is also agreed that secondment opportunities are to be advertised across the organisation for temporary vacancies that are available for a period of up to twelve months. Where special circumstances exist, and with consent of the unions, the secondment may go beyond a period of twelve months, but shall not exceed two years.
65.8 Existing arrangements with respect to payment and selection of Employees for acting up shall continue to apply in those areas where such formal Agreements exist.
HIGHER GRADE. An employee is not entitled to payment of higher grade for relieving another employee who is absent on core time leave. • Where an employee acting in a higher grade position they will not be paid at the higher rate for more than 7.6 hours on any day or 38 hours in any week, whichever is applicable. • When an employee acting in a higher grade position is absent on core time leave, such core time leave will not be deemed to interrupt the period of the higher grade relief.
HIGHER GRADE. Higher level payment
48.1 Depending on the principles underpinning the classification system, an employee who is acting in a higher classified position:
48.1.1 For more than 4 hours on any shift, will be paid at the higher grade rate for the whole time the employee works on that shift.
48.1.2 For 4 hours or less on any shift will be paid the higher grade rate for 4 hours.
48.2 The general principle for Levels 4 and above of the ET classification stream is that employees who act in a higher classified position will be paid at the entry level pay point of the higher classified position.
48.3 Employees who act in a higher classified position for a full week (i.e. Monday to Sunday) will accrue time towards movement to the next incremental level of the higher classified position (if applicable).
48.4 Employees do not accrue annual leave and/or personal/carer’s leave at a higher grade rate when acting in a higher grade position. Such Leave will accrue and be paid in accordance with the relevant clauses in this Agreement.
48.5 Employees who have previously accrued annual leave and/or leave for own illness/injury (now personal/carer’s leave) at a higher grade rate will continue to draw on those higher grade accruals until the accruals are exhausted or no longer relevant.
48.6 When an employee has had leave pre-approved before going into a period of higher grade, the Company will not cease the higher grade arrangement with the sole intent to avoid the Company’s obligation of higher grade payment.
48.7 The Company is not obligated to approve an employee’s leave that is requested once the employee has commenced higher grade and that leave would fall within or directly after a period of acting higher grade.
HIGHER GRADE. 120.1 Employees when acting temporarily out of their grade shall be paid not less than the minimum rate of such grade, provided that such minimum is not less than their classified rate of pay. 120.2 When Employees act in higher grades for which wage rates are provided according to years of service, they shall, from the date they accumulate 12 months service on such acting work, but no earlier than 12 months from the date the acting rate was first paid, be paid the wage rate prescribed for the second year and, after having accumulated 2 years acting service under similar conditions, the third year’s wage rate where it is provided and so on.
HIGHER GRADE. If an Employee relieves for more than 1 hour and not more than 4 hours a day or shift they will be paid at the higher rate for the hours performing the higher duties. If an Employee relieves for more than 4 hours during a day or shift they will be paid the higher rate for the entire day or shift worked when performing the higher duties.
HIGHER GRADE. 104.1. Employees engaged for 2 hours or more on one Shift on duties carrying a higher rate than their ordinary classification shall, if the minimum rate for such classification is higher than their ordinary rate, be paid the higher minimum rate for the whole Shift. If so engaged for less than 2 hours on one Shift, Employees shall be paid the higher minimum rate for the time worked, provided that any time occupied on meal relief in either a wages or salaried position shall not be regarded as acting in a higher grade.
HIGHER GRADE. 43.1 An employee working in a higher grade position will receive payments per the position worked in the roster.
43.2 A South East Queensland employee working in a regional position will receive the rate of pay and conditions applicable to the location and grade.
43.3 Employees do not accrue annual leave and/or personal/carer’s leave at a higher grade rate when acting in a higher grade position. Such leave will accrue and be paid in accordance with the relevant clauses in this Agreement.
43.4 Employees who have previously accrued annual leave and/or leave for own illness/injury (now personal/carer’s leave) at a higher grade rate will continue to draw on those higher grade accruals until the accruals are exhausted or no longer relevant.
43.5 When an employee has had leave pre-approved before going into a period of higher grade, the Business will not cease the higher grade arrangement with the sole intent to avoid the Business’s obligation of higher grade payment.
43.6 The Business is not obligated to approve an employee’s leave that is requested once the employee has commenced higher grade and that leave would fall within or directly after a period of acting higher grade.
HIGHER GRADE. 97.1 Employees engaged for 2 hours or more on one Shift on duties carrying a higher rate than their ordinary classification shall, if the minimum rate for such classification is higher than their ordinary rate, be paid the higher minimum rate for the whole Shift. If so engaged for less than 2 hours on one Shift, Employees shall be paid the higher minimum rate for the time worked, provided that any time occupied on meal relief in either a wages or salaried position shall not be regarded as acting in a higher grade.
97.2 When Employees act in a higher grade for which wage rates are provided according to years of service, they shall, from the date they accumulated 12 months service on such acting work, made up of periods of not less than 4 hours continuous acting service, but not earlier than 12 months from the date of acting rate was first paid, be paid the wage rate prescribed for the 2nd year and, after having accumulated 2 years acting service under similar conditions, the 3rd year’s rate where it is provided and so on.
97.3 Employees ordered to act in or to relieve in a lower grade shall not have their rate of pay reduced whilst so employed, except in cases of punishment or of general retrenchment, or where by reason of circumstances beyond the control of the Employer, work in their own or a higher grade is not available.
97.4 When an Employee acts in a higher or lower grade all employment conditions (other than pay) applicable to that grade will apply to the Employee.