Publication of Reports Sample Clauses
Publication of Reports. (a) The Fund shall publish an annual report containing an audited statement of its accounts, and shall issue, at intervals of three months or less, a summary statement of its transactions and its holdings of gold and currencies of members.
(b) The Fund may publish such other reports as it deems desirable for carrying out its purposes.
Publication of Reports. 1. The Agency agrees that it may only release aggregated information generated by the HMIS that is specific to its own services.
2. The Agency acknowledges that the release of aggregated information will be governed through policies established by relevant committees operating at the HMIS and Continuum of Care level. Such information will include qualifiers such as coverage levels or other issues necessary to fully explain the published findings.
Publication of Reports. 1. The Agency agrees that it may only release aggregated information generated by the TCHC CoC HMIS specific to its own Agency’s services.
2. The Agency acknowledges that the release of CoC‐wide aggregated information will be governed through policies established by TCHC and the CoC HMIS Committee for analysis of information at the CoC‐level or community‐level. Such information will include qualifiers such as coverage levels or other issues necessary to fully explain the published findings.
Publication of Reports. (1) The HIU may arrange for—
(a) a family report produced in accordance with section 6(7), or
(b) an interim report produced in accordance with section 17(7), to be published in the manner which the HIU considers appropriate.
(2) Subsection (1) does not authorise the HIU to publish a copy of a report unless (and until) the HIU can publish it in accordance with sections 7(2) and 27(2).
(3) But before arranging publication of a report, the HIU must take reasonable steps to obtain representations about the publication of the report from—
Publication of Reports. 1. The Agency agrees that it may only release aggregated information generated by the CMIS.
2. The Agency agrees that the HMIS oversight committee will establish annual performance goals for the COC and each program within the COC. CMIS staff will provide performance reports on annual goals on a quarterly basis to member agencies. These reports will be analyzed by the HMIS oversight committee and published on the COC website.
Publication of Reports. 1. The Agency agrees that it may only release aggregated information generated by the HMIS that is specific to its own services.
2. The Agency acknowledges that the release of aggregated information will be governed through policies established by relevant committees operating at the Continuum of Care level for community-level analysis. Such information will include qualifiers such as coverage levels or other issues necessary to fully explain the published findings.
3. The HLA will release aggregated information as required by its Federal, State, and Local funding agents; other request for data must be authorized by the HLA.
Publication of Reports. 15.1 Reports or other documents for the consideration of the TfGMC or a Sub Committee shall be marked “Private & Confidential Not for Publication” only if the Secretary, as Proper Officer under Section 100B(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 and determines that this should be done on one or more of the grounds specified in the Act.
15.2 A Member of the TfGMC or a member of the public may request that an item of business containing exempt information should be taken in public and such a request should be dealt with by the meeting at which the item is to be considered in private as the first item on the agenda. The procedure for dealing with such requests is set out in Rules 16 and 17 below.
15.3 Copies of the agenda of meetings of the TfGMC or its Sub Committees, including prints of reports or other documents to be submitted to the TfGMC or Sub Committees (other than reports or other documents marked “Not for Publication”) shall be furnished prior to the meeting to representatives of the press, radio and television and shall also be furnished at the meeting to members of the public attending such meetings. Such documents shall also be made available for public inspection, at least five clear days before any meeting, at the Town Hall, Manchester.
15.4 Where an item or report has been added to an agenda, any revised agenda or additional report shall be available for public inspection as soon as the item or report has been added to the agenda, provided copies are also, at that time, available to members of the TfGMC.
Publication of Reports. 1. The Agency agrees that it may only release aggregated information generated by the MSHMIS that is specific to its own services.
2. The Agency acknowledges that the release of aggregated information will be governed through policies established by relevant committees operating at the MSHMIS level for statewide analysis and at the Continuum of Care level for community-level analysis. Such information will include qualifiers such as coverage levels or other issues necessary to fully explain the published findings.
3. The Agency acknowledges that MSHDA or MCAH or both will be preparing de-identified research data sets to support research and planning. De-identification will involve the masking or removal of all identifying or potential identifying information such as the name, Unique Client ID, SS#, DOB, address, agency name, and agency location. Geographic analysis will be based on MSHDA Regions to prevent any data pools that are small enough to inadvertently identify a client by other characteristics or combination of characteristics. Programs used to match and/or remove identifying information will not allow a re- identification process to occur. CoCs will be provided a description of each Study being implemented. Agencies may opt out of the Study through a written notice to MCAH.
Publication of Reports. The Agency agrees that it may only release aggregated information generated by the Hampden County HMIS that is specific to its own services.
Publication of Reports. The Fund shall issue and transmit to Members an annual report containing an audited statement of accounts. After adoption by the Governing Council, such report and statement shall also be transmitted for information to the General Assembly of the United Nations, to the Trade and Development Board of UNCTAD, to Associated ICOs and to other interested international organizations.