PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES. Should Lessee contract with a third party to provide aviation services which might otherwise be performed by Lessee under this Lease, such third party shall be deemed to be conducting a business at the Airport, and prior to engaging therein, Lessee will ensure that such third party has an operating agreement with Authority. Authority may impose charges, rentals and fees upon such third parties for facilities used or for services provided. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessee may select suppliers, purveyors and furnishers of materials, supplies, equipment and services of its own choosing. Nothing in this Section 4.08 shall be construed as in any way limiting the general powers of Authority to fully exercise its governmental or proprietary functions or its obligations under any bond covenants or federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations.
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PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES. A. Should Airline or its affiliated carriers, purchase flight meals or beverages for consumption by its passengers aboard its aircraft or other prepared foodstuffs for consumption within Airline’s Premises from a third party other than an Airport Concessionaire authorized to provide such services or Airline’s own flight kitchen, the Board may impose a percentage fee upon such suppliers for the privilege of doing business at the Airport in an amount no greater than the percentage fee paid the Board by an Airport Concessionaire for similar sales.
PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES. Subject to the limitations set forth in this Agreement and applicable law, if any, regulating the purchase of goods and services by County or other governmental authorities, Manager shall have full authority and discretion as to the purchase of all equipment, materials, supplies and inventories, and services reasonably required by it in the management of the Facilities but shall make a good faith effort to make all such purchases at the best price available as known to Manager, considering the quantities required and the quality desired, at the time available for the delivery and the sources of supply whenever possible as part of a volume purchase by Manager. Manager agrees to publicly advertise and solicit one or more competitive bids from Persons, but not including any of Manager's Affiliates, whenever Manager considers purchasing goods or services under this Agreement. Manager shall not allocate or impose any costs or expenses related to its operations or Affiliate operations which are not related to Manager's provisions of management services to the Facility.
PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES. A. Should the Lessee contract with a third party to provide maintenance and service upon its aircraft or to furnish other services which might otherwise be performed by Lessee under this Agreement, such third party shall be deemed to be conducting a business at the Airport. The Lessee shall be responsible to the City for any third party performing for or contracted by the Lessee, shall assume all responsibility and liability in connection with such contracting and shall promptly obtain written approval of the City prior to the third party performing any maintenance or services. The City may impose charges and fees and impose Minimum Standards upon such third parties for services provided and rentals for facilities used.
PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES. In connection with the purchase by TSJ of equipment, materials, goods, supplies and inventories for the Facilities, TSJ shall endeavor to make all such purchases at the best price available to TSJ, taking into account, whenever reasonably possible, the quantities required, the T-26492.002\1086141 -42- 133\1100388.5 quality desired, time available for delivery, sources of supply, and volume purchases. TSJ shall pass on to the Facilities the full amount of any volume discounts and other discounts available to TSJ. TSJ shall also exercise its best efforts to comply with City’s Environmentally Preferable Procurement Policy (Council Policy 4-6). A description of environmentally preferable procurement and the Policy can be found on the City’s website at the following link: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/esd/natural-energy-resources/epp.htm. City will provide TSJ with not less than 15 days written notice prior to the effectiveness of any change to the Environmentally Preferable Procurement Policy.


  • All new supplies equipment and services shall include manufacturer's minimum standard warranty unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Vendor shall be legally permitted to sell all products offered for sale to TIPS Members. All goods proposed and sold shall be new unless clearly stated in writing. Customer Support The Vendor shall provide timely and accurate customer support for orders to TIPS Members as agreed by the Parties. Vendors shall respond to such requests within a commercially reasonable time after receipt of the request. If support andƒor training is a line item sold or packaged with a sale, support shall be as agreed with the TIPS Member. Agreements Agreements for purchase will normally be put into effect by means of a purchase order(s) executed by authorized agents of the TIPS Member participating government entities, but other means of placing an order may be used at the Member’s discretion. Tax exempt status Most TIPS Members are tax exempt and the related laws andƒor regulations of the controlling jurisdiction(s) of the TIPS Member shall apply. Assignments of Agreements No assignment of Agreement may be made without the prior notification of TIPS. Written approval of TIPS shall not be unreasonably withheld. Payment for delivered goods and services can only be made to the awarded Vendor, Vendor designated reseller or vendor assigned company.

  • Additional Products and Services Subject to the allocation of funds, the CPO may add similar equipment, supplies, services, or locations, within the scope of this Agreement, to the list of equipment, supplies, services, or locations to be performed or provided by giving written notification to Contractor. For purposes of this Section, the “Effective Date” means the date specified in the notification from the CPO. As of the Effective Date, each item added is subject to this Agreement, as if it had originally been a part, but the charge for each item starts to accrue only on the Effective Date. In the event the additional equipment, supplies, services, or locations are not identical to the items(s) already under this Agreement, the charges therefor will then be Contractor’s normal and customary charges or rates for the equipment, supplies, services, or locations classified in the Fees and Costs (Exhibit “F”).

  • Packaging Materials and Containers for Retail Sale Packaging materials and containers in which a good is packaged for retail sale shall, if classified with the good, be disregarded in determining whether all the non-originating materials used in the production of the good undergo the applicable change in tariff classification set out in Annex 4, and, if the good is subject to a regional value-content requirement, the value of such packaging materials and containers shall be taken into account as originating or non-originating materials, as the case may be, in calculating the regional value content of the good.

  • TRANSPORT SERVICES Upon the conclusion of such multilateral negotiations, the Parties shall conduct a review for the purpose of discussing appropriate amendments to this Agreement so as to incorporate the results of such multilateral negotiations.

  • Air Transport Services 1. For the purposes of this Article:

  • Contracting for Services It is the intent of the parties to preserve the work and job opportunities of the employees covered by this agreement. It is also, however, an obligation as well as a management prerogative of the employer to maintain the efficiency of the employer's operations and to determine methods and means by which those operations are to be conducted. The employer shall make every reasonable effort to retain the employees covered by this agreement and will not make arrangements to contract with any outside firm for any of the services ordinarily rendered by said employees which would jeopardize their continued employment without disclosure to the bargaining agent sufficiently in advance to accommodate discussion between the parties of the contemplated action. The employer shall not enter into any such contract for services unless it can be proven that said contract would result in increased efficiency of operations by way of obtaining the same services at less cost or additional services for the same cost, or unless it can be proven that such action is necessitated by financial exigency. The employer agrees it shall be a condition of any such contract for services which may displace employees covered herein, that the contractor shall offer employment to as many of said employees who would be displaced by said contract as the number of similarly qualified employees who shall be required by the contractor to effect performance of the contract. It is understood, however, that the employer may not require the terms of the contractor's offer of employment to be identical to or commensurate with those of the employee's contract with the employer. The provisions of this paragraph are subject to the grievance procedure and no work which would result in displacement of any employee within the bargaining unit shall be contracted prior to a final decision on any grievance filed under the terms of this contract.

  • Contract for Services The parties intend this Agreement to be a contract for the provision of services and not a contract for the sale of goods. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), the Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act (UCITA), the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and any substantially similar legislation as may be enacted, shall not apply to this Agreement.

  • Support Services HP’s support services will be described in the applicable Supporting Material, which will cover the description of HP’s offering, eligibility requirements, service limitations and Customer responsibilities, as well as the Customer systems supported.

  • Ordering Services 5.1 The Employer may order any of the Training Services by making a request (‘a Request for Services’) to the Training Provider pursuant to this clause 5.

  • DELIVERY TERMS AND TRANSPORTATION CHARGES Deliverables shall be shipped F.O.B. point of delivery unless otherwise specified in the Supplemental Terms and Conditions. Unless otherwise stated in the Offer, the Contractor’s price shall be deemed to include all delivery and transportation charges. The City shall have the right to designate what method of transportation shall be used to ship the deliverables. The place of delivery shall be that set forth the purchase order.

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