RADON INSPECTION. This Contract is subject to ( ) Purchaser or ( ) Seller having a radon inspection, at their sole expense. The purpose of this inspection is to determine only if air quality radon levels meet EPA action level standards using an inspector certified by the National Environmental health Association (NEHA) and/or National Radon Safety Board (NRSB) at their sole choice. If Radon is found to be present at levels which exceed the action level established by the EPA and if corrective action is taken, such work shall be performed by a mitigator certified by NEHA and/or NRSB so that a test may be obtained which meets EPA standards. Seller shall pay for the verification test(s) after the remediation has been completed.
RADON INSPECTION. Buyer shall have the option, at Buyer's expense, to have the Property tested for radon on or before the date for completion of inspections as set forth in paragraph 13 (a) above. The test result shall be deemed satisfactory to Buyer if it indicates a radon level of less than 4.0 pico curies per liter of air (as of January 1, 1997, EPA guidelines reflect an "acceptable" level as anything less than 4.0 pico curies per liter of air). If the test result exceeds the above-mentioned level, Seller shall have the option of: a) remediating to bring radon level within the satisfactory range; or b) refusing to remediate. Upon the completion of remediation, Buyer may have a radon test performed at Seller's expense, and if the test result indicates a radon level less than 4.0 pico curies per liter of air, it shall be deemed satisfactory to the Buyer. If Seller elects not to remediate, or if remediation is attempted but fails to bring the radon level within the satisfactory range, Buyer shall have the option of: a) accepting the Property with its then current radon level; or
RADON INSPECTION. Buyer shall have the option, at Buyer’s expense, to have the Property tested for radon.
RADON INSPECTION. The Buyer may have the habitable dwelling(s) located on the property tested by a reputable service for the presence of radon gas. The Seller agrees to maintain a “closed-house condition” during the test. “Closed house condition” shall mean that the Seller shall keep the windows closed and minimize the number of times the exterior doors are opened or left open. The Seller agrees to comply with all reasonable requirements of the testing service in connection with the test, provided such compliance shall be at no cost to Seller. If the test reveals that the level of radon gas exceeds the US EPA action level of four (4) picocuries per liter or higher, the presence of radon gas shall be considered a substantial defect. SEPTIC SYSTEM INSPECTION- A test of the septic system by a licensed professional engineer, licensed plumber septic system contractor, County Health Department, or other qualified person indicating that the system is in working order. Upon conclusion of the inspection, the Buyer at their sole expense shall return the premises in the same condition as it was upon the commencement of the inspection and for repairing any and all damage that has occurred on the premises as a result of the inspection. If the Buyer fails to restore the property to its pre-inspection condition, as determined by the Seller, the Seller will cause the restoration to be performed and the Buyer will be responsible for any and all costs associated therewith if contract does not close. ⎕ Municipal Building and Code Inspection of septic system required (see addendum) WELL WATER FLOW AND/OR QUALITY TESTS- (a) A potability water quality test to meet the standards of the New York State Department of Health to be performed by a New York State approved laboratory, (b) any chemical, metal, inorganic, or other tests as the Buyer may request, and (c) a flow test to be performed indicating a minimum flow sufficient to produce three (3) gallons per minute for two (2) hours, or the minimum required to obtain financing on the subject property as dictated by the Buyer’s lender.
RADON INSPECTION. Buyer(s) are hereby given the opportunity and have the obligation, at their ow n expense, to have the property inspected for the presence of radon gas. Said test shall be made w ithin ten (10) calendar days of the date of this Contract. If the test reveals the presence of more than 4.0 Pico Curies per liter (pCi/L) of radon gas, Buyer(s) w ill provide Seller w ith a copy of the w xxxxxx report w ithin ten (10) calendar days f rom execution of contract. Seller w ill notify Buyer(s) w ithin ten (10) days of the receipt of the said report as to w hether Seller w ill agree to take steps to reduce radon level to 4.0 pCi/L or less. If Seller is unw xxxxxx or unable to reduce said levels to 4.0 pCi/L or less, Buyer(s) may cancel this Contract. Seller shall refund the deposit, together w ith all accumulated interest, if applicable, and this Contract shall terminate and the parties and broker(s) shall have no further obligation or claims tow ard each other.
RADON INSPECTION. The BUYERS must choose one of the following alternatives relative to the presence of radon in the home: 1) ❑ By (❑A.M. ❑P.M.) on , 20 , the Buyers may, at their sole expense, have the Property tested for the presence of radon gas. Such test shall be conducted by an Iowa Certified Radon Specialist. SELLER agrees to sign documents required for the test to be completed and agrees to cooperate with the specialist in carrying out the test. By the same date, BUYERS must notify SELLER in writing of any radon in excess of pCI/L. The notification shall be accompanied by a copy of the written radon report. The cost of mitigation, if necessary, shall be negotiated within the time frames and remedies in paragraph 10C(1). 2) ❑ BUYERS acknowledge that they have been advised of their right to conduct a radon test and have declined to order Initials said test.
RADON INSPECTION. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that when accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in buildings in Michigan. It is recommended Purchaser completes a radon test and obtains additional information regarding radon from County Health Department.
RADON INSPECTION. The Purchaser may have the dwelling located on the property tested by a reputable service for the presence of radon gas. The Seller agrees to maintain a "closed house condition" for 12 hours immediately preceding the test and during the test. "Closed-house condition" shall mean that the Seller shall keep the windows closed and minimize the number of times the exterior doors are opened and the time that they are left open. The Seller agrees to comply with all reasonable requirements of the testing service in connection with the test, provided such compliance shall be at no cost to the Seller. If the test reveals that the level of radon gas is four (4) picocuries per liter or higher, the presence of radon gas shall be deemed grounds for cancellation of the contract. ___ _ _ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Purchaser may have a qualified individual or entity test the ground and buildings on the property for asbestos and mold (mildew is not classified as mold), the presence of underground fuel tanks, and any contamination from any hazardous materials whose presence or discharge on the property is a violation of any applicable law or regulation. ___
RADON INSPECTION. The Buyer may have the dwelling located on the property tested by a reputable service for the presence of radon gas. The Seller agrees to maintain a "closed-house condition" during the test. " Closed-house condition" shall mean that the Seller shall keep the windows closed and minimize the number of times the exterior doors are opened and the time that they are left open. The Seller agrees to comply with all reasonable requirements of the testing service in connection with the test, provided such compliance shall be at no cost to Seller. If the test reveals that the level of radon gas is four (4) picocuries per liter or higher, the presence of radon gas shall be deemed grounds for cancellation of the contract. All tests and/or inspections contemplated pursuant to this Paragraph 9 shall be completed on or before and at Buyer's expense, and shall be deemed waived unless Buyer provides written notice of the failure of any of these tests and/or inspections, which notice is to be sent in accordance with Paragraph 24 of this Agreement, no later than . If Buyer so notifies, and further supplies written confirmation by a copy of the test results and/or inspection report(s), or letter(s) from the inspector, then this entire Agreement shall be deemed canceled, null and void and all deposits made hereunder shall be returned to Buyer or, at Buyer's option, said cancellation may be deferred for a period of ten (10) days in order to provide the parties an opportunity to otherwise agree in writing.
RADON INSPECTION. An inspection of the property at the expense of for the presence of radon gas resulting in a report satisfactory to the Purchaser. This contingency is to be removed on or before .