RECITALS AND PURPOSES. Xxxxx Diamond presently owns and manages approximately 430,000 acres within Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity counties of California, and may increase or decrease this total acreage through acquisitions and dispositions (the “Green Diamond Lands”). This Agreement applies to Green Diamond Lands.
RECITALS AND PURPOSES. A. The Arizona, California, and Nevada Parties, in partnership with the Federal Parties, have developed the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program to provide the basis for compliance with section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) by the State Parties and section 7 of the ESA by the Federal Parties.
B. The planning area for the LCR MSCP, as depicted on Figure 1-1 in the Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and the Biological Assessment (BA) and described in section 1.4.1 of the HCP and BA, is defined as areas up to and including the full-pool elevations of Lakes Xxxx, Mohave, and Havasu and the historical floodplain of the Colorado River from Lake Xxxx downstream to the Southerly International Boundary with Mexico. The historical floodplain includes all those lands that are or have been affected by the meandering or regulated flows of the Colorado River, which are delineated by significant changes in elevation between the floodplain and the adjacent uplands.
C. The planning area provides habitat for the following Covered Species which are listed as endangered or threatened under the ESA as of the Effective Date: Bonytail Humpback chub Razorback sucker Desert tortoise Southwestern willow flycatcher Yuma xxxxxxx rail D. The planning area also provides habitat for the following Covered Species which are not listed as endangered or threatened under the ESA as of the Effective Date: Threecorner milkvetch Sticky xxxxxxxxx XxxXxxxx’x sootywing skipper Xxxxxxxxxxxx sucker Relict leopard frog Flat-tailed horned lizard Western least bittern California black rail Yellow-billed cuckoo Elf owl Gilded flicker Gila woodpecker Vermilion flycatcher Arizona Xxxx’x vireo Sonoran yellow warbler Summer tanager Western red bat Western yellow bat Colorado River cotton rat Yuma hispid cotton rat
E. The planning area also provides habitat for the following species (LCR MSCP evaluation species) that are not listed as endangered or threatened under the ESA as of the Effective Date, and for which coverage under the section 10(a)(1)(B) permit is not sought at this time: Desert pocket mouse Sonoran Desert toad (Colorado River toad) Lowland leopard frog California leaf-nosed bat Xxxx Xxxxxxxx’x big-eared bat
F. The Conservation Measures described in Chapter 5 of the HCP will fully mitigate the effects of incidental take of Covered Species resulting from the Covered Actions and Covered Activities and will, to the maximum extent practicable, minimize and m...
RECITALS AND PURPOSES. Pursuant to section 18(2)(a) of Article XIV of the Colorado Constitution and section 29-1-203, C.R.S., the County Clerk (acting with authority from the Grand County Board of Commissioners, pursuant to the County’s Policy for the Purchasing of Goods and Services and Contracting) and the Local Government may cooperate or contract with each other to provide any function, service or facility lawfully authorized to each, and any such contract may provide for the sharing of costs, the imposition of taxes, and incurring of debt.
RECITALS AND PURPOSES. 1.1 The County Clerk and the Jurisdiction are each authorized to conduct elections as provided by law; and
1.2 The election to be held on November 8, 2022 (the “Election”) shall be conducted as a “mail ballot election” as defined in the Uniform Election Code of 1992 (“the Code”) and the Rules and Regulations of the Colorado Secretary of State (“the Rules”); and
1.3 Pursuant to § 1-7-116(2), Colorado Revised Statutes (“C.R.S.”), the County Clerk and the Jurisdiction are required to enter into an agreement for the administration of their respective duties and sharing of the actual costs related to the Election; and
1.4 Section 20 of Article X of the Colorado Constitution (“XXXXX”) requires the production of a mailed notice (“XXXXX Notice”) concerning tax and liability ballot issues that will be submitted to the electors of Boulder County; and
1.5 The County Clerk and the Jurisdiction have determined that it is in the best interests of the Jurisdiction, and its inhabitants and landowners, to cooperate and contract for the Election upon the terms and conditions contained in this IGA; and
1.6 The purpose of this IGA is to allocate responsibilities between the County Clerk and the Jurisdiction for the preparation and conduct of the Election and provide for a reasonable sharing of the actual costs of the Election among the County and other participating political subdivisions. For and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises in this IGA, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
RECITALS AND PURPOSES. The Parties have entered into this Agreement in consideration of- the following facts and assumptions, intentions and expectations [Capitalized terms are defined in Section 2 hereof]:
RECITALS AND PURPOSES. 1.01 Seller agrees to sell, and Xxxxxxxxx agrees to buy certain real property, known as 00 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx xx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx of Strafford and State of New Hampshire, (the “Property”), all as described in the Mortgagee's Sale, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein.
1.02 The property is sold and conveyed by exercise of Seller's power of sale granted to it by the Mortgage and pursuant to a foreclosure sale of even date herewith at which Purchaser made the highest bid, in the amount of , ($ ).
RECITALS AND PURPOSES. 1.01 Seller owns the land located at 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxx on Belmont Assessor’s Map 69 as Parcel 44, more particularly described in Plan (the “Plan”) entitled “Definitive Plan of Land in Belmont, MA ‘Greensbrook Way Extension’ dated October 23, 2005, revised through December 13, 2006, Scale: 1” = 40’ prepared by Bay Colony Group, Inc. and recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 1186 of 2007 (the “Premises”).
1.02 Seller wishes to sell and Xxxxx wishes to buy the Premises.
1.03 Seller published a Request For Proposals for the sale of 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxx dated July 31, 2013 (the “RFP”).
1.04 Buyer submitted a Response to RFP entitled [ insert description and date of RFP here ] (the “Response to RFP”), which response was accepted by Seller as the winning proposal via letter dated [ insert date of award letter here ].
1.05 Seller has agreed to sell and Xxxxx has agreed to purchase the Premises subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, the RFP and the Response to RFP incorporated herein by reference and attached hereto as Exhibits A & B respectively. To the extent any terms of this Agreement and the RFP and the Response to RFP are inconsistent or conflict, the terms of this Agreement shall govern the enforceability of such provisions unless otherwise specifically stated herein.
1.06 This Agreement shall be construed in a fashion consistent with the purposes set out herein.
RECITALS AND PURPOSES. 1.01 Seller wishes to sell by auction sale, and Purchaser wishes to buy a certain premises known as Lot 00-0-00 Xxx Xx Drive, Milford, County of Hillsborough, NH 03055 (the Premises) and described in the mortgage recorded in the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds, Book 7583, Page 2601.
RECITALS AND PURPOSES. 1.01 Seller wishes to sell by foreclosure sale and Purchaser wishes to buy a certain premises known as 00 Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxx Xxxxxxxxx (the Premises) and described in the mortgage recorded in the Grafton County Registry of Deeds, Book 4113, Page 0917.
1.02 Said Premises is being sold and conveyed by exercise of Mortgagee's right to foreclose by a certain Mortgage from Firstrust Bank dated February 19, 2015.
1.03 Said sale is subject to any existing liens and restrictions which take precedence over said Mortgage and any unpaid taxes.
RECITALS AND PURPOSES. 1.1 Seller shall sell and Purchaser shall buy, by foreclosure sale pursuant to New Hampshire RSA 479:25, the Premises upon the terms stated herein.
1.2 The Premises are being sold and conveyed by exercise of Seller's right to foreclose the mortgage referenced in the attached Notice (“the Mortgage”).