RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD. Approve and instruct the Chair of the Board to sign the lease agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Company, as required for the installation of fencing and maintenance of landscape improvements between Xxxxxxxx Avenue and Xxxxxx Street on railroad right of way owned by the Union Pacific Railroad Company in the unincorporated community of Florence-Firestone.
RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD. 1. Approve and authorize the County Librarian to execute an Agreement with Sirsi Corporation dba Sirsi Dynix (SirsiDynix) in a substantially similar form to the attached Agreement (Attachment I) for an upgrade of the Public Library’s existing Integrated Library System (ILS) for a contract term not to exceed seven (7) years with three (3) one year extensions, at County's sole option, with a total maximum County obligation of $7,771,045.
2. Approve an appropriation adjustment (Attachment II) for the Public Library Accumulated Capital Outlay Fund (J12) to transfer $2,300,000 from the Fixed Assets - Equipment Appropriation to Accumulated Capital Outlay Fund (J12) Services & Supplies Appropriation to allow for the purchase of ILS upgrade related computer hardware, payment of implementation and system maintenance costs, and related professional services.
RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD. 1. Find that this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.
2. Approve the Reciprocal Agreement between the City of Palmdale and the County of Los Angeles.
3. Authorize and instruct the Chairman of the Board to sign four original copies of the Reciprocal Agreement. The Honorable Board of Supervisors August 18, 2009
RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD. 1. Find this proposed agreement is categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to classes 4 (f) and (j) of the County’s Environmental Document Reporting Procedures and Guidelines.
2. Authorize and instruct the Mayor of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to sign four original copies of the attached Non-Exclusive Beach Beverage Sponsorship Agreement (Exhibit A), effective upon your Board’s approval, which grants the proposed sponsor the non-exclusive right to place, operate and sell beverages from vending machines on Los Angeles County beaches and in Marina del Rey; advertise its name identification on the front of each vending machines; and sell advertising space on the front and sides of the vending machines to third parties. For these rights, A The Honorable Board of Supervisors 7/12/2011 & A Xxxxxx Enterprises, LLC, doing business as “Mayim Enterprises”, will make annual payments to the Department of Beaches and Harbors totaling $287,500 for the three-year term of the Agreement, plus 25% of all revenue from advertising sales, with one additional three-year option for an additional $375,000 over the three years.
3. Xxxxx the Director of the Department of Beaches and Harbors, with the concurrence of County Counsel, the authority to execute nonmaterial amendments to the Non-Exclusive Beach Beverage Sponsorship Agreement (Exhibit A).
RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD. Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the attached agreement with the Marina del Rey Convention and Visitors Bureau for a five-year term commencing on January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2015, resulting in an annual payment to the Bureau of $227,400 for promotional services, as well as $30,000 annually for seven-day-a-week staffing of the Marina del Rey Visitor Center and up to $10,000 annually for joint promotional projects with the County.
RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD. Approve and instruct the Agricultural Commissioner/Director of Weights and Measures, to sign the attached agreement in the amount of $5,104,156.63 with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to:
RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD. Approve and instruct the Chair of the Board to sign the cooperative financial agreement between the County of Los Angeles and the City of Xxxxxxx providing for the City of Xxxxxxx to exchange $300,000 of its Federal Surface Transportation Program–Local funds for an equivalent amount of the County of Los Angeles' State Gasoline Tax funds. The Honorable Board of Supervisors 1/12/2010
RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD. Approve and instruct the Chair to sign the Purchase Agreement of "Tax Defaulted Subject to Power to Sell" property being acquired by the Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority (public agency) pursuant to the Revenue and Taxation Code, with revenue to be provided to recover a portion, if not all, of back property taxes, penalties, and costs on the delinquent parcel and any remaining tax balance to be cancelled from the existing tax rolls; and approve publication of the Purchase Agreement of "Tax Defaulted Subject to Power to Sell" property.
RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD. Approve and instruct the Chair to sign the enclosed Agreement, by and between Los Angeles County and American Corrective Counseling Services Inc., (ACCS), to provide bad check enforcement services for the District Attorney’s Office. This Agreement is for a twelve-month period commencing August 18, 2003, or upon execution by the Board of Supervisors, which ever is later.
RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR BOARD. Approve and instruct the Chairman to sign the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (Agreement) between County of Los Angeles (County) and L.A Care Health Plan (L.A. Care) to create the L.A. Care Health Plan Joint Powers Authority (JPA) that will establish a new Xxxx-Xxxxx licensed health plan to administer and operate L.A. Care’s non-Medi-Cal programs, and any new programs which may be developed by the JPA, at no required cost to County, effective upon date of execution and continued thereafter unless earlier terminated by either party.