Regulatory Transparency. 1. The Parties recognise that transparent measures governing the activities of financial institutions and cross- border financial service suppliers are important in facilitating their ability to gain access to and operate in each other's market.
2. Each Party shall ensure that measures of general application adopted or maintained by a Party are promptly published or otherwise made publicly available. (2)
3. Each Party shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to it to ensure that the rules of general application adopted or maintained by self-regulatory organisations (3) of the Party are promptly published or otherwise made publicly available.
4. Each Party shall maintain or establish appropriate mechanisms for responding to inquiries from interested persons of another Party regarding measures of general application to which this Annex applies.
5. Each Party's regulatory authorities shall use its best endeavours to make available to interested persons of another Party their requirements, including any documentation required, for completing applications relating to the supply of financial services.
6. On the request of an applicant in writing, regulatory authorities of a Party shall inform the applicant of the status of its application in writing. If an authority requires additional information from the applicant, it shall notify the applicant without undue delay.
7. Each Party's regulatory authorities shall make administrative decisions on a completed application of a financial service supplier of another Party seeking to supply a financial service in that Party's territory within 180 days and shall notify the applicant of the decision in writing without undue delay:
(a) an application shall not be considered complete until all relevant proceedings are conducted and the regulatory authorities consider all necessary information is received;
(b) where it is not practicable for a decision to be made within 180 days, the regulatory authority shall notify the applicant without delay and shall endeavour to make the decision within a reasonable time thereafter.
8. On the request of an unsuccessful applicant in writing, a regulatory authority that has denied an application shall endeavour to inform the applicant of the reasons for denial of the application in writing.
Regulatory Transparency. 1. The Parties recognise that transparent measures governing the activities of financial service suppliers are important in facilitating their ability to gain access to and operate in each other’s market.
2. Each Party shall ensure that measures of general application adopted or maintained by a Party are promptly published or otherwise made publicly available.
3. Each Party shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to it to ensure that the rules of general application adopted or maintained by self-regulatory organisations8 of the Party are promptly published or otherwise made publicly available.
4. Each Party shall maintain or establish appropriate mechanisms for responding to inquiries from interested persons9 of the other Party regarding measures of general application to which this Annex applies.
5. Each Party’s regulatory authorities shall make publicly available their requirements, including any documentation required, for completing applications relating to the supply of financial services.
6. Each Party’s regulatory authorities shall make administrative decisions on a completed application of a financial service supplier of the other Party seeking to supply a financial service in that Party's territory within 180 days and shall notify the applicant of the decision where possible in writing, without undue delay:
(a) an application shall not be considered complete until all relevant proceedings are conducted and the regulatory authorities consider all necessary information has been received; and
(b) where it is not practicable for a decision to be made within 180 days, the regulatory authority shall notify the applicant without delay and shall endeavour to make the decision within a reasonable time thereafter. 8 In the case of Mauritius, “self-regulatory organisation” means a self-regulatory organisation whose object is to regulate the operations of its members or of the users of its services, their standards of practice and business conduct in order to better protect investors and consumers of securities or related services and includes such other organisation as may be declared or recognised as a self-regulatory organisation by the Financial Services Commission; and in the case of China, “self-regulatory organisation” means an organisation recognised as a self-regulatory body by the central government according to China’s laws and regulations. 9 “Interested persons” in this Article should only be persons whose direct financial interest...
Regulatory Transparency. Each Party shall maintain or establish appropriate mechanisms to respond to inquiries from interested persons of the other Party regarding regulations affecting entry and temporary stay of natural persons of the other Party. Such inquiries may include those on special difficulties which natural persons of the other Party encounter in the process of seeking entry into and temporary stay in the former Party.
Regulatory Transparency. 1. Each Party shall maintain or establish appropriate mechanisms to respond to inquiries from interested persons of the other Party regarding regulations affecting entry and temporary stay of natural persons of the other Party. Such inquiries may include those on special difficulties which natural persons of the other Party encounter in the process of seeking entry into and temporary stay in the former Party.
2. To the extent possible, each Party shall allow reasonable time between the date of the publication through electronic or other means of regulations affecting the entry and temporary stay of natural persons of the other Party and their effective date.
3. On the date of entry into force of this Agreement, each Party shall exchange information on procedures relating to the processing of applications for entry and temporary stay which exist at that date. Each Party shall also, without undue delay, provide the other Party updates of information on procedures relating to the processing of applications for entry and temporary stay.
4. Each Party shall notify natural persons of the other Party, regarding the application for entry and temporary stay, either directly or through their prospective employers, of its final determination, including the period of temporary stay and conditions thereof.
5. Each Party shall endeavour, to the maximum extent possible, to take measures to simplify the requirements and to facilitate and expedite the procedures relating to the movement of natural persons of the other Party within the framework of its laws and regulations.
Regulatory Transparency. 1. Each Party shall maintain or establish contact points or other mechanisms to respond to inquiries from interested persons regarding regulations affecting the temporary entry of business persons.
2. If a Party receives comments regarding a proposed regulation from interested persons, it should publish a concise statement addressing those comments at the time that it adopts the final regulations.
3. To the extent possible, each Party shall allow reasonable time between publication of final regulations affecting the temporary entry of business persons and their effective date.
4. Each Party shall, within a reasonable period of time after an application requesting temporary entry is considered complete under its domestic laws and regulations, inform the applicant of the decision concerning the application. At the request of the applicant, the Party shall provide, without undue delay, information concerning the status of the application.
5. Prior to the entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall exchange information on current procedures relating to the processing of applications for temporary entry, including processing goals that apply to business persons of the other Party. Each Party shall endeavour to achieve these goals and make available upon request to the other Party, in accordance with its domestic law, data respecting the attainment of these processing goals.
6. For purposes of this Article, regulation means a measure of general application other than a law, and includes a measure that establishes or applies to licensing authorization or criteria.
Regulatory Transparency. 1. The Parties recognise that transparent measures governing the activities of financial service suppliers are important in facilitating their ability to gain access to and operate in each other’s market.
2. Each Party shall ensure that measures of general application adopted or maintained by a Party are promptly published or otherwise made publicly available.
3. Each Party shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to it to ensure that the rules of general application adopted or maintained by self-regulatory organisations 7 of the Party are promptly published or otherwise made publicly available.
4. Each Party shall maintain or establish appropriate mechanisms for responding to inquiries from interested persons8 of the other Party regarding measures of general application to which this Annex applies.
5. Each Party’s regulatory authorities shall make publicly available their requirements, including any documentation required, for completing applications relating to the supply of financial services.
6. Each Party’s regulatory authorities shall make administrative decisions on a completed application of a financial service supplier of the other Party seeking to supply a financial service in that Party's territory within 180 days and shall notify the applicant of the decision where possible in writing, without undue delay:
(a) an application shall not be considered complete until all relevant proceedings are conducted and the regulatory authorities consider all necessary information has been received; and
(b) where it is not practicable for a decision to be made within 180 days, the regulatory authority shall notify the applicant without delay and shall endeavour to make the decision within a reasonable time thereafter.
Regulatory Transparency. 1. Each Party, recognising the importance of transparent regulations and policies governing the activities of financial service suppliers in facilitating their ability to gain access to and operate in each other's market, shall promote regulatory transparency in financial services.
2. To the extent possible, each Party shall allow a reasonable period of time between the publication of final regulations and their effective date.
3. To the extent possible, each Party shall, on request of the other Party, within a reasonable period of time, respond to specific questions and substantive comments from, and provide information to, the other Party on any measures of general application it proposes to adopt with respect to any matter covered by this Chapter.
4. Each Party shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to it to ensure that the rules of general application adopted or maintained by self-regulatory organisations of the Party are promptly published or otherwise made publicly available in such a manner as to enable interested persons of the other Party to become acquainted with them.
5. Each Party shall maintain or establish appropriate mechanisms for responding to enquiries from interested persons of the other Party regarding measures of general application covered by this Chapter.
6. Each Party's competent authorities shall, to the extent possible, make publicly available their requirements, including any documentation required, for completing applications relating to the supply of financial services.
7. Where a Party's competent authority requires additional information from an applicant of an application relating to the supply of financial services, it shall notify the applicant without undue delay of such additional information required.
8. A Party's competent authorities shall make an administrative decision within a reasonable period of time on an application, regarded as complete under its laws and regulations, of a financial service supplier of the other Party, relating to the supply of a financial service, and shall, to the extent possible, promptly notify the applicant of the decision in writing.
Regulatory Transparency. 1. Each Party shall ensure that measures of general application adopted or maintained by a Party are promptly published or otherwise made publicly available.18
2. Each Party shall, to the extent practicable, provide in advance to interested persons any measure of general application that the Party proposes to adopt, in order to allow an opportunity for such persons to comment on the measure.
3. Each Party's appropriate financial regulatory authority shall make available to interested persons its requirements for completing applications relating to the supply of financial services.
4. On the request of an applicant in writing, the appropriate financial regulatory authority shall inform the applicant of the status of its application. If such authority requires additional information from the applicant, it shall notify the applicant without undue delay.
5. Each Party shall make its best endeavour to implement and apply in its territory internationally agreed standards for regulation and supervision in the financial services sector.
Regulatory Transparency. The Money Advice Service may advise the FCA on how best to achieve regulatory transparency, to help consumers make better financial choices and make use of regulatory information.
Regulatory Transparency. 1. The Parties recognise that transparent measures governing the activities of financial institutions and cross- border financial service suppliers are important in facilitating their ability to gain access to and operate in each other’s market.
2. Each Party shall ensure that measures of general application adopted or maintained by a Party are promptly published or otherwise made publicly available.2
3. Each Party shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to it to ensure that the rules of general application adopted or maintained by self-regulatory 2 For greater certainty, the Parties agree that such information may be published in each Party’s chosen language. organisations 3 of the Party are promptly published or otherwise made publicly available.4
4. Each Party shall maintain or establish appropriate mechanisms for responding to inquiries from interested persons of another Party regarding measures of general application to which this Annex applies.5
5. Each Party’s regulatory authorities shall use its best endeavours to make available to interested persons of another Party their requirements, including any documentation required, for completing applications relating to the supply of financial services.
6. On the request of an applicant in writing, regulatory authorities of a Party shall inform the applicant of the status of its application in writing. If an authority requires additional information from the applicant, it shall notify the applicant without undue delay.
7. Each Party’s regulatory authorities shall make administrative decisions on a completed application of a financial service supplier of another Party seeking to supply a financial service in that Party's territory within 180 days and shall notify the applicant of the decision in writing without undue delay:
(a) an application shall not be considered complete until all relevant proceedings are conducted and the regulatory authorities consider all necessary information is received;