Relievers a. A teacher employed in a relieving capacity for 12 months or more in a position for which the salary scale is higher than Scale K1 shall have that service recognised for salary purposes on appointment to a permanent position on the higher scale.
b. A teacher who is employed in a relieving capacity in a position for which the salary scale is higher than Scale K1 shall be paid the rate which would be payable to the teacher if permanently appointed to that position, subject to the following conditions:
i. the teacher must perform the extra duties and undertake the responsibilities of the higher position for a qualifying period of five consecutive working days on each occasion that the higher duties are performed;
ii. although not counting as part of the qualifying period, term breaks and leave do not interrupt the qualifying period if the teacher goes back to the higher position immediately after the term break or the leave.
Relievers. A reliever may be temporarily employed in a teaching position during that teacher’s absence (e.g. while on leave, or attending in-service courses or outdoor education). Relievers are defined as follows:
(a) A short-term reliever is a teacher employed on a casual basis for a period not exceeding six weeks;
(b) A long-term reliever is a teacher employed for a continuous period beyond six weeks.
Relievers. The provisions of this clause shall not apply to an Employee appointed to regularly perform relief duties, or to Employees specifically employed to perform duties at more than one place of work, except as provided in subclauses 19.13 and 19.
Relievers. In the absence of any staff member it is the responsibility of the Centre Manager or, in their absence, their designated representative to obtain a suitable reliever, if required, in order to maintain the existing staff/child ratios.
Relievers. The parties agree that a group of relievers will be found to cover the absences of staff. They further agree that this will be done through both formal and informal channels so that staff will know that when they are unavoidably absent properly trained staff will be able to replace them.
Relievers. A reliever may be temporarily employed in a teaching position during that teacher’s absence (e.g. while on leave, or attending in-service courses or outdoor education). Relievers are defined as follows:
(a) A short-term reliever is a teacher employed on a casual basis for a period not exceeding six weeks up to 8 August 2023 and three weeks from (and including) 9 August 2023 weeks.
(b) A long-term reliever is a teacher employed for a continuous period beyond six weeks up to 8 August 2023 and three weeks from (and including) 9 August 2023.
Relievers. From the beginning of term three 2011 school year the definition of short term and long term relievers will change so that the Step 10 salary cap only applies to teachers relieving for periods of less than three weeks. Include a statement in the ASTCA that affirms that the professional responsibilities of a long term reliever are the same as a permanent teacher.
Relievers. Paid time for relievers includes five (5) minutes wash-up time at the end of each period of work.
Relievers. The provisions of this clause shall not apply to an Employee appointed to regularly perform relief duties, or to Employees specifically employed to perform duties at more than one place of work, except as provided in clauses 18.13 and 18.14. If a reliever incurs fares in excess of $5.00 per day in travelling to and from the relief site, the excess shall be reimbursed. Where a reliever, with the prior approval of the Employer, travels by his/her own mode of conveyance and incurs travelling costs in excess of $5.00 per day to and from the relief site, such excess shall be reimbursed. The rate applicable shall be the kilometre allowance in accordance with the ATO prescribed guidelines (ie. Car Expenses using the Cents per Kilometre Method) as in force and amended from time to time, less $5.00.