Paid Time Sample Clauses
Paid Time. Time paid for but not worked shall not count as time worked for purposes of computing overtime. There shall be no pyramiding or duplication of overtime pay.
Paid Time. A nurse who is under investigation for potential discipline, or who is requested by the Employer to participate in an investigation, will be compensated for time spent when attending an investigatory meeting with the Employer. A grievant who is a current employee will be compensated at the straight rate of pay when attending a Step 1 or Step 2 grievance meeting; such paid time will not be used in the calculation of overtime.
Paid Time. 5.4.1 Union representatives shall not suffer loss of basic wage rate for scheduled time lost by reason of processing grievances or meeting in joint conference with the Company in connection with the administration and application of this Agreement.
5.4.2 This provision shall apply to a maximum of one representative in the Issue Resolution Step and a maximum of two representatives in Formal Step 1 and 2 of the Grievance Procedure.
Paid Time. Paid time is defined as time worked and time paid (e.g., Low Census Standby, PTO, IAP, and other paid leave, approved continuing education, bereavement leave, and jury duty) and shall be included for purposes of computing anniversary dates, seniority and benefits. Union release time, both paid and unpaid, shall not affect anniversary dates, seniority or benefits.
Paid Time. A. Bid times established for all routes are estimates. Bid times, except as noted below, shall be guaranteed to be paid daily if all parts of the route are scheduled on that day. Guaranteed paid time will be calculated based on the following: ▪ Actual route bid time which includes fifteen (15) minutes pre-trip inspection for AM and ten (10) minutes pre-trip inspection for midday-PM and late run ▪ Twenty (20) minutes per workday (100 minutes per 5-day workweek) for traffic delays and routine maintenance, for example, fueling, bus cleaning. Total paid time will be determined by adding route bid time and twenty (20) minutes per workday (100 minutes per 5-day workweek). Guaranteed paid time would not exceed forty (40) hours per week. Additional drive time, which exceeds guaranteed paid time, requires the supervisor’s approval.
1. Route times and paid hours may be changed if all or a portion of the route is changed or eliminated due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., elimination of a school or grade level, major program changes, changes in the days per week or year, changes in the starting and ending times, changes in the holiday schedule, changes in the district-wide transportation policy, acts of God and other similar situations).
2. On Berea City School days when drivers/transportation assistants have only some schools in session, in order to be paid for full route hours, the driver/transportation assistant must be present, report to the transportation office, and be available for all of his/her route time. A driver/transportation assistant may select the option to do only the segment in operation for that day and earn the two-hour minimum guarantee or segment time, whichever is greater. On a non-school day for Berea City Schools, the driver/transportation assistant will earn the two hour minimum guarantee or segment time, whichever is greater. An absent driver/transportation assistant on these days will be paid for the two-hour minimum guarantee time both AM and PM.
3. Those drivers/transportation assistants who are affected by early release days will be paid for additional time worked.
Paid Time. Participation in the nurse staffing committee by a member of the bargaining unit shall be on scheduled work time and compensated at the Regular Rate of Pay. Nurse staffing committee members shall be relieved of all other work duties during meetings of the committee.
Paid Time. Time paid for but not worked shall not count as time worked for purposes of computing overtime. There shall be no pyramiding or duplication of overtime pay. Hours paid for at the rate of time and one-half (1½) as a premium for working on a holiday designated in this Agreement (Article 9.4) shall not offset overtime compensation owed to a nurse for working in excess of forty (40) hours in a work week or eighty (80) hours in a pay period, unless the holiday hours worked and the overtime hours worked are the same hours worked. Nurses shall not receive more than one (1) time and one-half (1½) premium for the same hours worked.
Paid Time. Employees shall be paid for time spent participating in a joint committee, including meeting time, work site visits, consultation with experts and other activities necessary to complete the work of the committee, whenever such time falls within their regular work shift. The meeting times shall normally be held during the regular work shift. Employees shall be reasonable in their use of this time.
Paid Time. The City encourages employees to pursue an education related to their employment. Upon advance approval by the department head or designee and subject to the operational requirements of the work area, the City will pay the employee’s time off during regular working hours and without loss of pay or the obligation to make up the time to attend classes.
Paid Time. An Employee’s attendance in all Partnership Agreement Dispute Resolution Process meetings as described in this Article and arbitration hearings shall be on paid time.