While on leave Sample Clauses
While on leave the bargaining unit member may participate in the group health care benefits program offered to regular unit members by paying the total cost of the premium to the Board. The terms of such payment are to be established by the Treasurer of the Board. Such terms allow for monthly or other periodic payment as long as payment is received by the Treasurer before disbursement is required.
While on leave the employee shall not take employment with any competitor. Violation of this provision may result in termination.
While on leave a Teacher shall have the option to remain an active participant in health, life, dental and vision insurance programs, at the Teacher's expense.
While on leave. While on authorized leave, the position held by the classified employee will be filled by a substitute or temporary employee.
While on leave the employee shall not take employment with any competitor in the food business. (Violation of this provision may result in termination.)
While on leave the Associate shall not take employment with any retail competitor (violation of this provision may result in termination for cause).
While on leave an employee shall continue to maintain and accumulate seniority up to a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days.
While on leave an employee shall maintain full seniority or its equivalent; shall maintain all employment rights held before leave was taken, excluding Board paid insurance benefits; and shall return to the point on the salary schedule at which he/she left at the start of the leave; provided, however, that an employee returning from study leave and Peace Corps leave shall be granted incremental credit as if he/she had been in the District’s employment during the period of such leave.
While on leave. If you take leave because of your own serious health condition or to care for a covered relation, you should contact the finance officer on the “first and third Tuesday” of each month regarding the status of the condition and your intention to return to work to see how you are progressing and so that we are up-to-date on any new developments. In addition, you must give notice to the finance officer as soon as practicable (within three (3) business days, if feasible) if the dates of leave change, are extended or initially were unknown. Leave because of a serious health condition or military leave may be taken intermittently (in separate blocks of time due to a single health condition) or on a reduced leave schedule (reducing the usual number of hours you work each workday) if medically necessary. You will receive your current rate of pay for hours worked and time spent working will not count against your available FMLA leave. In addition, while you are on an intermittent or reduced schedule leave, the City may temporarily transfer you to an available alternative position which better accommodates your recurring leave and which has equivalent pay and benefits.
While on leave without pay no benefits shall accrue. The employee shall be responsible for payment of any health insurance premiums during periods of unpaid leave. Furthermore, the rules of all benefit providers shall apply.