Repayment of Loan 3.1 The Lender and the Borrowers agree and confirm that the Loan will be repaid in the following manner only: the Borrowers will transfer all of their equity interests in the Borrower Company to the Lender or any legal or natural person designated by the Lender pursuant to requirements from the Lender. 3.2 The Lender and the Borrowers agree and confirm that to the extent permitted by the laws, the Lender has the right but no obligation to purchase or designate any legal or natural person designated by it to purchase all or any part of the equity interests in the Borrower Company from the Borrowers at the price set forth under the Exclusive Purchase Option Agreement. 3.3 It is agreed and confirmed by the Parties that the Borrowers shall be deemed to have fulfilled their repayment obligations hereunder only after both of the following conditions have been satisfied. (1) The Borrowers have transferred all of their equity interests in the Borrower Company to the Lender and/or their designated person; and (2) The Borrowers have repaid to the Lender all of the transfer proceeds or an amount equivalent to the maximum amount permitted by the laws. 3.4 The Loan will be deemed as a zero interest loan if the price to transfer the equity interests in the Borrower Company to the Lender from the Borrowers concluded by the Parties under this Agreement any other related agreements is equal or less than the amount of the Loan. Under such circumstance, the Borrowers are not required to repay any remaining amount of and/or any interest upon the Loan; provided, however, that if the equity interest transfer price exceeds the amount of the Loan, the exceeding amount will be deemed as the interest upon the Loan (calculated by the highest interest permitted by the PRC laws) and financing cost thereof. 3.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, if the Borrower Company goes bankruptcy, dissolution or is ordered for closure during the term or extended term of this Agreement, and Borrowers will liquidate the Borrower Company according to laws and all of the proceeds from such liquidation will be used to repay the principal, interest (calculated by the highest interest permitted by the PRC laws) and financing cost of the Loan.
Prepayment of Loan So long as ECOLOGY shall hold this loan, the RECIPIENT may prepay the entire unpaid principal balance of and accrued interest on the loan or any portion of the remaining unpaid principal balance of the Loan Amount . Any prepayments on the loan shall be applied first to any accrued interest due and then to the outstanding principal balance of the Loan Amount. If the RECIPIENT elects to prepay the entire remaining unpaid balance and accrued interest, the RECIPIENT shall first contact ECOLOGY’s Revenue/Receivable Manager of the Fiscal Office.