Sick Leave Banks. State employees with uninterrupted state service, who transfer directly into the Judicial Branch from either the Executive Branch or Legislative Branches may request to be credited with up to two-hundred (200) accrued sick hours upon hire, should the prior agency confirm the employee has those accrued sick hours available at separation. Confirmation from prior agency must be received prior to any sick leave being credited.
Sick Leave Banks. Employees whose employment status changes as indicated in Section B.3 above, will be provided a percentage of sick leave days commensurate to the average FTE. Sick leave banks will be audited and balanced in the same manner as the process described in Section B.3 commensurate to the average FTE, whenever a change in employment status occurs. Any overuse of sick leave days during a specific period other than approved FMLA will be recovered from the bank of days for the next period if any remain. If none remain, the overuse will be deducted from any balance in salary-compensation due. Employees working less than full-time will be provided a percentage of a bank of sick leave days. Sick leave banks will be provided in the same manner as the process provided in subsection B.1.3 of this Appendix, commensurate to the actual FTE.
Sick Leave Banks. A) Regular full-time employees shall earn four (4) hours leave credits per month to a maximum of eighty-four (84) hours.
B) Eligible regular part-time employees shall earn sick leave credits on a pro-rated basis including extra straight time hours worked, to a maximum of eighty-four (84) hours.
C) Where accumulated sick leave balance reaches eighty-four (84) hours, no further credits shall be earned until such time as the balance is reduced below eighty-four (84) hours.
D) Regular full-time employees shall receive their regular rate of pay for each day of sick leave credit for which they have earned and have in the bank.
E) Regular part-time employees shall receive their regular pay for scheduled work hours lost due to non-compensable illness or injury.
Sick Leave Banks. Current sick leave banks may be applied until depleted to cover any waiting period and to top up any partial benefit to 100%.
Sick Leave Banks. Banks will be restored to the balance accrued and unused at the time the employee separated from City employment up to the maximum balance applicable per the Collective Bargaining Agreement or City Policy and minus any donations by the employee.
Sick Leave Banks. 1. There shall be a Major Sick Leave Bank (MSLB) and a Minor Sick Leave Bank for employees to use.
a. Major Sick Leave Bank
1) Employees shall accrue and accumulate leave on a pro-rata basis into the MSLB at a rate of 1.85 hours per pay period. Sick leave hours in the MSLB may only be used for: • sick leave of twenty-four (24) consecutive work hours or more or exceeds three (3) consecutive work days, whichever is less; or • sick leave that qualifies as a “serious health condition” as defined above and is approved under the Family Medical Leave Act and its regulations; or • for work-related illness or injury time of any duration documented by Occupational Health. Employees must upon return to work furnish a medical release from a physician or Occupational Health.
2) Maximum accrual into the MSLB shall be set at 1,040 hours. All hours in excess of 1,040 hours shall be paid to the employee once each year on a one for one basis. Such payment will occur as outlined for Minor sick leave balances outlined below.
3) Employees hired prior to January 1, 2013 who retire from the Hospital and qualify under Hospital policy shall be eligible for payment of all hours in the MSLB. Employees hired on or after January 1, 2013 who retire from the Hospital and qualify under Hospital policy shall be eligible for payment of fifty percent (50%) of hours in the MSLB. Such pay shall be paid at the employee’s regular straight time rate of pay. Vacation and sick leave hours shall not accumulate during such pay out.
4) Employees who are laid off from the Hospital shall be eligible for payment of one-half (1/2) of the total hours in their Major Sick Leave Bank.
Sick Leave Banks. A) Regular full-time employees shall earn four (4) hours leave credits per month to a maximum of eighty-four (84) hours.
Sick Leave Banks. 1. There shall be a Major Sick Leave Bank (MSLB) and a Minor Sick Leave Bank for employees to use.
a. Employees shall accrue and accumulate leave on a pro-rata basis into the Major Sick Leave Bank at a rate of 1.85 hours per pay period. Sick leave hours in the Major Sick Leave Bank shall be used for: • sick leave of twenty-four (24) consecutive work hours or more, or exceeds three (3) consecutive work days, whichever is less; or • sick leave that qualifies as a “serious health condition” as defined herein and is approved under the Family Medical Leave Act and its regulations; or • for work-related illness or injury time of any duration documented by Occupational Health. Employees may upon return to work be required to furnish a medical release from a physician or Occupational Health.
1) Maximum accrual into the Major Sick Leave Bank shall be set at 1,040 hours. All hours in excess of 1,040 hours shall be paid to the employee after June 30 of each year on a one-for-one basis. Such payment will occur as outlined for the Minor sick leave balances outlined below.
2) Employees hired prior to January 1, 2013 who retire from the Hospital and qualify under Hospital policy shall be eligible for payment of all hours in the Major Sick Leave Bank. Employees hired on or after January 1, 2013 who retire from the Hospital and qualify under Hospital policy shall be eligible for payment of all hours up to 500 hours in the Major Sick Leave Bank and fifty percent (50%) of hours over 500.
3) Employees who are laid off from the Hospital shall be eligible for payment of one-half (1/2) of the total hours in their Major Sick Leave Bank.
b. Employees shall accrue and accumulate leave on a pro-rata basis into a Minor Sick Leave Bank at a rate of 2.15 hours per pay period. Sick leave hours within the Minor Sick Leave Bank shall be used for all sick leave which is less than twenty-four (24) consecutive work hours, or up to three
Sick Leave Banks. The parties hereby agree that no known entitlement exists with respect to sick leave banks as referred to under Articles to of the Collective Agreement bearing the expiry date March Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Hospital agrees that in the event of a claim by any employee in the bargaining unit that such a sick bank entitlement remains in effect, such claim shall be fully investigated by the Hospital and once substantiated, the terms as previously applicable under said Articles to shall be confirmed, in writing. as remaining applicable to the affected employee. Dated at North Bay, Ontario, this day of LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING RE: JOB SHARING Pursuant to Article the following conditions shall apply unless otherwise agreed to by the parties:
Sick Leave Banks. The sick leave banks of those full-time nurses who were nurses December 17, 1984 and who were entitled to a sick leave payout on termination of employment shall be treated as follows.