Requirements - Planning. All outputs mentioned above, compiled in Microsoft Word format or others appropriate, are expected to send to WHO responsible officer via email in due time.
Requirements - Planning. Deliverables Deadline 6. Inputs
Requirements - Planning. Specific deliverables and timelines will be decided and agreed between the selected contractors and PMNCH focal point, as these will be informed by events and evolving priorities over the contract period.
Requirements - Planning. All final original and source files are to be delivered upon completion of each piece of work. Objective 1 and 2 are to be done in close collaboration with the WHO.
Requirements - Planning. Dates for outputs are indicative. Payment will be made upon delivery of specified outputs. Output 1.1: 14 May 2023 (Instalment 1 25%) Output 1.2: 15 August 2023 (Instalment 2 25%) Output 1.3: 16 October 2023 (Instalment 3 25%) Output 1.4 and 1.5: 15 December 2023 (Instalment 4 25%)
Requirements - Planning. Deliverables Date
Requirements - Planning. The successful bidder will be required to submit the following documents. Besides, regular teleconferences will be scheduled, and interim findings be shared with WHO upon request.
Requirements - Planning. Project timeline is 8 months: 1 May to 31 December 2019.
Output 1.1 by end of May 2019 (indicative), and as needed afterwards.
Output 1. 2: by 20 May 2019 (indicative) for the WHA. Other deadlines may vary depending on the events. Output 1.3: by June 2019 (indicative)
Requirements - Planning. It is Licensee's responsibility to plan for and address with Esri changes to Licensee's requirements, such as the need for additional capacity, the update of an application or dataset, or increased level of system availability.
Requirements - Planning. White Box will meet with the County, Tyler Technologies and/or Journal Technologies as necessary via phone or GoToMeeting to discuss the requirements for the segment, discuss highest priorities and work out specific details which include; field mapping, connectivity and ensure expectations are set for all parties