Research Ethics. Boards (REBs) and Appeal Boards shall be established according to the requirements specified in the Tri-Council Policy Statement.
Research Ethics. The Parties agree to encourage all scientists who plan to conduct research that will occur in Alaska Native villages to advise Native People who are to be affected by the study of the purpose, goals, and time-frame of the research, the data gathering techniques, and possible impacts of the research, and to obtain the informed consent of the appropriate governing body. The Co- management Committee shall assist researchers in identifying appropriate governing bodies.
Research Ethics. Policy on Ethical Conduct in Research, March 28, 1991, Policy on Research Involving Human Subjects, June 29, 2000, and the services of the Office of Research Services.
Research Ethics. 00.0. Xxx are responsible for ensuring that you obtain the appropriate and required ethical approval before you begin any research involving human participants. If you do not have approval in place you will not be covered by City’s indemnity insurance if anything should go wrong. Failure to follow City’s procedures may also in some cases result in your degree not being awarded and/or disciplinary procedures being instigated. Further information and guidance is available on the Research Ethics webpages
Research Ethics. Due to the evaluation nature of the work and the lack of generalizable findings, this research was deemed “not human subjects research” and exempt from review by Xxxxx XXX. All interview and surveys, however, were implemented according to research ethics best practice and all participants provided verbal informed consent.
Research Ethics. I dedicate myself to the pursuit and promotion of beneficial scientific investigation, consistent with the mission of the Brevard County Public Schools.
Research Ethics. RGC 2.2 Use of Animals in Research -RGC 2.3 Medical Health Research
Research Ethics. Please review the University’s Human Ethics and/or Animal Ethics Policies when completing this section. Further information can also be found on the Human Ethics and/or Animal Ethics webpages.
Research Ethics. All research conducted under this contract will be expected to meet the principles of research ethics that DFID requires (see Annex A). Bidders should include consideration of ethical issues and a statement that the researchers will comply with the ethics principles. This evaluation will be working in conflict-affected areas of Northern Nigeria. Bidders should also show an awareness of the need for research to be conflict-sensitive.
Research Ethics. Given the types of contexts in which this research will be done, it is essential that all involved in this work adhere to strict ethical guidelines. Contracts will only be awarded to Suppliers where research ethics and appropriate ethical clearance protocols are embedded in their institutions or where they are approved by independent Ethics Review Committees who are responsible for giving ethical clearance. Suppliers will also be required to demonstrate adherence to DFID research and ethical guidelines. Ethical review will be the responsibility of the appropriate Ethical Review Committee. At the bid stage, suppliers will be required only to demonstrate that they have the institutional capacity to manage ethical review, not to have cleared the ethical review process itself.