Return From Leaves and Layoff Sample Clauses

Return From Leaves and LayoffTeachers on leave in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 shall be reinstated to their positions in accordance with the act at the conclusion of the leave.
Return From Leaves and LayoffIn the event there are more teachers on layoff or requesting return from leaves than positions available, teachers shall be recalled by seniority. Teachers on leave in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 shall be recalled to their previous teaching positions at the conclusion of the leave.

Related to Return From Leaves and Layoff

  • Return from Leave (a) On return from leave, an employee will be placed in their former position. (b) Vacation entitlement, not vacation pay, will continue to accrue while an employee is on leave pursuant to Clause 21.1 (Maternity Leave) or Clause 21.2 (Parental Leave).

  • Return from Leave of Absence (a) Before a Nurse may return to work from a leave granted under Article 9.00, she or he must provide a minimum of four (4) weeks written notice of the specific date of his or her return to work, or such shorter time as mutually agreed. (b) Upon return from an approved Unpaid Leave of Absence, a Nurse shall be reinstated to her or his former position unless the position has been discontinued, in which case the Nurse shall be appointed to an equivalent position. (c) This clause requiring four (4) weeks written notice, does not apply to other leaves granted by an express provision of this Collective Agreement with different requirements for written notice.

  • Failure to Return from Leave Any employee who has been granted any type of unpaid leave of absence and who, for any reason, fails to return to work at the expiration of said leave of absence shall be considered as having resigned her or his position with the County, and her or his position shall thereupon be declared vacated, except and unless she or he has furnished evidence that she or he was unable to return to work for reasons protected by applicable Federal or State laws.

  • Recall from Vacation Leave When during any period of vacation leave an employee is recalled to duty, he shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses, as normally defined by the Employer, that he incurs:

  • Recall from Layoff Full-time and regular part-time nurses shall be recalled in the order of seniority unless otherwise agreed between the Hospital and the local Union, subject to the following provisions, provided that a nurse recalled is qualified to perform the available work: (a) Full-time and regular part-time nurses on layoff may notify the Hospital of their interest in accepting occasional vacancies and/or temporary vacancies which may arise and for which they are qualified. Such notification of interest shall state any restrictions on the type of assignment which a nurse is willing to accept, and shall remain valid for six weeks. However if a nurse declines an occasional or temporary vacancy the Hospital shall not be obliged to call upon the nurse again during the balance of such six-week period. (b) For the purposes of this article, an "occasional vacancy" shall mean an assignment which is anticipated not to exceed five shifts (37.5 hours). Occasional vacancies shall be offered first to regular part-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such part-time nurse accepts then to full-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such full-time nurse accepts then to casual part-time nurses. (c) For the purposes of this article, a "temporary vacancy" shall mean an assignment which is anticipated to exceed five shifts (37.5 hours). Temporary vacancies which arise in the full-time bargaining unit shall be offered by seniority first to full-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such full-time nurse accepts then by seniority to regular part-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such part-time nurse accepts then to casual part-time nurses. Temporary vacancies which arise in the part-time unit shall be offered by seniority first to regular part-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such part-time nurse accepts then by seniority to full-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such full-time nurse accepts then to casual part-time nurses. (d) A nurse to whom an occasional or temporary vacancy is offered may accept or decline such vacancy and in either case shall maintain her or his position on the recall list. The acceptance of a temporary vacancy that is anticipated to exceed sixty (60) calendar days shall be considered a recall from layoff for purposes of Article 10.06(c). No new notice of layoff will be required and the nurse will be deemed to be laid off at the conclusion of the temporary vacancy. A full-time nurse on layoff who accepts a temporary full-time vacancy within thirty (30) days of the effective day of layoff will continue to receive benefit coverage for the duration of the temporary vacancy. A full-time nurse who has worked for more than 600 hours in 140 calendar days as the result of accepting one or more temporary vacancies shall thereafter be eligible for benefit coverage as a full-time nurse and shall be paid accordingly, and shall continue to receive benefit coverage so long as she or he continues to fill a temporary vacancy and such full-time employee shall accrue seniority in the manner prescribed for full-time employees throughout the period of employment. Otherwise, a full-time employee who accepts a temporary or occasional vacancy shall be paid her or his regular full-time rate of pay together with a percentage payment in lieu of benefits at the rate specified for part-time nurses. A full-time employee who accepts a temporary part-time vacancy or occasional vacancies as provided herein will accrue seniority throughout the period of such employment in the manner prescribed for part-time nurses. A part-time employee who accepts a temporary or occasional vacancy will accrue seniority throughout the period of such employment in the manner prescribed for part-time nurses.

  • Child Rearing Leave Subd. 1 Child rearing leave of absences shall be available to teachers for a period of time, not to exceed twelve (12) calendar months, for the purpose of caring for a newborn infant or pre-school adopted child for which the applicant has the legal responsibility for the care and/or support of said child. Such leave may be taken subsequent to birth of the teacher's child, or in the case of adoption, when the child is physically turned over to the teacher-parent. a. At least two (2) calendar months prior to the estimated delivery date of the child, the employee shall be required to notify the Employer in writing whether or not the employee intends to take child rearing leave. This election may be changed at any time before the teacher is no longer disabled from working due to childbirth or pregnancy related disability or before the fifteenth (15th) day after the birth of the child, whichever is sooner. b. Upon filing an application for adoption of a pre-school child, the employee shall be required to notify the Employer, in writing, of the teacher's intention to take a child rearing leave. Such notice to include the estimated date when such leave shall become effective. Subd. 3 In connection with the election to take child rearing leave, the teacher shall submit a request for such leave in writing. Such request shall include an estimated commencement date and return date. The estimated commencement date shall be the physician's projected date the teacher will no longer be disabled from teaching due to childbirth or pregnancy related disability, or in the case of an adoption, the agency's estimated date when the child will be turned over to the parent. Subd. 4 In making the final determination under Subd. 3 concerning the duration of a child rearing leave of absence, the Employer shall not be required to grant a leave of absence in excess of two (2) semesters. The actual commencement date of child rearing leave shall be the date on which the teacher is no longer disabled due to childbirth and pregnancy related disability as determined by the physician; or, in the case of an adoption, the date when the child is physically turned over to the teacher-parent. The return date shall be twelve (12) calendar months following the actual commencement of the leave except as may be provided in Subd. 7.

  • Union Leave of Absence An employee on an unpaid Union leave of absence shall have her wages, benefits and seniority continued by the Employer, and the Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for the costs of such wages and benefits. Employees requesting leave under this article will provide the Employer with as much advance notice as possible of the dates of the leave. Where there are less than fifteen (15) regular employees at a workstation at the time the leave request is submitted, and subject to operational requirements, unpaid Union leave of absence will be granted to one employee for the purpose of conducting Union business. This would be an additional person on Union leave at worksites where the position of the Union President or Council member has been backfilled for the duration of their term of office. A leave of absence without pay shall be granted to an employee who is a member of the Union and who is: A) a Union Council/Board member. Such leave shall be granted for the purpose of attending regular or special meetings of the Council/Board and shall include reasonable travel time. B) either elected or appointed to represent the Union and/or a region at annual or special conventions of the Union. C) a member of the Union’s bargaining committee. Such leave (including travelling time) shall be granted to attend preparatory negotiating meetings, to conduct negotiations, and to participate in mediation, industrial inquiry commissioner hearings and arbitrations. D) selected by the Union or its members as a delegate to attend the Provincial Bargaining Conference. E) selected by the Union or its members as a delegate to attend regional Bargaining Conference.

  • General Leave of Absence a) Leave of absence without pay may be granted to employees for valid reasons as set out by Company policy. b) An employee on general leave of absence shall not accumulate sick leave credits, or earn vacation but shall retain the seniority, sick leave credits, and vacation credits earned prior to commencing leave of absence. c) Employees do not have the option of continuing their benefit coverage during the leave. d) Employees on leave of absence shall be required to apply for any extension.

  • Medical Leave of Absence Where you have a medical leave of absence due to any medically determinable physical or mental impairment that can be expected to result in death or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than six months, and you have not returned to employment with the Company or an Affiliate, a Separation from Service has occurred on the earlier of: (A) the first day on which you would not be considered “disabled” under any disability policy of the Company or Affiliate under which you are then receiving a benefit; or (B) the first day on which your medical leave of absence period exceeds 29 months.

  • Leave of Absence for Union Business 17.1 The Board acknowledges the right of the Union to appoint or select a Negotiation Committee of not more than seven (7) employees and will recognize and deal with this Committee with respect to contract negotiations. The Union agrees to provide the names of all Committee members to the Board in writing. 17.2 The Union may have the service of a CUPE Staff Representative, counsel or adviser at any meeting with representatives of the Board during negotiations pertaining to renewal or amendment of the Collective Agreement. 17.3 Members of the Union negotiating committee shall be paid at their regular straight time rate of pay for their regularly scheduled work time spent with officials of the Board for purposes of amending or renewing the Agreement up to and including, but not beyond the stage of conciliation, provided, however, that such committee members shall not be compensated for time spent prior to or beyond their regular working hours. 17.4 Upon request, members of the Union's Negotiating Committee shall be permitted leave of absence to prepare for the commencement of formal contract negotiations with the Board. The total number of days of leave under this Article shall not exceed 28 days during the lifetime of the Agreement and no member shall be absent for more than 4 days for this purpose. The Union shall give the Board a minimum of 5 days advance notice of any such request. An employee on such leave shall continue to receive pay and benefits provided in this Agreement. The Union shall reimburse the Board for all pay and benefits for the period of absence. 17.5 Leave of absence without pay and without loss of sick leave credits or seniority shall be granted upon request to the Board to employees elected or appointed to represent the Union at recognized Union conventions or 17.6 An employee selected for up to and including a full-time position with the local shall be granted leave of absence without loss of seniority or benefits for a period of up to two years. Such leave shall be renewed each year, on request, during the term of office. An employee on such leave shall receive the pay and benefits provided in this Agreement. The Union shall reimburse the Board for all pay and benefits for the period of absence. Upon completion of the President’s leave, the employee will be returned to his/her position if it still exists, or to a comparable position, if it does not. 17.7 Any employee who is elected or selected for a full-time position with the Union, or any body with which the Union is affiliated, upon application will be granted leave of absence without salary, benefits, and loss of seniority, by the Board for a period of up to one year. Such leave shall be extended annually, upon request, up to a maximum of five years.