Return Items Sample Clauses
Return Items. You understand that we may convert items you deposit through eCheck Deposit into substitute checks, images, or ACH entries. As a result, in the event that your item is returned unpaid, you will only receive a copy of the substitute check or image, or in the case of ACH entries, the Automated Clearinghouse information.
Return Items. The Credit Union will process and return unpaid items in accordance with The Credit Union’s published guidelines and schedules, as governed by applicable law, and will as necessary, convert check images into substitute checks for processing.
Return Items. Items deposited to the designated Account(s) which are returned unpaid because of “insufficient funds” or “uncollected funds,” or substantively similar reasons, will be debited from such Account(s). If such debits are necessary, Client authorizes WesBanco to charge the Client for the amount of the Item by debiting the Account(s) and sending the Item with debit advice to the address stated for receipt of the statement. If Client requests the Item to be redeposited, WesBanco will redeposit the Item once, with notice of return to the Client, and only with respect to Items returned for reason of “insufficient funds” or “uncollected funds.” The charge for returned Items will be at WesBanco’s then-current fee disclosed in its Fee Schedule. If alternative return requirements are desired, such requirements shall be reasonably agreed to by the parties in advance. In the event WesBanco is required to return a check for lack of endorsement thereon by the maker, Client authorizes WesBanco to endorse the check with the following restrictive endorsement: Pay to the Order of WesBanco Bank, Inc. Wheeling, WV 26003. Upon receipt of the corrected endorsement from the maker of such check, WesBanco shall deposit the check with such restrictive endorsement to the account of Client.
Return Items. You acknowledge that we may convert cheque images you deposit through these services into images, image printouts, clearing replacement documents, or return replacement documents, as specified in Payments Canada Rule A10. In the event thatyour cheque is returned, unpaid by the financial institution on which it was drawn, you will receive only a copy of the image or return replacement document.
Return Items. Rerun upon the first return. If returned a second time, charge the account listed with each lockbox account. Send check and debit memo with the daily materials.
Return Items. Company shall immediately reimburse Bank for the amount of any Exception Item, if the presenting bank fails to honor the return. Company agrees to indemnify Bank and hold Bank harmless from any costs, suits, expenses, liabilities, damages and attorney’s fees related to return of the Exception Item.
Return Items. If Qualifying Items included in your Check Deposits are returned, we will provide you with images or substitute checks of the returned items, rather than the paper originals. Any credit to your account for checks deposited using Check Deposit is provisional. If original checks deposited are dishonored, rejected or otherwise returned unpaid by the drawee bank, or are rejected or returned by a clearing agent or collecting bank, for any reason, including, but not limited to, issues relating to the quality of the image, you agree that an original check will not be returned to you, but that we may charge back the amount of the original check and provide you with an image of the original check, a paper reproduction of the original check or a substitute check. You will reimburse us for all loss, cost, damage or expense caused by or relating to the processing of the returned item. Without our approval, you shall not attempt to deposit or otherwise negotiate an original check if it has been charged back to you. We may debit any of your accounts to obtain payment for any item that has been rejected or returned, for any adjustment related to such item or for any warranty claim related to such item, whether or not the rejection, return, adjustment or warranty claim was made timely.
Return Items. Unless otherwise stated in the Instructions, Bank shall handle dishonored or returned Items in accordance with Bank's Rules and Regulations for Deposit Accounts.
Return Items. If any of the items are returned to Bank unpaid after Bank has forwarded the item for payment, and if the item can be re‐presented, Bank will not forward the item for payment a second time, unless otherwise directed by Xxxxxxxx. If the item is not paid after being forwarded for payment the second time, the item shall be sent to Customer and the unpaid amount shall be charged back to Customer’s account. Customer may request that Bank re‐present returned items to the drawee or process returned items according to Special Instructions. These Special Instructions may be given to Bank orally or in writing (including e‐mail). Bank shall not be bound by such Special Instructions until such time as Bank has agreed in writing to accept the Special Instructions. Notwithstanding the fact that Bank has agreed to accept the Special Instructions, Bank may, in its sole discretion, disregard the Special Instructions and charge the returned item back to the Customer Account to which the items were deposited. In the event that Customer has requested that returned items be re‐presented, in no event will Bank re‐ present an item in excess of the limit established or permitted for the number of times that an item may be re‐presented by the NACHA Rules. Customer may change or amend the Special Instructions by providing Bank a written request to change or amend the Special Instructions. Changes or amendments to the Special Instructions shall not become effective until acknowledged and accepted in writing by Bank. Customer hereby agrees to pay Bank its fees for processing returned items and following Special Instructions.
Return Items. In the event a Check deposited into the Lockbox Account is returned unpaid because of insufficient funds or uncollected funds, the Bank may either redeposit the Check or return the Check to the Client. The Bank shall debit the designated Lockbox Account for the amount of the returned Check along with the Bank’s normal returned deposit item fee shown in the Fee Schedule.