Return to Duty The SAPC will meet with a Covered Employee who has tested positive for alcohol and/or drugs. The SAPC will discuss what course of action may be appropriate, if any, and assistance from which the employee may benefit, if any, and will communicate a proposed return-to-work plan, if necessary, to the employee and department. The SAPC may recommend that the Covered Employee voluntarily enter into an appropriate rehabilitation program administered by the Covered Employee’s health insurance carrier prior to returning to work. The Covered Employee may not return to work until the SAPC certifies that the employee has a negative test prior to returning to work. In the event that the SAPC does not schedule a return-to-work test before the Covered Employee’s return-to-work date, the SAPC shall arrange for the Covered Employee to take a return-to-work test within three (3) working days of the Covered Employee notifying the SAPC in writing of a request to take a return-to-work test. If a Covered Employee fails a return-to-work test, the employee shall be placed on unpaid leave until testing negative but shall not be subject to any additional discipline due to a non-negative return-to- work test. The SAPC will provide a written release to the appropriate department or division certifying the employee’s right to return to work.
Return to Duty Testing Any employee who has tested positive on a drug and/or alcohol test, and who was afforded the opportunity to return to work, must test negative for drugs and/or alcohol and be evaluated and released to duty by the Substance Abuse Professional before returning to work.
Return to Service Upon completion of a leave of absence, the employee is to be returned to the classification formerly occupied, or to a similar classification if the employee's former classification no longer exists. The employer has the right to fill the position formerly occupied when the employer feels it necessary. An employee may be returned to active pay status prior to the originally scheduled expiration of the leave if such earlier return is agreed to by both the employee and the Superintendent.
Return to Work (a) The parties recognize the duty of reasonable accommodation for individuals under the Human Rights Code of Ontario and agree that this Collective Agreement will be interpreted in such a way as to permit the Employer and the Union to discharge that duty. To that end, the Home and the Union agree to cooperate in complying with the Ontario Human Rights Code. (b) The Home and the Union agree to ongoing and timely communication by all participants. For the purposes of expediting communication the Home and the Union agree that participants will use electronic communication where available. (c) If an employee becomes disabled, including WSIB, with the result that she is unable to perform the regular functions of her position, the Employer may determine a special classification and salary, with the hope of providing an opportunity for continued employment. Positions established under this article will not constitute new classifications and shall lapse upon the termination, resignation, or retirement of the employee in question. (d) Prior to any disabled employee returning to work from a disability including WSIB to a modified/light/alternate work program, the Employer will notify and meet with members of the bargaining unit executive to consult on a back to work program for the worker. Any agreement resulting from these discussions which conflicts with the collective agreement shall, subject to agreement by the Union, prevail over any provision of this agreement in the event of a conflict. Nothing in this language obligates the Employer to establish a modified/ light/alternative work program, except as required by law.
Performance of Duties Each of the Credit Party’s obligations under this Agreement and each of the other Loan Documents shall be performed by such Credit Party at its sole cost and expense.
Return to Position Upon return from FMLA leave, the employee shall be returned to the same or equivalent position in the same class and work location, including the same shift or equivalent schedule, unless the University and the employee agree in writing to other conditions and terms under which such leave is to be granted.
Administrative Duties 94 SECTION 12.2 Records.....................................................................97 SECTION 12.3 Additional Information to be Furnished to the Issuer........................97
Extra Duties The Trustee shall be entitled to refuse to approve any Substituted Obligor if, pursuant to the law of the jurisdiction of incorporation of the Substituted Obligor, the assumption by the Substituted Obligor of its obligations hereunder imposes responsibilities on the Trustee over and above those which have been assumed under this Trust Deed.
Return to Employment An employee resuming employment after a maternity, adoption or parental leave of absence shall be reinstated in all respects to her previous position or to a comparable position, with all increments to wages and benefits to which she would have been entitled during the period of her absence.
PERFORMANCE OF DUTY 25.1 The Employer and the Union acknowledge that this Agreement provides, through the Grievance Procedure contained therein, for an orderly settlement of grievances or disputes which may arise between the parties. Accordingly, the parties agree that the public interest requires the uninterrupted performance of all University services and to this end pledge to prevent or eliminate any conduct contrary to that objective. Therefore, during the life of this Agreement there shall be no work stoppage or any other form of concerted job action by employees in the bargaining units, nor will the Union authorize or condone such activity in form. 25.2 Should the employees engage in any unauthorized concerted action, a Joint Labor/Management Committee shall immediately convene and shall continue to meet until the dispute is settled, and the employees involved shall immediately return to work and continue working. Any employee who refuses to perform his/her work may be subject to disciplinary action. 25.3 There will be no strike or lockout regarding any matters pertaining to the contents of this Agreement. 25.4 Any action of the Employer in closing the University during any unauthorized concerted action, riot, or civil disturbance for the protection of the institution, its property, or its employees shall not be deemed a lockout. 25.5 Employees covered by this Agreement who would engage in any prohibited activity as defined above shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Employer, including discharge.