Returns of Labour. (a) The Contractor shall deliver to the Authority a detailed return in such form and at such intervals as the Authority may prescribe, showing the details including names, payment details and terms of appointment of the several classes of labour employed by the Contractor from time to time for the Works. The Contractor shall, in its returns certify that all dues of the workers or labour have been fully paid.
(b) The Authority is entitled to witness labour payments made or to be made by the Contractor. If the Contractor defaults in its obligations for making any payments under the labour laws, the Employer may make the relevant payments. Any sum equal to any amount paid by the Employer under this Sub- Sub-Clause 9.2 shall be immediately due as a debt from the Contractor to the Employer and until payment/ set off shall carry interest at 18% per annum. For this purpose it is agreed between the parties that debt due aforesaid shall be set off immediately out the running account bills of the Contractor under this Agreement.
Returns of Labour. The Contractor shall deliver to the Authority a detailed return in such form and at such intervals as the Authority may prescribe, showing the details including names, payment details and terms of appointment of the several classes of labour employed by the Contractor from time to time for the Works. The Contractor shall, in its returns certify that all dues of the workers or labour have been fully paid.
Returns of Labour. The Contractor shall if required by the Engineer deliver to the Engineer's representative or at his office a return in detail in such from and at such intervals as the Engineer may prescribe showing the numbers of the labour from time to time employed by the contractor on the Site.
Returns of Labour. The Contractor shall, if required by the Purchaser, send to the Purchaser a detailed return of the supervisory staff and the numbers of labour in the categories from time to time employed by the Contractor and its subcontractors upon the Site. The returns shall be provided in such form and with such frequency as the Purchaser may reasonably require.
Returns of Labour. (a) The Contractor shall deliver to the Authority a detailed return in such form and at such intervals as the Authority may prescribe, showing the details including names, payment details and terms of appointment of the several classes of labour employed by the Contractor from time to time for the Works. TheContractorshall,initsreturnscertifythatallduesoftheworkersorlabour have been fullypaid.
(b) The Authority is entitled to witness labour payments made or to be made by the Contractor. If the Contractor defaults in its obligations for making any payments under the labour laws, the Employer may make the relevant payments. Any sum equal to any amount paid by the Employer under this Sub- Sub-Clause 9.2 shall be immediately due as a debt from the Contractor to the Employer and until payment/ set off shall carry interest at 18% per annum. For this purpose it is agreed between the parties that debt due aforesaid shall be set off immediately out the running account bills of the Contractor under thisAgreement.
Returns of Labour. The Developer shall deliver to the Authority a detailed return in such form and at such intervals as the Authority may prescribe, showing the details including names, payment details and terms of appointment of the several classes of labour employed by the Developer from time to time for the Works. The Developer shall, in its returns certify that all dues of the workers or labour have been fully paid.