Sabbatical Leave of Absence. A. A sabbatical leave may be granted to a teacher who has completed seven (7) consecutive years of service for travel, study, and other approved reasons at one-half (1/2) pay and one-half (1/2) payment of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. A committee shall recommend to the Board and the Board makes the final decision. Leave may be granted pursuant to this Section for the following reasons (in order of priority): 1. Fellowship, internship, or industrial or professional update. 2. Study--when related to current teaching assignments. 3. Travel--only when related to teaching assignments. B. In considering requests for leave, the committee shall follow these guidelines: 1. What will the return investment be to the students of the School District and the School District itself? 2. The complete biographical background of the applicant, including age, past performance as a classroom teacher, and involvement in extra curricular and professional activities. 3. Proof of leave request reason in writing. 4. Requirements for obtaining a qualified replacement teacher while applicant is on leave. C. The applicant shall be required to present his case for leave request both in writing and in person to the committee. This should also include a professional resume. D. The leave shall not exceed two (2) semesters. The number of leaves granted shall not exceed two (2) percent of the total number of instructional teachers in any one year. A committee consisting of five (5) persons, including the Superintendent and four (4) others of which two (2) teachers shall be named by the Union to review and recommend sabbatical leave. E. A teacher shall be paid at the same time as other persons of his salary group. Scheduled increments, adjustments in salary, if any, and credit toward retirement shall be granted an employee on sabbatical leave. F. A teacher shall be entitled to reapply for sabbatical leave after each seven (7) years of consecutive teaching. A teacher who receives a Sabbatical Leave shall agree to return to service with the District for a period of two (2) years. The teacher shall reimburse the District the amount of salary granted to him or her during the sabbatical if he or she fails to return to work after the end of the sabbatical. G. A teacher on sabbatical leave shall report all compensation received from Federal Grants and Fellowship Funds to the District, provided that compensation shall not include allowance for travel, cost of living adjustments, research, or other expense in connection with his project. Should such compensation, when added to the compensation paid by the District, exceed the salary he would have received if on active duty, the amount of compensation paid by the District shall be reduced to bring the total to the amount of salary he would have received if on active duty. H. Applications for sabbatical leaves must be submitted on or before January 31 of the year in which the leave sought would begin. Approval or denial of such leave shall be made within 60 days after date of applicant’s request.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sabbatical Leave of Absence. A. All permanently certified and full-time professional personnel who have served five (5) consecutive years in the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake School System directly prior to the application for sabbatical leave may, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approval of the Board of Education, be granted a sabbatical leave for study, or other purposes, benefiting the school system and contributing to the professional growth of the recipient in the capacity in which he/she is employed.
B. A sabbatical leave may be granted for a full year or a half year. Compensation will be granted at the rate of half-pay for a full-year leave or quarter-pay for a half-year. Payment to recipients will be pro-rated and will follow the regular payroll schedule during the leave of absence. Payments will be based upon the salary level the person would have been on during the leave for a teacher who has completed seven (7) consecutive years regular professional assignment. When, as a result of service the leave, any other additional compensation is received during the leave and the combination of such compensation and the sabbatical pay exceeds the regular professional salary the recipient would have received under normal employment that year, the sabbatical pay will be adjusted to that amount which represents the total of the regular professional salary for travel, study, and other approved reasons at one-half (1/2) that year. Hours of college credit earned while on sabbatical leave will be credited for pay and one-half (1/2) payment of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. A committee shall recommend purposes in the same manner as college credit in the pay schedule.
C. Application for sabbatical leave should be submitted to the Board Superintendent’s office not later than March 1st preceding the year of the leave. The standard application form should be used and complete explanation provided on the Board makes the final decision. Leave may be granted pursuant to this Section for application form concerning the following reasons (in order of priority):
1. Fellowship, internship, or industrial or professional update.
2. Study--when related to current teaching assignments.
3. Travel--only when related to teaching assignments.
B. In considering requests for leave, the committee shall follow these guidelinesquestions:
1. What will the return investment be to the students Purpose of the School District and the School District itself?request,
2. The complete biographical background of the applicant, including age, past performance as a classroom teacher, and involvement in extra curricular and professional activities.Activities anticipated,
3. Proof of leave request reason in writing.Professional benefits to applicant,
4. Requirements for obtaining a qualified replacement teacher while applicant is on leaveEducational benefits to the school district,
5. Anticipated compensation beyond the sabbatical pay allowance. An interview may be requested to provide further information concerning the request.
C. The applicant D. Grants may be restricted in number per school (elementary) or curriculum area (secondary) as necessary in the judgment of the Superintendent.
E. Any professional who is granted a sabbatical leave under this section shall be required to present his case for leave request both in writing and in person sign, prior to beginning the committee. This should also include a professional resume.
D. The leave shall not exceed two (2) semesters. The number of leaves granted shall not exceed two (2) percent of the total number of instructional teachers in any one year. A committee consisting of five (5) persons, including the Superintendent and four (4) others of which two (2) teachers shall be named by the Union to review and recommend sabbatical leave.
E. A teacher shall be paid at , an agreement with the same time as other persons of his salary group. Scheduled increments, adjustments in salary, if any, and credit toward retirement shall be granted an employee on sabbatical leave.
F. A teacher shall be entitled to reapply for sabbatical leave after each seven (7) years of consecutive teaching. A teacher who receives a Sabbatical Leave shall agree school district indicating the professional’s intention to return to service with the District for a period two complete school years of employment following the termination of the sabbatical leave. This agreement will indicate further that in the event the professional does not complete two (2) years. The teacher shall full years of school employment, the professional will reimburse the District the amount of salary granted to him or her during the sabbatical if he or she leave payments, pro-rated for any fractional part of the two school years which the professional fails to return to work after complete. Payments under this agreement will begin no later than the end 15th day of the sabbatical.
G. A teacher on sabbatical leave shall report all compensation received from Federal Grants and Fellowship Funds third month following notification to the District, provided school district that compensation shall the professional will not include allowance return for travel, cost of living adjustments, researchemployment, or other expense in connection the 15th day of the third month following the professional’s termination of employment with his projectthe school district within the required two-year period. Should such compensationThe two-year obligation of this provision must be consecutive years, when added to and all monies due the compensation paid District by the District, exceed professional must be repaid no later than five calendar years following the salary he would have received if on active dutycommencement of the repayment period. Payments made under this agreement will be no less than the total amount of the monies owed the District divided by 60 months. However, the amount professional shall have the right to make repayments over a shorter period of compensation paid by time. Monies repaid pursuant to this provision shall bear no interest, and shall represent the District shall be reduced to bring the total to the amount repayment of salary he would have received if on active dutyprincipal only.
H. Applications for sabbatical leaves must be submitted on or before January 31 of the year in which the leave sought would begin. Approval or denial of such leave shall be made within 60 days after date of applicant’s request.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sabbatical Leave of Absence. A. A 17.1 The Committee, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, may grant a sabbatical leave may be granted for approved study or travel to pursue some specific project that relates directly to the instructional program of the Lincoln School system to a teacher who has completed seven (7) consecutive years of service for travel, study, and other approved reasons at one-half (1/2) pay and one-half (1/2) payment of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. A committee shall recommend to the Board and the Board makes the final decision. Leave may be granted pursuant to this Section for the following reasons (in order of priority):
1. Fellowship, internship, or industrial or professional update.
2. Study--when related to current teaching assignments.
3. Travel--only when related to teaching assignments.
B. In considering requests for leave, the committee shall follow these guidelines:
1. What will the return investment be to the students of the School District and the School District itself?
2. The complete biographical background of the applicant, including age, past performance as a classroom teacher, and involvement in extra curricular and professional activities.
3. Proof of leave request reason in writing.
4. Requirements for obtaining a qualified replacement teacher while applicant is on leave.
C. The applicant shall be required to present his case for leave request both in writing and in person to the committee. This should also include a professional resume.
D. The leave shall not exceed two (2) semesters. The number of leaves granted shall not exceed two (2) percent of the total number of instructional teachers in any one year. A committee consisting of five (5) persons, including the Superintendent and four (4) others of which two (2) teachers shall be named by the Union to review and recommend sabbatical leave.
E. A teacher shall be paid at the same time as other persons of his salary group. Scheduled increments, adjustments in salary, if any, and credit toward retirement shall be granted an employee on sabbatical leave.
F. A teacher shall be entitled to reapply for sabbatical leave after each seven (7) years of consecutive teachingexperience in the Lincoln School System.
17.2 During the period of study or travel, the teacher will receive full salary for half-year sabbatical leave or half salary for a full-year sabbatical leave, or full salary for half-time work for a full year. For purposes of this section, a half-year shall mean an academic semester.
17.3 A maximum of four percent (4%) of the full-time professional staff may be on sabbatical leave at one time.
17.4 Request for leave shall be made in writing to the Superintendent on or before October 1 for both September and January leaves of the following school year. Upon receipt of a request for sabbatical leave, the Superintendent will make a recommendation to the School Committee which will vote on the recommendation. The teacher who receives a Sabbatical Leave shall be notified of the Superintendent's recommendation and the Committee's vote in writing on or before the following February 15.
17.5 Prior to the granting of such leave, the teacher shall agree with the Committee that teachers who take a half-year sabbatical will be required to return to service with the District district and teach for one (1) year and a period of teacher who takes a full-year sabbatical will be required to return to the district and teach for two (2) years. The teacher shall reimburse Teachers who do not fulfill the District the amount requirement of salary granted to him or her during the sabbatical if he or she fails to return to work after the end of the sabbatical.
G. A teacher on sabbatical leave shall report all compensation received from Federal Grants and Fellowship Funds returning to the District, provided that compensation shall not include allowance for travel, cost of living adjustments, research, or other expense in connection with his project. Should such compensation, when added district will be required to repay an amount equal to the compensation paid by during the District, exceed sabbatical and the salary he would have received if cost of the replacement teacher.
17.6 A teacher applying for a sabbatical leave shall file with the Superintendent as part of the request a sabbatical leave plan. The plan shall include a statement of aims and objectives and the procedures whereby those aims and objectives are to be achieved.
17.7 Each teacher taking a sabbatical leave shall make a report on active duty, the amount of compensation paid by the District shall be reduced to bring the total her/his sabbatical leave to the amount of salary he would have received if on active dutyCommittee upon her/his return.
H. Applications for 17.8 A teacher returning from a sabbatical leaves must be submitted on or before January 31 of the year in which the leave sought would begin. Approval or denial of such leave shall be made within 60 days after date assigned to a position by the Superintendent. The Superintendent under ordinary circumstances and where practicable and possible shall make an effort to reassign the teacher to the same or similar position held at the time of applicant’s requestcommencement of the sabbatical leave.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sabbatical Leave of Absence. A. Tenured academic personnel at the end of each period of six (6) or more years of continuous service since June 30, 1958, in Illinois Community College District 515 may apply for a sabbatical leave of absence for a period of time not in excess of one year. The Board in its discretion shall determine whether or not to grant a request for sabbatical leave and in considering a request for such a leave shall be guided by the following:
(a) Eligible faculty members covered by this Agreement may submit to the President not later than April 15 for a leave that will begin in August and October 15 for a leave that will begin in January, a request in writing for such leave and a detailed plan for study or educational travel. If approved by the Board, the leave shall be conditional upon a plan for resident study, research, travel, or other activities proposed by the applicant and deemed by the Board to benefit the College, which plan must be approved by the Board and not thereafter modified without approval of the Board.
(b) Applications shall be considered in the order in which they are received, but the Board need not be bound to be guided alone by such order.
(c) Not more than three percent of the total number of academic personnel may be granted leave under this plan in any semester.
(d) Those granted sabbatical leave shall continue in the employment of the College district during such leave of absence and shall receive one-half of his/her scheduled salary for an academic year of leave or full salary for one semester of leave. The Board will maintain full benefits for faculty who are on sabbatical leave.
(e) Before a leave is granted pursuant to this section, the applicant shall agree in writing and/or provide an assurance bond, if requested, that if, at the expiration of such leave, he/she does not return to and perform contractual continued service in the district for at least two academic years after his/her return, all sums of money received from the Board during his/her sabbatical leave will be refunded to the Board unless such return and performance is prevented by evidence of illness or incapacity satisfactory to the Board.
(f) The person on leave shall not engage in any activity for which salary or compensation is paid unless the activity is directly related to the purpose for which the leave is granted and is approved in advance by the Board. A sabbatical leave may be granted to enable the applicant, if otherwise eligible, to accept scholarships for study or research. Unless justified by illness or incapacity, failure of any person granted a teacher who has completed seven (7) consecutive years of service for travel, study, and other approved reasons at one-half (1/2) pay and one-half (1/2) payment of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. A committee shall recommend leave under this section to devote the entire period to the Board purposes for which the leave was granted shall render him/her liable to the forfeiture of an appropriate part of the funds and the Board makes the final decision. Leave may be benefits allotted for that leave.
(g) Upon expiration of a leave granted pursuant to this Section for section, and upon presentation of evidence satisfactory to the following reasons (in order Board showing compliance with the conditions of priority):
1. Fellowship, internship, or industrial or professional update.
2. Study--when related to current teaching assignments.
3. Travel--only when related to teaching assignments.
B. In considering requests for the leave, the committee faculty member shall follow these guidelines:
1be returned, if possible, to a position equivalent to that formerly occupied. What will the return investment be to the students The contractual continued service status of the School District and the School District itself?
2. The complete biographical background of the applicant, including age, past performance as a classroom teacher, and involvement in extra curricular and professional activities.
3. Proof of leave request reason in writing.
4. Requirements for obtaining a qualified replacement teacher while applicant is on leave.
C. The applicant shall be required to present his case for leave request both in writing and in person to the committee. This should also include a professional resume.
D. The leave shall not exceed two (2) semesters. The number of leaves granted shall not exceed two (2) percent of the total number of instructional teachers in any one year. A committee consisting of five (5) persons, including the Superintendent and four (4) others of which two (2) teachers shall be named by the Union to review and recommend sabbatical leave.
E. A teacher shall be paid at the same time as other persons of his salary group. Scheduled increments, adjustments in salary, if any, and credit toward retirement shall be granted an employee on sabbatical leave.
F. A teacher shall be entitled to reapply for sabbatical leave after each seven (7) years of consecutive teaching. A teacher who receives a Sabbatical Leave shall agree to return to service with the District for a period of two (2) years. The teacher shall reimburse the District the amount of salary granted to him or her during the sabbatical if he or she fails to return to work after the end of the sabbatical.
G. A teacher on sabbatical leave shall report all compensation received from Federal Grants not be affected.
(h) Absence during a leave granted pursuant to this section shall not be construed as a discontinuance of service for any purpose, including progression on the salary schedule if one is in effect in the district. The Board shall pick up and Fellowship Funds pay the contribution to the District, provided that compensation shall not include allowance SURS required of the person on leave out of his/her salary for travel, cost the period of living adjustments, research, or other expense in connection with his project. Should the leave computed on the salary of such compensation, when added person for the year immediately prior to the compensation paid by the District, exceed the salary he would have received if on active duty, the amount of compensation paid by the District shall be reduced to bring the total to the amount of salary he would have received if on active dutyleave.
H. Applications for sabbatical leaves must be submitted on or before January 31 (I) This section in no way limits the power of the year in which the leave sought would begin. Approval or denial of such leave shall be made within 60 days after date of applicant’s requestBoard to grant leaves for other purposes.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sabbatical Leave of Absence. Sabbatical leaves of absence for educational activities related to their teacher area shall be granted by the Board of Education to full-time, annually contracted teachers under the following conditions.
A. A In order to apply for sabbatical leave may the teacher must have a bachelor’s degree, must be granted to a teacher who has properly certificated in his/her area of instruction, and must have completed seven (7) consecutive years of regular employment in the West Carrollton School District immediately prior to application. After completion of the seven (7) consecutive years of regular employment, the teacher must have completed at least two (2) years of regular employment following a district-approved leave of absence (maternity/child care). Involuntary military service for travel, study, and other approved reasons at one-half will be included in the seven (1/27) pay and one-half consecutive years of service.
B. Each year up to five (1/25) payment percent of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. A committee shall recommend to the Board and the Board makes the final decision. Leave eligible teaching staff may be granted pursuant to this Section for the following reasons (in order such sabbatical leave of priority):
1. Fellowship, internship, or industrial or professional update.
2. Study--when related to current teaching assignments.
3. Travel--only when related to teaching assignments.
B. In considering requests for leave, the committee shall follow these guidelines:
1. What will the return investment be to the students of the School District and the School District itself?
2. The complete biographical background of the applicant, including age, past performance as a classroom teacher, and involvement in extra curricular and professional activities.
3. Proof of leave request reason in writing.
4. Requirements for obtaining a qualified replacement teacher while applicant is on leaveabsence.
C. The applicant shall be required to present his case for must not have been granted a sabbatical leave request both in writing and in person to of absence from the committee. This should also include a professional resumeWest Carrollton School District during the seven (7) consecutive years of service immediately preceding current application.
D. The leave shall not exceed two (2) semesters. The number of leaves granted shall not exceed two (2) percent of the total number of instructional teachers in any one year. A committee consisting of five (5) persons, including the Superintendent and four (4) others of which two (2) teachers shall be named by the Union to review and recommend sabbatical leave.
E. A teacher shall be paid at the same time as other persons of his salary group. Scheduled increments, adjustments in salary, if any, and credit toward retirement shall be granted applicant must sign an employee on sabbatical leave.
F. A teacher shall be entitled to reapply for sabbatical leave after each seven (7) years of consecutive teaching. A teacher who receives a Sabbatical Leave shall agree agreement to return to service with in the West Carrollton City School District immediately upon termination of the sabbatical leave and continue in such service for a period of two (2) years. The teacher shall reimburse , or to refund all of the compensation received from the District the amount of salary granted to him or her during the sabbatical if he or she fails to return to work after the end leave of absence.
E. All provisions of the sabbaticalOhio Revised Code, Section 3319.131, shall be adhered to by all parties except as further provided herein. If the replacement teacher’s pay is less than the pay of the regular teacher who is on leave, the teacher on leave shall receive the difference. No other compensation or fringe benefits will be provided at Board expense except that the teacher will be kept on the eligible rolls for medical and term life insurance if possible and will be reimbursed for the appropriate amount of the cost of such insurance if the teacher returns to duty and completes the remainder of the contract year.
F. Application for sabbatical leave shall be made in writing to the Superintendent or his/her designee not later than March 15 preceding the initial summer term during which the leave is desired. The application shall include an acceptable plan for spending the leave in a manner of study calculated to contribute to the professional effectiveness of the applicant as a teacher.
G. A teacher on sabbatical leave shall report all not render teaching service for compensation received from Federal Grants and Fellowship Funds to the Districtin another educational institution, provided that compensation shall not include allowance for travelexcept an assistantship, cost of living adjustments, researcha fellowship, or other expense in connection with his project. Should such compensation, when added to the compensation paid by the District, exceed the salary he would have received if on active duty, the amount of compensation paid by the District shall be reduced to bring the total to the amount of salary he would have received if on active dutya grant.
H. Applications for Upon completion of sabbatical leaves must be submitted leave the teacher shall file within sixty (60) days with the Superintendent or his/her designee a written report of his/her educational pursuits while on or before January 31 of the year in which the leave sought would begin. Approval or denial of such sabbatical leave.
I. The teacher returning from sabbatical leave shall be made within 60 days placed in a teaching position comparable to the one held prior to going on leave but shall have no right to resume supplemental duties except as assigned and approved by the Superintendent after date the teacher’s return to this district.
X. A leave of applicantabsence shall be granted to a teacher who agrees to receive three-fourths of his/her annual salary for three years prior to the year’s requestleave of absence. During that leave of absence, the teacher will be paid three-fourths of the salary he/she would have earned. Health and term life insurance benefits will be maintained as if the teacher were actually teaching. Prior approval is required with consideration given to the availability of a replacement for one (1) year when the teaching area is highly specialized.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Negotiations Agreement, Negotiations Agreement
Sabbatical Leave of Absence. A. A sabbatical leave may be granted to a teacher who has completed seven (7) consecutive years of service for travel, study, and other approved reasons at one-half (1/2) pay and one-half (1/2) payment of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. A committee shall recommend to the Board and the Board makes the final decision. Leave may be granted pursuant to this Section for the following reasons (in order of priority):reasons.
1. Fellowship, internship, or industrial or professional update.
2. Study--when related to current teaching assignments.
3. Travel--only when related to teaching assignments.
B. In considering requests for leave, the committee shall follow these guidelines:
1. What will the return investment be to the students of the School District and the School District itself?
2. The complete biographical background of the applicant, including age, past performance as a classroom teacher, and involvement in extra curricular and professional activities.
3. Proof of leave request reason in writing.
4. Requirements for obtaining a qualified replacement teacher while applicant is on leave.
C. The applicant shall be required to present his case for leave request both in writing and in person to the committeeSuperintendent. This should also include a professional resume.
D. The leave shall not exceed two (2) semesters. The number of leaves granted shall not exceed two (2) percent of the total number of instructional teachers in the bargaining unit in any one year. A committee consisting of five (5) persons, including the The Superintendent and four (4) others the Board of which two (2) teachers shall be named by the Union to review and recommend sabbatical leaveEducation will make that decision.
E. A teacher shall Seniority will be paid at the same time as other persons of his salary group. Scheduled increments, adjustments in salary, if any, and credit toward retirement shall be granted an employee on sabbatical frozen during this leave.
F. A teacher shall be entitled to reapply for sabbatical leave after each seven (7) years of consecutive teaching. A teacher who receives a Sabbatical Leave shall agree to return to service with the District for a period of two (2) years. The teacher shall reimburse the District the amount of salary granted to him or her during the sabbatical if he or she fails to return to work after the end of the sabbatical.
G. A teacher on sabbatical leave shall report all compensation received from Federal Grants and Fellowship Funds to the District, provided that compensation shall not include allowance for travel, cost of living adjustments, research, or other expense in connection with his project. Should such compensation, when added to the compensation paid by the District, exceed the salary he would have received if on active duty, the amount of compensation paid by the District shall be reduced to bring the total to the amount of salary he would have received if on active duty.
H. Applications for sabbatical leaves must be submitted on or before January 31 of the year in which the leave sought would begin. Approval or denial of such leave shall be made within 60 days after date of applicant’s request.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sabbatical Leave of Absence. A. All permanently certified and full-time professional personnel who have served five (5) consecutive years in the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake School System directly prior to the application for sabbatical leave may, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approval of the Board of Education, be granted a sabbatical leave for study, or other purposes, benefiting the school system and contributing to the professional growth of the recipient in the capacity in which he/she is employed.
B. A sabbatical leave may be granted for a full year or a half year. Compensation will be granted at the rate of half-pay for a full-year leave or quarter-pay for a half-year. Payment to recipients will be pro-rated and will follow the regular payroll schedule during the leave of absence. Payments will be based upon the salary level the person would have been on during the leave for a teacher who has completed seven (7) consecutive years regular professional assignment. When, as a result of service the leave, any other additional compensation is received during the leave and the combination of such compensation and the sabbatical pay exceeds the regular professional salary the recipient would have received under normal employment that year, the sabbatical pay will be adjusted to that amount which represents the total of the regular professional salary for travel, study, and other approved reasons at one-half (1/2) that year. Hours of college credit earned while on sabbatical leave will be credited for pay and one-half (1/2) payment of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. A committee shall recommend purposes in the same manner as college credit in the pay schedule.
C. Application for sabbatical leave should be submitted to the Board Superintendent’s office not later than March 1st preceding the year of the leave. The standard application form should be used and complete explanation provided on the Board makes the final decision. Leave may be granted pursuant to this Section for application form concerning the following reasons (in order of priority):
1. Fellowship, internship, or industrial or professional update.
2. Study--when related to current teaching assignments.
3. Travel--only when related to teaching assignments.
B. In considering requests for leave, the committee shall follow these guidelinesquestions:
1. What will the return investment be to the students Purpose of the School District and the School District itself?request,
2. The complete biographical background of the applicant, including age, past performance as a classroom teacher, and involvement in extra curricular and professional activities.Activities anticipated,
3. Proof of leave request reason in writing.Professional benefits to applicant,
4. Requirements for obtaining a qualified replacement teacher while applicant is on leaveEducational benefits to the school district, 5. Anticipated compensation beyond the sabbatical pay allowance. An interview may be requested to provide further information concerning the request.
C. The applicant D. Grants may be restricted in number per school (elementary) or curriculum area (secondary) as necessary in the judgment of the Superintendent.
E. Any professional who is granted a sabbatical leave under this section shall be required to present his case for leave request both in writing and in person sign, prior to beginning the committee. This should also include a professional resume.
D. The leave shall not exceed two (2) semesters. The number of leaves granted shall not exceed two (2) percent of the total number of instructional teachers in any one year. A committee consisting of five (5) persons, including the Superintendent and four (4) others of which two (2) teachers shall be named by the Union to review and recommend sabbatical leave.
E. A teacher shall be paid at , an agreement with the same time as other persons of his salary group. Scheduled increments, adjustments in salary, if any, and credit toward retirement shall be granted an employee on sabbatical leave.
F. A teacher shall be entitled to reapply for sabbatical leave after each seven (7) years of consecutive teaching. A teacher who receives a Sabbatical Leave shall agree school district indicating the professional’s intention to return to service with the District for a period two complete school years of employment following the termination of the sabbatical leave. This agreement will indicate further that in the event the professional does not complete two (2) years. The teacher shall full years of school employment, the professional will reimburse the District the amount of salary granted to him or her during the sabbatical if he or she leave payments, pro-rated for any fractional part of the two school years which the professional fails to return to work after complete. Payments under this agreement will begin no later than the end 15th day of the sabbatical.
G. A teacher on sabbatical leave shall report all compensation received from Federal Grants and Fellowship Funds third month following notification to the District, provided school district that compensation shall the professional will not include allowance return for travel, cost of living adjustments, researchemployment, or other expense in connection the 15th day of the third month following the professional’s termination of employment with his projectthe school district within the required two-year period. Should such compensationThe two-year obligation of this provision must be consecutive years, when added to and all monies due the compensation paid District by the District, exceed professional must be repaid no later than five calendar years following the salary he would have received if on active dutycommencement of the repayment period. Payments made under this agreement will be no less than the total amount of the monies owed the District divided by 60 months. However, the amount professional shall have the right to make repayments over a shorter period of compensation paid by time. Monies repaid pursuant to this provision shall bear no interest, and shall represent the District shall be reduced to bring the total to the amount repayment of salary he would have received if on active dutyprincipal only.
H. Applications for sabbatical leaves must be submitted on or before January 31 of the year in which the leave sought would begin. Approval or denial of such leave shall be made within 60 days after date of applicant’s request.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sabbatical Leave of Absence. A. Tenured academic personnel at the end of each period of six (6) or more years of continuous service in Illinois Community College District 515 may apply for a sabbatical leave of absence for a period of time not in excess of one year. The Board in its discretion shall determine whether or not to grant a request for sabbatical leave and in considering a request for such a leave shall be guided by the following:
(a) Eligible faculty members covered by this Agreement may submit to the President not later than April 15 for a leave that will begin in August and October 15 for a leave that will begin in January, a request in writing for such leave and a detailed plan for study or educational travel. If approved by the Board, the leave shall be conditional upon a plan for resident study, research, travel, or other activities proposed by the applicant and deemed by the Board to benefit the College, which plan must be approved by the Board and not thereafter modified without approval of the Board.
(b) Applications shall be considered in the order in which they are received, but the Board need not be bound to be guided alone by such order.
(c) Not more than three percent of the total number of academic personnel may be granted leave under this plan in any semester.
(d) Those granted sabbatical leave shall continue in the employment of the College district during such leave of absence and shall receive one-half of their scheduled salary for an academic year of leave or full salary for one semester of leave. The Board will maintain full benefits for faculty who are on sabbatical leave.
(e) Before a leave is granted pursuant to this section, the applicant shall agree in writing and/or provide an assurance bond, if requested, that if, at the expiration of such leave, they does not return to and perform contractual continued service in the district for at least two academic years after their return, all sums of money received from the Board during their sabbatical leave will be refunded to the Board unless such return and performance is prevented by evidence of illness or incapacity satisfactory to the Board.
(f) The person on leave shall not engage in any activity for which salary or compensation is paid unless the activity is directly related to the purpose for which the leave is granted and is approved in advance by the Board. A sabbatical leave may be granted to enable the applicant, if otherwise eligible, to accept scholarships for study or research. Unless justified by illness or incapacity, failure of any person granted a teacher who has completed seven (7) consecutive years of service for travel, study, and other approved reasons at one-half (1/2) pay and one-half (1/2) payment of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. A committee shall recommend leave under this section to devote the entire period to the Board purposes for which the leave was granted shall render them liable to the forfeiture of an appropriate part of the funds and the Board makes the final decision. Leave may be benefits allotted for that leave.
(g) Upon expiration of a leave granted pursuant to this Section for section, and upon presentation of evidence satisfactory to the following reasons (in order Board showing compliance with the conditions of priority):
1. Fellowship, internship, or industrial or professional update.
2. Study--when related to current teaching assignments.
3. Travel--only when related to teaching assignments.
B. In considering requests for the leave, the committee faculty member shall follow these guidelines:
1be returned, if possible, to a position equivalent to that formerly occupied. What will the return investment be to the students The contractual continued service status of the School District and the School District itself?
2. The complete biographical background of the applicant, including age, past performance as a classroom teacher, and involvement in extra curricular and professional activities.
3. Proof of leave request reason in writing.
4. Requirements for obtaining a qualified replacement teacher while applicant is on leave.
C. The applicant shall be required to present his case for leave request both in writing and in person to the committee. This should also include a professional resume.
D. The leave shall not exceed two (2) semesters. The number of leaves granted shall not exceed two (2) percent of the total number of instructional teachers in any one year. A committee consisting of five (5) persons, including the Superintendent and four (4) others of which two (2) teachers shall be named by the Union to review and recommend sabbatical leave.
E. A teacher shall be paid at the same time as other persons of his salary group. Scheduled increments, adjustments in salary, if any, and credit toward retirement shall be granted an employee on sabbatical leave.
F. A teacher shall be entitled to reapply for sabbatical leave after each seven (7) years of consecutive teaching. A teacher who receives a Sabbatical Leave shall agree to return to service with the District for a period of two (2) years. The teacher shall reimburse the District the amount of salary granted to him or her during the sabbatical if he or she fails to return to work after the end of the sabbatical.
G. A teacher on sabbatical leave shall report all compensation received from Federal Grants not be affected.
(h) Absence during a leave granted pursuant to this section shall not be construed as a discontinuance of service for any purpose, including progression on the salary schedule if one is in effect in the district. The Board shall pick up and Fellowship Funds pay the contribution to the District, provided that compensation shall not include allowance SURS required of the person on leave out of their salary for travel, cost the period of living adjustments, research, or other expense in connection with his project. Should the leave computed on the salary of such compensation, when added person for the year immediately prior to the compensation paid by the District, exceed the salary he would have received if on active duty, the amount of compensation paid by the District shall be reduced to bring the total to the amount of salary he would have received if on active dutyleave.
H. Applications for sabbatical leaves must be submitted on or before January 31 (i) This section in no way limits the power of the year in which the leave sought would begin. Approval or denial of such leave shall be made within 60 days after date of applicant’s requestBoard to grant leaves for other purposes.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sabbatical Leave of Absence. A. Tenured academic personnel at the end of each period of six (6) or more years of continuous service in Illinois Community College District 515 may apply for a sabbatical leave of absence for a period of time not in excess of one year. The Board in its discretion shall determine whether or not to grant a request for sabbatical leave and in considering a request for such a leave shall be guided by the following:
(a) Eligible faculty members covered by this Agreement may submit to the President not later than April 15 for a leave that will begin in August and October 15 for a leave that will begin in January, a request in writing for such leave and a detailed plan for study or educational travel. If approved by the Board, the leave shall be conditional upon a plan for resident study, research, travel, or other activities proposed by the applicant and deemed by the Board to benefit the College, which plan must be approved by the Board and not thereafter modified without approval of the Board.
(b) Applications shall be considered in the order in which they are received, but the Board need not be bound to be guided alone by such order.
(c) Not more than three percent of the total number of academic personnel may be granted leave under this plan in any semester.
(d) Those granted sabbatical leave shall continue in the employment of the College district during such leave of absence and shall receive one-half of his/her scheduled salary for an academic year of leave or full salary for one semester of leave. The Board will maintain full benefits for faculty who are on sabbatical leave.
(e) Before a leave is granted pursuant to this section, the applicant shall agree in writing and/or provide an assurance bond, if requested, that if, at the expiration of such leave, he/she does not return to and perform contractual continued service in the district for at least two academic years after his/her return, all sums of money received from the Board during his/her sabbatical leave will be refunded to the Board unless such return and performance is prevented by evidence of illness or incapacity satisfactory to the Board.
(f) The person on leave shall not engage in any activity for which salary or compensation is paid unless the activity is directly related to the purpose for which the leave is granted and is approved in advance by the Board. A sabbatical leave may be granted to enable the applicant, if otherwise eligible, to accept scholarships for study or research. Unless justified by illness or incapacity, failure of any person granted a teacher who has completed seven (7) consecutive years of service for travel, study, and other approved reasons at one-half (1/2) pay and one-half (1/2) payment of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. A committee shall recommend leave under this section to devote the entire period to the Board purposes for which the leave was granted shall render him/her liable to the forfeiture of an appropriate part of the funds and the Board makes the final decision. Leave may be benefits allotted for that leave.
(g) Upon expiration of a leave granted pursuant to this Section for section, and upon presentation of evidence satisfactory to the following reasons (in order Board showing compliance with the conditions of priority):
1. Fellowship, internship, or industrial or professional update.
2. Study--when related to current teaching assignments.
3. Travel--only when related to teaching assignments.
B. In considering requests for the leave, the committee faculty member shall follow these guidelines:
1be returned, if possible, to a position equivalent to that formerly occupied. What will the return investment be to the students The contractual continued service status of the School District and the School District itself?
2. The complete biographical background of the applicant, including age, past performance as a classroom teacher, and involvement in extra curricular and professional activities.
3. Proof of leave request reason in writing.
4. Requirements for obtaining a qualified replacement teacher while applicant is on leave.
C. The applicant shall be required to present his case for leave request both in writing and in person to the committee. This should also include a professional resume.
D. The leave shall not exceed two (2) semesters. The number of leaves granted shall not exceed two (2) percent of the total number of instructional teachers in any one year. A committee consisting of five (5) persons, including the Superintendent and four (4) others of which two (2) teachers shall be named by the Union to review and recommend sabbatical leave.
E. A teacher shall be paid at the same time as other persons of his salary group. Scheduled increments, adjustments in salary, if any, and credit toward retirement shall be granted an employee on sabbatical leave.
F. A teacher shall be entitled to reapply for sabbatical leave after each seven (7) years of consecutive teaching. A teacher who receives a Sabbatical Leave shall agree to return to service with the District for a period of two (2) years. The teacher shall reimburse the District the amount of salary granted to him or her during the sabbatical if he or she fails to return to work after the end of the sabbatical.
G. A teacher on sabbatical leave shall report all compensation received from Federal Grants not be affected.
(h) Absence during a leave granted pursuant to this section shall not be construed as a discontinuance of service for any purpose, including progression on the salary schedule if one is in effect in the district. The Board shall pick up and Fellowship Funds pay the contribution to the District, provided that compensation shall not include allowance SURS required of the person on leave out of his/her salary for travel, cost the period of living adjustments, research, or other expense in connection with his project. Should the leave computed on the salary of such compensation, when added person for the year immediately prior to the compensation paid by the District, exceed the salary he would have received if on active duty, the amount of compensation paid by the District shall be reduced to bring the total to the amount of salary he would have received if on active dutyleave.
H. Applications for sabbatical leaves must be submitted on or before January 31 (I) This section in no way limits the power of the year in which the leave sought would begin. Approval or denial of such leave shall be made within 60 days after date of applicant’s requestBoard to grant leaves for other purposes.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sabbatical Leave of Absence. A. A Upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, an educational sabbatical leave may be granted to a teacher who has certified member of the staff, within his/her field of study, by the Board subject to the following conditions:
(1) Requests for sabbatical leave must be received by the Superintendent, in writing, in such form as may be required by the Superintendent. Such requests must be in the hands of the Superintendent no later than October 31st of the fiscal year preceding the school year for which the sabbatical leave is requested.
(2) The applicant must have completed seven at least eight (7) 8) consecutive full school years of service in the school district of Haddon Heights.
(3) Payment for travelsabbatical leave is granted on the following basis:
(a) One-half (½) of the annual contracted salary will be granted for a full year’s leave for study.*
(b) One-fourth (1/4) of the annual contracted salary will be granted for one (1) semester, study, and other approved reasons at one-half (1/2½) pay and one-half year of study.
(1/24) payment of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. A committee shall recommend The beneficiary will agree to return to the Board and the Board makes the final decision. Leave may be granted pursuant to this Section school district of Haddon Heights for the following reasons (in order of priority):
1. Fellowship, internship, or industrial or professional update.
2. Study--when related to current teaching assignments.
3. Travel--only when related to teaching assignments.
B. In considering requests for leave, the committee shall follow these guidelines:
1. What will the return investment be to the students of the School District and the School District itself?
2. The complete biographical background of the applicant, including age, past performance as a classroom teacher, and involvement in extra curricular and professional activities.
3. Proof of leave request reason in writing.
4. Requirements for obtaining a qualified replacement teacher while applicant is on leave.
C. The applicant shall be required to present his case for leave request both in writing and in person to the committee. This should also include a professional resume.
D. The leave shall not exceed two (2) semesters. The number of leaves granted shall not exceed two (2) percent of the total number of instructional teachers in any one year. A committee consisting of five (5) persons, including the Superintendent and four (4) others full years of which two employment on the appropriate salary level following the leave except in the event of the death or serious illness of the beneficiary. If the beneficiary of the sabbatical leave does not fulfill the return agreement to the school district of Haddon Heights, the beneficiary will be obligated to reimburse the Board of Education for the salary received during the sabbatical leave although service credit will be granted according to the following plan: % of salary to be reimbursed to the Board of Education: Leaving before 2 full years’ service 100% of salary received 3 full years’ service 40% of salary received 4 full years’ service 20% of salary received *Two (2) teachers semesters of schooling
(5) To the extent feasible, with due regard for the interests of the school program, administrators returning to work after a sabbatical leave shall be named by offered the Union to review and recommend sabbatical leavesame or a similar position.
E. A teacher shall be paid at (6) Upon the same time as other persons recommendation of his salary group. Scheduled incrementsthe Superintendent, adjustments in salary, if any, and credit toward retirement shall be granted an employee on the Board will grant no more than one
(1) sabbatical leaveleave per year.
F. A teacher shall be entitled to reapply for sabbatical leave after each seven (7) years of consecutive teachingAny staff member is entitled to only one (1) sabbatical leave during his/her tenure in the Haddon Heights School District. A teacher second sabbatical may be granted only for an individual matriculating in a doctoral program. Any administrator who receives uses a Sabbatical Leave shall agree sabbatical leave of absence for travel and/or study purposes must provide a written summary of that experience to the Superintendent and the Board of Education within thirty (30) days of their return to service active employment within the district. Expectations for this report will be discussed with the District for a period of two (2) years. The teacher shall reimburse the District the amount of salary granted to him or her during the sabbatical if he or she fails to return to work after the end of the sabbatical.
G. A teacher on sabbatical leave shall report all compensation received from Federal Grants and Fellowship Funds administrator prior to the District, provided that compensation shall not include allowance for travel, cost of living adjustments, research, or other expense in connection with his project. Should such compensation, when added to the compensation paid by the District, exceed the salary he would have received if on active duty, the amount of compensation paid by the District shall be reduced to bring the total to the amount of salary he would have received if on active dutyleave being granted".
H. Applications for sabbatical leaves must be submitted on or before January 31 of the year in which the leave sought would begin. Approval or denial of such leave shall be made within 60 days after date of applicant’s request.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement