Scheduling Notification. The scheduling of comprehensive leave for vacation and personal leave purposes and the amount to be taken at any one time shall be determined by the Department Head in accordance with the department’s rules and with regard for the needs of the Town primarily and the preferences of the employee secondarily. In the event an employee finds it necessary to take comprehensive leave which has not been scheduled in advance, such as for illness, bereavement, emergencies, etc., it is the responsibility of the employee to make documented attempt to contact (i.e. by phone, in person, or email) his/ her supervisor within one hour of the beginning of his/her work day to inform the supervisor of the unexpected need to utilize comprehensive leave. It is the responsibility of the employee to maintain an appropriate level of leave sufficient to cover time lost in case of an unforeseeable event. If an employee does not have enough leave left, he/she will have their benefits prorated accordingly for time missed from work. More than one occurrence of missing work without having enough leave to cover time lost may result in discipline.
Scheduling Notification. At least twenty-five (25) days prior to the beginning of a calendar month, the National Petroleum Agency shall notify the Contractor of its proposed tanker schedule for that calendar month specifying the following:
(a) a loading date range of ten (10) days for each tanker lifting;
(b) the desired parcel size for each lifting in Barrels, subject always to change within a range of plus or minus five percent (5%) by the Party so nominating;
(c) the tanker's name or To Be Named (TBN) for each tanker lifting. Tanker nomination made as TBN shall be replaced at least five (5) working days prior to the accepted date range, unless a shorter time is acceptable to the Contractor; and
(d) documentation instructions shall be given for each lifting not later than four (4) days prior to the first day of the accepted date range for the tanker in question.
Scheduling Notification. Buyer shall provide Supplier with a ----------------------- day-ahead request of the Supply Amount one (1) hour prior to when day-ahead bids are due to the CALPX. Buyer shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the day-ahead request of the Supply Amount is no greater than that amount then projected to be necessary to satisfy Buyer's TRR. In addition, for each day-ahead request, the change in the Supply Amount from one (1) hour to the next hour shall be no greater than the ramping capability of the units within the Asset Bundle as shown in Exhibit A.
Scheduling Notification. The scheduling of paid leave for vacation and personal leave purposes and the amount to be taken at any one time shall be approved by the Chief of Police, or designee, in accordance with the department’s rules and with regard for the needs of the department primarily and the preferences of the employee secondarily. Employee must submit their request to use paid leave at least two weeks in advance in order for the department to mandate the shift(s) to be covered. If a request is submitted less than two (2) weeks in advance, approval shall depend on voluntary coverage. If an employee finds it necessary to take paid leave which has not been scheduled in advance, for bereavement, emergencies, etc., it is the responsibility of the employee to contact their supervisor at least one hour prior to the beginning of their workday to inform the supervisor of their absence. In such circumstances, the Chief of Police, or designee, may mandate shift coverage.
Scheduling Notification. Supplier shall provide to Buyer notices containing information including Supplier's xxxx xxxxx daily and hourly forecast of theDelivered Amount, Generating Facility Planned Outages, Derating, other outages and similar changes that may affect the Delivered Amount.
Scheduling Notification. At least twenty-five (25) days prior to the beginning of a calendar month, the CORPORATION shall notify the CONTRACTOR of its proposed tanker schedule for that calendar month specifying the following:
Scheduling Notification. At least twenty-five (25) days prior to the beginning of a calendar month, the National Petroleum Agency xxxXx notify the Contractor of its proposed tanker schedule for that calendar month specifying the foIlowing: •
(a) a loading date range often (lO) days for each tanker lifting;
(b) the desired parcel size for each lifting in BarreIs, subject always to change within a range ofplus or minus five percent (5%) by the Party so nominating; - -• •
Scheduling Notification. At least twenty-five (25) days prior to the beginning of a calendar month, NNPC shall notify the Company of its proposed tanker schedule for that calendar month specifying the following:
Scheduling Notification. The scheduling of comprehensive leave for vacation and personal leave purposes and the amount to be taken at any one time shall be approved by the Chief of Police or designee. If an employee finds it necessary to take comprehensive leave which has not been scheduled in advance, bereavement, emergencies, etc., it is the responsibility of the employee to contact their supervisor within one hour of the beginning of their work day to inform the supervisor of their absence.
Scheduling Notification. Requests for use of the facility for meeting, rehearsal, delivery, etc. must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the requested date. If two (2) or more requests are submitted for the same date and time, Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church events will have priority. The $250.00 damage/cleaning deposit and the total fees paid will be given if the church receives cancellation notification 180 days or more prior to the date of the event. Refunds will be issued within 7-10 business days of cancellation notification. The $250.00 cleaning/damage deposit and ½ of the total fees paid will be refunded if the church is notified of the cancellation within 90-179 days prior to the date of the event. Refunds will be issued within 7-10 business days of cancellation notification. The $250.00 cleaning/damage deposit only will be refunded if the church is notified of the cancellation within 60 days or less of the event date. The $250.00 refundable deposit will be refunded within 7-10 business days after the event provided no additional costs are incurred by the Church for cleaning, repairing, or replacing any part of the building, its furnishings and equipment beyond normal wear and customary use in conjunction with the Service. Cost for cleaning/damages will be deducted from the deposit. If the cost exceeds the deposit amount, an invoice will be sent to the signing parties for payment. A full refund will be given if the event is cancelled six (6) months prior to the date. A refund equal to ½ of the total amount due will be refunded if the event is cancelled three (3) months prior to the date. No refunds will be issued if event is cancelled within 60 days of the event date.