Shift Coverage Sample Clauses
Shift Coverage. After the Employer determines shift coverage requirements, it will decide, by each station, how shifts will be assigned.
Shift Coverage. Minimum shift for twelve (12) hour shifts shall be two (2) sworn personnel (e.g., Patrol Officer; Sergeant) per shift. While it is not the University’s intention to avoid its obligations under Article 46- 2, if the University is unable to achieve minimum staff because a replacement is not immediately available to cover short staffing situations this circumstance shall not be subject to arbitration. A uniformed officer may not leave his/her shift until properly relieved. Proper relief takes place only when the incoming officer is present and in proper uniform. Pay for the relieving officer begins on the later of the scheduled start of his/her shift or the officer’s arrival on shift in proper uniform. Patrol Officers will not routinely be assigned dispatch functions, but may in unusual circumstances be assigned to assist in Dispatch on a temporary basis. Special events may be covered with on-duty personnel at the Department’s discretion. Economic or budgetary changes can lead to alteration of this order
Shift Coverage. At NJIT’s discretion any and/or all Sergeants may be scheduled for presence at NJIT up to eight and one-half (8½) hours per day with up to one-half (½) hour as noncompensable break time as set by NJIT, in order that proper coverage of the workforce may be provided NJIT. There will not be a change in scheduled shift span unless preceded by seventy-two (72) hours notice to the affected Sergeant(s).
Shift Coverage. The University shall determine when coverage is needed for vacation leave, sick leave, jury duty, military leave and other leaves. The University shall consider volunteers in assignment of HX employees.
Shift Coverage. 1) With respect to shift coverage, the Department shall have the exclusive right to determine the number of Dispatchers necessary for a particular shift. This decision shall not be subject to grievance
2) A Dispatcher may not leave his/her shift until properly relieved.
a) Proper relief takes place only when the incoming Dispatcher is present and ready to work.
b) Pay for the relieving Dispatcher begins on the later of the scheduled start of his/her shift or the Dispatcher’s arrival on shift ready to work.
Shift Coverage. When a mechanic calls in and we need to cover their his/her shift we will use present, qualified and available for that day. If the call-in is for multiple days, the subsequent days will be bid by seniority to those available. If the Company is not notified twenty-four hours in advance, the call-in procedure will be used. Mechanics will be selected by seniority on adjacent shifts for shift coverage.
Shift Coverage. 1) With respect to shift coverage, the Department shall have the exclusive right to determine the number of Sergeants necessary for a particular shift. This decision shall not be subject to grievance
2) A Sergeant may not leave his/her shift until properly relieved.
a) Proper relief takes place only when the incoming Sergeant is present and in proper uniform.
b) Pay for the relieving Sergeant begins on the later of the scheduled start of his/her shift or the Sergeant’s arrival on shift in proper uniform.
3) Special events may be covered with on-duty personnel at the Department’s discretion.
4) Minimum shift for twelve hour shifts shall be two (2) sworn personnel per shift.
5) Economic or budgetary changes can lead to alteration of this order.
Shift Coverage. To fill open shifts, priority for offering additional shifts will be in this order, assuming the staff member is qualified:
1) Regular Relief Pool staff
2) Regular staff subject to mandatory low census
3) Part-time regular staff within the work unit
4) Part-time regular staff outside of the work unit
5) Regular staff in the work unit who are not working their budgeted FTE
6) Temporary staff All attempts will be made to avoid offering hours to a staff member which would result in overtime for that individual.
Shift Coverage.
1) Minimum shift for twelve (12) hour shifts shall be two (2) sworn personnel (e.g., Patrol Officer; Sergeant) per shift. If the University is unable to achieve minimum staff because a replacement is not immediately available to cover short staffing situations this circumstance shall not be subject to arbitration.
2) A uniformed officer may not leave the Officer’s shift until properly relieved. Proper relief takes place only when the incoming officer is present and in proper uniform. Pay for the relieving officer begins on the later of the scheduled start of the Officer’s shift or the Officer’s arrival on shift in proper uniform.
3) Patrol Officers will not routinely be assigned dispatch functions, but there may be circumstances where, at the discretion of the Chief/CMU PD, Officers will be assigned to assist in Dispatch on a temporary basis.
4) Special events may be covered with on-duty personnel at the Department’s discretion.
5) Economic or budgetary changes can lead to alteration of this order.
Shift Coverage. A member is provided the opportunity to work overtime on an off day to fill patrol staffing needs due to position vacancies, extended leaves (FMLA, Military, etc.), or extended illness.