School administrator searches Sample Clauses

School administrator searches. School personnel may conduct searches of a student's property and person under their jurisdiction in accordance with guidelines developed as contemplated by Code of Virginia § 22.1-279.7, and the advice of the school’s legal counsel. SRO searches. Any search initiated by an SRO or other law enforcement officer should be conducted in accordance with constitutional search and seizure requirements. All searches should occur outside the presence of students and school personnel, with the exception of school administrators, unless there is a clear and imminent threat to safety. SROs should not become involved in administrative searches and at no time should SROs request that an administrative search be conducted for law enforcement purposes or have school personnel conduct a search as the SRO’s agent.
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School administrator searches. Per LCPS policies, school officials may conduct searches of student's students’ property and person persons under their care when reasonable suspicion exists that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. The standard for search by a school official is reasonable suspicion, and it must be limited in scope to the reason for the search from its inception. If possible, administrators should ask for consent from the student whose property is about to be searched prior to conducting a “reasonable suspicion” based search. Administrative searches must be at the direction and control of the school official and not the SRO. SRO searches. Any search initiated by an SROs or other law enforcement officer shall be in accordance with federal and state law and their respective agency’s policies. All searches should occur outside the presence of students and school staff, except for school administrators, unless there is a clear and immediate threat to physical safety. In circumstances involving contraband, tThe SRO shall be contacted immediately to take custody of any illegal contraband. It is also recommended that the principal have a locked storage area for situations when the SRO is not available to hold the contraband. However, if the SRO is not on duty, the principal or staff member shall contact the appropriate law enforcement entity and request assistance to surrender the contraband. School officials will photograph any items seized as evidence that may be used in any disciplinary proceeding instituted by school officials against the student. As warranted, copies of photographs shall be turned over to law enforcement. SROs shall not become involved in administrative (school- related) searches and at no time shall SROs request that an administrative search be conducted for law enforcement purposes or have the administrator act as his or her agent. When a school administrator has reasonable grounds for concern about the safety of those present during a search, the administrator may request the SRO to be present to provide security and protection. Canine searches shall be in accordance with School Board Policy 8265 Policy 8-2, Investigations and Searches.
School administrator searches. School officials may conduct searches of student's property and person under their jurisdiction when reasonable suspicion exists that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. The standard for search by a school official is reasonable suspicion and it must be limited in scope to the reason for the search from its inception. If possible, administrators should ask for consent from the student whose property is about to be searched prior to conducting a “reasonable suspicion” based search. Administrative searches must be at the direction and control of the school official and not the SRO.
School administrator searches. School officials may conduct searches of student's property and person under their jurisdiction when reasonable suspicion exists that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. The standard for search by a school official is reasonable suspicion. SRO searches. Any search initiated by SROs or other law enforcement officer shall be based upon probable cause and, when required, a search warrant should be obtained. All searches should be reasonable in scope. All searches should occur outside the presence of students and school staff, with the exception of school administrators, unless there is a clear and immediate threat to physical safety. SROs shall not become involved in administrative (school related) searches and at no time shall SROs request that an administrative search be conducted for law enforcement purposes or have the administrator act as his or her agent. Arrests Whenever practical, arrests of a student or staff member should be accomplished outside of school hours in order to not disrupt the educational process or school setting. Arrests that must occur during school hours or on school grounds should be coordinated through the school administrator to minimize potential disruption. When circumstances do not allow for prior coordination through the school administrator, arrests will be reported to the school administrator as soon as possible. In addition to any required notification of parents and legal guardians by the SRO taking a student into custody, school administrators or their designees are also responsible for an additional notification of parents and legal guardians upon a school-based arrest of their child. Physical Restraint by School Personnel Physical restraint is a personal restriction that immobilizes or reduces the ability of a student to move his or her torso, arms, legs, or head freely. The term physical restraint does not include a physical escort. Physical escort means a temporary touching or holding of the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, or back for the purpose of inducing a student who is acting out to walk to a safe location. Physical restraint by school personnel is used in accordance with Virginia Board of Education policies and guidelines on seclusion and restraint and related local school board policies. Every effort should be made by school personnel to prevent the need for the use of restraint. Physical restraint should not be used except by sch...
School administrator searches. School officials may conduct searches of student's property and person under their jurisdiction when reasonable suspicion exists that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school and in accordance with guidelines developed as contemplated by Code of Virginia § 22.1-279.7, and the advice of the school’s legal counsel. SRO searches Any search initiated by SROs or other law enforcement officers shall be based upon probable cause and, when required, a search warrant shall be obtained. All searches shall be reasonable in scope. All searches should occur outside the presence of students and school staff, with the exception of school administrators, unless there is a clear and immediate threat to physical safety. The SRO shall not become involved in administrative (school related) searches unless specifically requested by the school to provide security, protection, or for the handling of contraband. These searches must be at the direction and control of the school official. At no time shall the SRO request that an administrative search be conducted for law enforcement purposes or have the administrator act as his or her agent.
School administrator searches. School personnel may conduct searches of a student's property and person under their jurisdiction in accordance with guidelines developed as contemplated by the Code of Virginia § 22.1-279.7, and the advice of the school’s legal counsel. SRO searches. Any search initiated by an SRO or other law enforcement officer should be conducted in accordance with constitutional search and seizure requirements. All searches should occur outside the presence of students and school personnel, with the exception of school administrators, unless there is a clear and imminent threat to safety. SROs should not become involved in administrative searches unless specifically requested by the school to provide security, protection, or for handling of weapon(s) or contraband. These searches must be at the direction and control of the school official. At no time should SROs request that an administrative search be conducted for law enforcement purposes or have school personnel conduct a search as the SRO’s agent. Canine searches will be permitted at the request of the school superintendent, school principal or designee. The CCSO will attempt to provide the necessary resources in order to handle such request.
School administrator searches. School administrators may conduct searches of students’ persons and their property under their jurisdiction in accordance with guidelines developed as contemplated by Virginia Code § 22.1-279.7, and the advice of the Schoolslegal counsel. The standard for search by a school administrator is reasonable suspicion. Searches by assigned deputy. The assigned deputy is not a school official for the purposes of conducting searches. Any search initiated by an assigned deputy should be conducted in accordance with constitutional search and seizure requirements. All searches should occur outside the presence of students and school staff, with the exception of school administrators, unless there is a clear and immediate threat to public safety. The assigned deputy shall not become involved in administrative searches conducted by school officials unless specifically requested by the school official to provide security or protection or for the handling of contraband when recovered. If the assigned deputy becomes involved in this type of search, it will be done at the direction and control of the school official. At no time shall the assigned deputy request that a school search be conducted for criminal investigation purposes or allow the school official act as the assigned deputy’s agent. This does not preclude the assigned deputy from providing school officials with information he or she has received regarding students or staff of the school.
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