Discipline Policy A Discipline Policy Committee will be formed upon the request of the Association or the Board of Education. The committee will be comprised of members appointed by the Board and the Association. By the appropriate means determined by the Board, families will be informed of the District's policies regarding student behavior and discipline procedures. The foregoing committees, study groups, or faculty councils shall serve as advisory, consultative and fact-finding bodies only, and the Board shall not be required to adopt any of the recommendations submitted. The Board agrees, however, that the Association and the teachers shall have the right to submit recommendations and views on these subjects.
Training Programs All employees shall successfully complete all necessary training prior to being assigned work (e.g., all employees will complete health and safety training prior to being assigned to task). Nothing in this Article or provision shall constitute a waiver of either party’s bargaining obligations or defenses. The Employer still has an obligation to notify and bargain changes in terms and conditions of employment with the exclusive representative.
Student Discipline 1. The parties recognize that part of the teacher's responsibility is to maintain control and discipline of students. The Board further recognizes its responsibility to give support and assistance to the teacher with respect to the maintenance of control and discipline in the classroom and school in accordance with established Board policies, administrative regulations, building procedures and state statutes; however, the Board shall not be obligated when any disciplinary actions employed by any teacher is contrary to law, Board policy, or administrative regulations. 2. The Board shall set all policies on matters of discipline. A team, minimally consisting of building administrators and teachers, shall develop disciplinary procedures for their respective buildings that are consistent with state statutes, Board policies, and administrative regulations. These disciplinary procedures shall be completed or updated and reviewed by each faculty prior to a date established by the principal. These shall be distributed to students, teachers, and parents no later than October 1 of each year, and it shall be the responsibility of the administration and teachers to enforce these policies, regulations, and procedures. 3. The District and Association shall work together to promote a safe work environment including the right to be free from violent behavior or threatening violent behavior. (2019) When an offense, persistent misbehavior, or the disruptive effect of misbehavior makes the continued presence of a student in the classroom intolerable, the student may be referred by the teacher to the principal or his/her designee for disciplinary action. In such case, an account of the problem or incident will be communicated as soon as feasibly possible, given instructional and safety responsibilities, by the teacher to the principal or his/her designee. The communication should include what previous corrective action, and/or parent communication if any, has been taken by the teacher. The principal or his/her designee shall communicate the disposition of the referral as soon as feasibly possible given administrative and safety responsibilities. In cases when the disruptive effect of the student’s behavior is so extreme as to preclude the instructional process, the teacher shall immediately communicate the need to remove the child temporarily from the classroom until such time as the student, teacher, and principal or other appropriate authority, resolves the situation. (2009)
DISCIPLINE OF EMPLOYEES Section 1: All charges preferred by the Employer against its employees for violation of its rules or other offenses must be preferred within five (5) days after any such alleged violation or offense has been made known to the official or officials of the Employer or their designees. If the charges are not preferred within the time limits set forth herein, such alleged violation or offense shall be forever barred and extinguished, provided, however, that any violation of the rules pertaining to the mishandling of fares or mis-appropriation of the Employer's funds or property shall not come within the scope of the foregoing provisions of this Section. Additionally, any discipline meted out in other than fare violations must be begun within five (5) days of notification to the employee. Section 2: If any employee is charged with an offense involving the mishandling of fares, drunkenness, possession or use of an illegal substance or the misappropriation of the Employer's funds or property, neither such charges nor discipline meted out in connection therewith shall be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedures provided for in this Agreement unless and until the grievance and/or demands for arbitration in such cases be accompanied by a signed authorization from the employee involved releasing the Employer and the Union to submit any and all information and facts pertaining to the case to whomever they may concern. Section 3: When the Employer disciplines an employee and/or places a written entry of the incident in the employee's file, the employee and Union involved shall be furnished a copy of the entry. An employee may examine and copy from his/her own employee file at any reasonable time. After thirty (30) months all materials pertaining to discipline in an employee's file will not be used for disciplinary purposes. Section 4: If, as a result of investigation or upon appeal, the discipline, suspension or dismissal of an employee is found to have been without just cause, his/her record of the alleged offense will be cleared, and if time has been lost, the employee will be paid for such loss of time by the Employer in accordance with the amount s/he would have received had s/he not been held from service.
Personnel Policies The School shall adopt, update, and adhere to personnel policies. These policies must be made readily accessible from the School’s website or school office, as described in Section 11.4. 1. If the policy is not available from the School’s website, the School shall submit the current policy to the Commission.
Policy Grievances Where either party to this agreement disputes the general application, interpretation or alleged violation of an article of this agreement, the dispute shall be discussed initially with the Executive Director or designate or the President of the Union within 14 calendar days of the occurrence. Where no satisfactory agreement is reached, either party, within a further 14 calendar days, may submit the dispute to arbitration.
DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES The Employer agrees to provide the employee with written notification of a disciplinary document that is to be made a part of the employee’s personnel file. In instances where the Employer desires to conduct an investigatory interview with an employee, the employee shall be entitled upon request to have an Association representative present at the interview. A copy of all disciplinary actions involving suspension or discharge will also be provided to the Association, unless the employee requests that the matter be kept confidential.
Training Program It is agreed that there shall be an Apprenticeship Training Program, the provisions of which are set forth in Exhibit "D", which is attached hereto and forms part of this Agreement.
Policy Grievance – Employer Grievance The Employer may institute a grievance alleging a general misinterpretation or violation by the Union or any employee by filing a written grievance with the Bargaining Unit President, with a copy to the Labour Relations Officer within twenty (20) days after the circumstances have occurred. A meeting will be held between the parties within ten (10) days. The Union shall reply within ten (10) days after the meeting, and failing settlement, the matter may be referred to arbitration. (a) Where a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any questions as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated, either of the parties may, after exhausting the grievance procedure established by this Agreement, notify the other party in writing of its decision to submit the difference or allegation to arbitration, and the notice shall contain the name of the first party's appointee to an Arbitration Board. The recipient of the notice shall, within ten (10) days, inform the other party of the name of its appointee to the Arbitration Board. The two appointees so selected shall within ten (10) days of the appointment of the second of them, appoint a third person who shall be the Chairperson. If the recipient of the notice fails to appoint a nominee, or if the two nominees fail to agree upon a Chairperson within the time limit, the appointment shall be made by the Minister of Labour for Ontario upon the request of either party. (b) Within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of notice referred to in Article 8.12(a) above, either party may require a process for a sole arbitrator where the grievance concerns: i) a job posting ii) a short term layoff
PROCUREMENT ETHICS Contractor understands that a person who is interested in any way in the sale of any supplies, services, construction, or insurance to the State of Utah is violating the law if the person gives or offers to give any compensation, gratuity, contribution, loan, reward, or any promise thereof to any person acting as a procurement officer on behalf of the State of Utah, or who in any official capacity participates in the procurement of such supplies, services, construction, or insurance, whether it is given for their own use or for the use or benefit of any other person or organization.