Scope of Terms and Conditions. 條款及條件之適用範圍
2.1 This Agreement shall apply to all Contracts which are effected or to be effected by the Company on behalf of the Client on HKFE or any Foreign Futures Exchanges and shall be deemed to be incorporated in each Contract, whether oral or written, entered into between the Company and the Client. Any other terms and conditions proposed or referred to by the Client in writing or otherwise (whether express, implied or imported by custom or course of dealing), or upon which the Company and the Client may previously have entered into Contracts, are hereby excluded. 本協議適用於本公司代表客戶於香港期貨交易所或任何外地期貨交易所簽立或將簽立之一切合約,並視為收納於(不論是口頭或書面)本公司與客戶之間所訂立之每份合約內,客戶以書面或其他方式(不論是明示、暗示或按慣例或於交易過程表明)建議或提述之任何其他條款及條件,或本公司與客戶先前已據此訂立合約,均不包括於此適用範圍內。
2.2 All Contracts made on HKFE and all transactions between the Company and the Client shall be binding on the parties and shall be subject to, and in accordance with, the procedures of HKFE, the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of HKFE and the Rules. 於香港期交所訂立之所有合約及本公司與客戶之間之所有交易,均對雙方具 約束力,並須依據香港期交所之程序、香港期交所之條文以及規則履行並受其規限。
2.3 Foreign Transactions shall be subject to the rules of the relevant markets or Foreign Futures Exchanges. The Client may have varying levels and types of protection in relation to transactions on different markets and exchanges. 外地交易須受有關市場或外地期貨交易所之規則所規限,客戶於不同市場及交易所之交易可獲得不同程度和類別之保障。
Scope of Terms and Conditions. 2.1 This Agreement shall apply to all Contracts which are effected or to be effected by the Company and/or the Correspondent Broker appointed by the Company on behalf of the Customer on the HKFE or any Foreign Futures Exchanges and shall be deemed to be incorporated in each Contract, whether oral or written, entered into between the Company and the Customer. Any other terms and conditions proposed or referred to by the Customer in writing or otherwise (whether express, implied or imported by custom or course of dealing), or upon which the Company and the Customer may previously have entered into Contracts, are hereby excluded.
2.2 All Contracts made on the HKFE and all transactions between the Company and the Customer shall be binding on the parties and shall be subject to, and in accordance with all law, rules, or regulations applicable thereto, including but not limited to the procedures of the HKFE, the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the HKFE and the Rules.
2.3 All Foreign Transactions shall be subject to all applicable rules, regulations, orders and laws of the country or territory of the Foreign Transaction concerned and, the rules of the relevant markets or Foreign Futures Exchanges. The Customer may have varying levels and types of protection in relation to transactions on different markets and exchanges.
Scope of Terms and Conditions. 2.1 This Agreement shall apply to all Contracts which are effected or to be effected by the Company on behalf of the Customer on the HKFE or any Foreign Futures Exchanges and shall be deemed to be incorporated in each Contract, whether oral or written, entered into between the Company and the Customer. Any other terms and conditions proposed or referred to by the Customer in writing or otherwise (whether express, implied or imported by custom or course of dealing), or upon which the Company and the Customer may previously have entered into Contracts, are hereby excluded.
2.2 All Contracts made on the HKFE and all transactions between the Company and the Customer shall be binding on the parties and shall be subject to, and in accordance with, the procedures of the HKFE, the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the HKFE and the Rules.
2.3 Foreign Transactions shall be subject to the rules of the relevant markets or Foreign Futures Exchanges. The Customer may have varying levels and types of protection in relation to transactions on different markets and exchanges.
Scope of Terms and Conditions. A In these Terms and Conditions, “Extra High Speed Data Service (DHSD)” means the utilization, on an advance schedule basis, of the Inmarsat space segment for extra high speed data communications, including compressed video television, through an Inmarsat operational satellite in a designated ocean region, in the mobile-to-land direction, between an Inmarsat-A Mobile Earth Station (MES) type-approved or case-approved for the purpose and a designated Land Earth Station (LES), as more particularly described in Annex A hereto. B This authorization made by the Company to the LESO (“the applicant”) for the utilization by the LES of the Inmarsat space segment for the DHSD service shall be subject to these Special Terms and Conditions, and to the Terms and Conditions for the Utilization by Land Earth Stations of the Company’s Space Segment, approved by the Company, as amended at any time or times by the Company, provided that in the event of any inconsistency these Special Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
Scope of Terms and Conditions. 1.1 For business relationships between the Ski & Snowboardschule Innsbruck GnbR (hereafter referred to as: Innsbruck Ski School) and those persons who use the services of the Innsbruck Ski School (hereinafter referred to as: Customer), these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as T&C) apply exclusively in the currently valid version. The valid version of the terms and conditions is based at the time of the relevant offer to the Customer. Insofar as terms referring to persons, these are only given in male or female form in these T&C however, they always apply to all genders equally.
1.2 Innsbruck Ski School provides Customers with services in the field of skiing and snow sports. This includes, in particular, services such as giving lessons to acquire skills and knowledge of alpine skiing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing (without guarantee of a specific training success) as well as guiding, accompanying on ski tours and toboggan trips. It also includes any childcare services and related services (e.g. care during lunch breaks in restaurants) as well as the rental of winter sports and trend sports equipment (skis, snowboards, boots, snowbikes, mini bobsleighs, winter clothing, etc.). These terms and conditions apply to all services of the Innsbruck Ski School in this context.
1.3 Provisions that differ from these T&C only apply if there is an expressly written agreement between the Innsbruck Ski School and the Customer. Conflicting terms and conditions of the Customer have no effect on the business relationships listed.
Scope of Terms and Conditions. 2.1 This Agreement shall apply to all Contracts which are effected or to be effected by PRU on behalf of the Client on the HKFE or any Foreign Futures Exchanges and shall be deemed to be incorporated in each Contract, whether oral or written, entered into between PRU and the Client. Any other terms and conditions proposed or referred to by the Client in writing or otherwise (whether express, implied or imported by custom or course of dealing), or upon which PRU and the Client may previously have entered into Contracts are hereby excluded.
2.2 All Contracts made on the HKFE and all transactions between PRU and the Client shall be binding on the parties and shall be subject to, and in accordance with, the procedures of the HKFE, the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the HKFE and the Rules.
Scope of Terms and Conditions. The Terms and Conditions of this Agreement are limited to those contained herein. By accepting delivery of the products, services or by engaging DASV to provide product(s) or perform any services, the Owner agrees to accept and be bound these Terms and Conditions.
Scope of Terms and Conditions. (A) These Special Provisions shall apply to the authorization between ViaSat, Inc. (together with its officers, directors, agents, and affiliates, "the Company") and the Satcom Direct customer for the service and/or operator of the Aircraft Earth Station ("AES") (collectively referred to herein as, "the AES operator") described in this Customer Service Agreement (CSA) with respect to the utilization of the YonderSM Mobile Broadband Service by the AES.
Scope of Terms and Conditions. (A) These Terms and Conditions shall apply to the authorisation between Inmarsat Limited (“the Lessor”), the Lessee and the Owner or Licensee of the Mobile Earth Station (“MES”) or Aero Earth Station (“AES”) (“the AES/MES Owner”) with respect to the utilisation of the Inmarsat space segment by the AES/MES.
(B) The Lessee shall ensure that any owner, operator or user of the AES/MES (“the AES/MES Operator”) is informed of and complies with these Terms and Conditions, as far as applicable, at all times.
Scope of Terms and Conditions. 2.1 These conditions govern Your relationship with Green World Group which may come into force through any registration or enrolment You commit to Green World Group.
2.2 Pursuant to above clause these Conditions shall set out the basic obligations of Green World Group and Your obligations and responsibilities which\includes but it’s not limited to fees and payments. However, further and more detailed information relating to Your obligations, Your and Green World Group relationship, Your conduct will be set out in details on relevant Policies.